Top of the Bottoms

Top of the Bottoms

[steph]: Oh my God,

[steph]: Forgot about that one

[roscoe]: It's the best part. It's

[steph]: Man.

[roscoe]: like it's totally unexpected. I love what. It's just
hard. left her at the end. Oh my God, what a great video. Welcome

[roscoe]: back. At least late. I mean as to Rosco, Joined by stuff,
the Fatalist, and Bener, the hockey historian, as we once used

[roscoe]: to introduce you, I think that was the first thing we
ever brought you on. as was beer, the hockey historian, So welcome.

[roscoe]: How's it going?

[steph]: S been

[biehner]: It's going

[steph]: so long.

[roscoe]: I just felt like reminising. You know, it's sorry.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: I should also add, I just came back from Boston pizza.
I had a couple of fish balls. I watched some of the game there.

[roscoe]: I thought this is the thing we were talking about this
before we came on. I don't know how, thinking back when my dad

[roscoe]: used to go to the bar to watch all these games that
he actually watched it, I guess because he was going alone like

[roscoe]: we didn't have cable when I was growing up, because
I didn't have it on our street until I was like in grade five,

[roscoe]: so we didn't have like leaves, T, V and stuff, So some
of these games were hard to Watch like now when I have to stream

[roscoe]: them. so my dad go to this bar down the street to watch
them, and now in my twenties I'm like, How the hell do you pay

[roscoe]: attention to the game like I don't know how you can
watch everything from the bar, but here we are, so I'm going

[roscoe]: to

[steph]: You

[roscoe]: handle a

[steph]: sit

[roscoe]: lot of that

[steph]: alone,

[roscoe]: off to you sitting alone helps. I guess

[steph]: you don't talk to anyone and you just stare at the T.
V and just glance at the bartender every time you need to refill.

[steph]: And the way she goes, I know when I'm in a bar, there's
no freaking way when you get talking, it's nearly impossible.

[roscoe]: When I couldn't believe, I'm not going to say which
Boston Piz. I went to M, but I have found since looking up, this

[roscoe]: is my second time going there. It does not have great
reviews. I normally like Boston pizza from my home town of Coburg,

[roscoe]: showed out the Boston piz. There is great. This one
Not so much. The first time we went, we got sat. I went with

[roscoe]: my girl friend. We got sat in a corner and it was pretty
late. Granted, but as soon as we sat down, it was like a weird

[roscoe]: section of the bar. I was Ike. They're going to forget
about is guaranteed forty five minutes. Finally, the hostess

[roscoe]: that saw us when we first came in like noticed us in
the back corner was like I had this look of like, Oh shit, and

[roscoe]: then immediately goes to the bar and somebody comes
over was like I I'm so sorry, so it wasn't great and this time

[roscoe]: the thing that I noticed all of their T vs are busted
like it looks like somebody has either thrown a drink at each

[roscoe]: one of them or they dropped Them on the way in, or they
just bought discount T vs in order to get twelve of them to fill

[roscoe]: the fire side, because one of them had such distorted
light and beer. I know you just muted. I'll let you get to the

[roscoe]: sports Net broadcast In a second, I thought it was just
the T vs on that, but

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: there was so much distortion to the color ad there as
like dark rings and stuff like I don't know how you call yourself

[roscoe]: a sports bar. and like there's a whole third of the
ice that was just dark like blacked out because their T vs are

[roscoe]: broken. Like This is a sad Boston piece. A living. Please
get your ship together. Send me

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: a dam, and I'll tell you which location it is

[steph]: Oh,

[biehner]: It is. It is also a sports bar in a town that has the
Senators as their home team.

[roscoe]: Fun. Fact, the fishbowl I was drinking on it was called
the senator. I felt a little awkward ordering it, but it did

[roscoe]: sound very good.

[biehner]: Sacrilege.

[roscoe]: I know I know, but the thisends weren't playing tonight
and be, I guess I'm alphabetically listening to things because

[roscoe]: I'm drunk and see it tasted good.

[steph]: Well, the only thing that's good at Boston pizza is probably
the alcohol, and I don't even think that's a real sports bar.

[steph]: Honestly,

[roscoe]: Okay.

[steph]: but

[roscoe]: Let me just

[steph]: come on,

[roscoe]: let me just defend B. P for a hot sec. The pizza

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: is pretty good. I got to say the piz, the cactus cup,
potatoes that dip, that spicy dip,

[biehner]: The tie cut. The tie bites are amazing,

[roscoe]: the tie, chicken bites, but so good.

[steph]: Maybe when I was a teen ager, now that I'm a full realized
adult that chain food is nice to me.

[roscoe]: It's not the best. but if I'm going home to Coburg,
where there are no good sports bars and like everything,

[steph]: Fine

[roscoe]: like the average age, there is senior, so there's no,
not much in terms of good restaurants because nobody has taste

[roscoe]: buds anymore, So B P is pretty much the only good thing
in town. That's the one exception. so

[steph]: Fair,

[roscoe]: I thought I d be decent here, but honestly it's pretty
bad like the chicken was under. not under cook. That it was like

[roscoe]: an edible, but at the point that it was supposed to
be crisp and it wasn't fries were cold. Not good. Gonna find

[roscoe]: somewhere new. I went with the gam, My little new auto,
a leaf gang that we've put together of work people,

[steph]: Nice.

[roscoe]: so Southey couldn't make it tonight, but hopefully next
time, so yea it was fun, but

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: leaves

[steph]: wow,

[roscoe]: me. Lee had a good time. I had a good time. B. P was
just a little Me, and with that start the show.

[roscoe]: Thank you, Mike Ross for that intro. If you are newer
here, that is, in fact, Mike Ross. thank you beer for hooking

[roscoe]: us up with that. It's been a while since we've talked
about this, but I think it's worth mentioning. we've got a lot

[roscoe]: of new listeners to the show. So the arena announce,
or Mike Ross was nice enough to record that for us, thanks to

[roscoe]: a donation from beer, so so thank you for that

[steph]: Fun fact, Mike Ross's three hundredth game he called
was on was last game. not tonight, but on Saturday night. So

[steph]: kudos to him, He dodd for a long time now and now, when
I'm inside the Scotia Bank arena, it's not the same unless you

[steph]: hear Mike Ross's voice.

[roscoe]: Congrats,

[steph]: O

[roscoe]: Mike.

[steph]: pool.

[roscoe]: It's funny because I grew up hearing Andy Frost as

[biehner]: Andy

[roscoe]: the

[biehner]: Frost,

[roscoe]: of Mongan lumber

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: king of the woods, but it was not that I. It's always
weird changing, you know, when you're used to somebody for so

[roscoe]: long, but Mike has just been so fantastic that it's
like it's just another great era. You know. It's handing the

[roscoe]: torch off. It's great. I love Mike. and it's been a
fun time, But real quick

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: step. You sent me a video. We got to show this because
what better way to start the game than this?

[roscoe]: Oh bones.

[steph]: Scro school.

[roscoe]: All right, So Joe Ballin, Bones, calling that one, Thank
you step for sending me that. I miss hearing Joe Belan do these

[roscoe]: games. Bene on that. Do you want to start before we
get to do it? Do you want to start with the sports night weirdness?

[biehner]: Unless it's just me, which is very, very possible.
Um, For some strange reason, every time sports Net is showing

[biehner]: the game something with, I don't. you're a video, guys
like Deal in the movies, and that you know now the terminology

[biehner]: better than me. I don't know if the saturation is off
or contrast or whatever. No matter what I do to the settings

[biehner]: on my T. v. that ice is so goddamn bright it makes
the leaf jerseys almost black. and it almost hurts Eyes to watch

[biehner]: it like when they zoom in, everything looks normal
and then everything else. My my son playing video games. Me watching

[biehner]: movies with the wife. Everything else is normal. It's
just the overhead play by play view on sports Net. It's absolutely

[biehner]: ridiculous.

[roscoe]: Yeah, it's not the first time I've noticed that I remember
there was something off with the white balance in another broadcast

[roscoe]: that Sports Net did, Where it. Just it seems like it's
you're right. It's somewhere between contrast and saturation,

[roscoe]: but like it's the. the. The fact that it's not differentiating
enough between. like the white of the Chicago jerseys, the white

[roscoe]: of the ice, the white of the boards. Like it's It's
reading. It all is the same tone and just blowing it out Because

[roscoe]: it can't. It thinks that there's a bunch of things competing
for the same space, so it's like Oh, we'll just brighten. this.

[biehner]: I bet you any money. it's to do with the fraging board

[roscoe]: It could be because they have to adjust to be able.
So here's a fun little thing that I learned from filming Christmas

[roscoe]: movies. Um, I don't know if you've ever noticed, but
sometimes when you hold your camera up to light that you'll see

[roscoe]: it flickering through the light, Because the uh, the
frame rate that the camera is shooting at is different than the

[roscoe]: frame rate of the hurts of the light. So there's certain
Christmas lights that we can't use because they don't Up properly

[roscoe]: on camera, like the flicker, even though to your eye
they're not, so they might have to adjust the frame rate that

[roscoe]: they're shooting to be able to not screw it, The board
adds, And that might be affecting how other things are showing

[roscoe]: up. I could be completely wrong. I'm not a camera person,
though I do work in film, but it could be.

[steph]: Yeah, I don't know. I honestly thought

[roscoe]: Oh

[steph]: I just had sensitive eyeballs because I had laser surgery,
so everything is super bright to me sometimes, but I don't know

[steph]: these ads and everything in between just makes it so
hard to watch. And then the cringe wore the panel after. Like

[steph]: tonight was exceptionally bad. I don't know why. Like
some nights it doesn't bother me, but tonight I just saw a bunch

[steph]: of complaints on Twit As well in videos of glitching
and like, How do you make it enjoyable? Especially if your teams

[steph]: losing at least leaves one. damn.

[roscoe]: Yeah, that's That's very strange, but on to better things
leaves opening the scoring nine seconds and William Neelander

[roscoe]: with a beauty right off the opening. Face off this.
I was looking at the men you looked up, And this is how I knew

[roscoe]: the game was started. Was seeing the play of this goal,
which I sure, I wasn't the only one beautiful one, and it wasn't

[roscoe]: a long lived lead. though, so I'm gonna have you guys.
I'm going to defer to you guys a lot

[biehner]: Oh,

[roscoe]: for this because like I said, I couldn't hear or see
a ton of the game. Though I watch Most of it. What the hell happened?

[roscoe]: There was a pass that should not have been made. Was
that yarn croke? Uh,

[steph]: Yeah, it looked good in the beginning. I mean, the puck
was being flipped to center ice and your croak was going for

[steph]: the puck, And then Um makes a blind pass to Liligran.
That's near Sammy, and does not see Laferdy coming in whatsoever,

[steph]: Swoops in. And course there was just a really bad playmiss.

[biehner]: The bad part about that is you can't even give him
the benefit of the doubt and say it was a blind pass. He

[steph]: M.

[biehner]: legitimately was looking at Liligran and still sucked
it up.

[roscoe]: And I think it just comes down to as as many goals as
you can score. These are the things that. Yeah, you can out score

[roscoe]: this against Chicago. but these are the things that
you got to clean up as we're getting to the end of the season

[roscoe]: here. let's let's tighten up things that are really
really amateur like these in front of your net. Passes like guys.

[roscoe]: Let's let's shape up for the play off. Now you've got
a. This is the thing that worries me about these easy games for

[roscoe]: the leaf's end of the season is Yes, They had a tough
first half at first, three quarters, or two thirds, Whatever

[roscoe]: you want to call it, and they came out with more points
than you would expect them to. I don't like that they have an

[roscoe]: easy stretch before the play offs, because the leaves
tend to get a little

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: comfy against as teams, so unless they can prove that
they're going to bring it every night, which I mean tonight they

[roscoe]: did, But there's these little mistakes that they got
to clean up before we get out there. Because you can't do that

[roscoe]: against Tampa. You're gonna lose the entire game. Like
you. That's something that you can't get back as easy as you

[roscoe]: can hear, Where you can scour Another four goals. Because

[biehner]: They don't

[roscoe]: Peter

[biehner]: typically

[roscoe]: Merazi's

[biehner]: do that against

[roscoe]: in

[biehner]: the

[roscoe]: it.

[biehner]: good teams. Though

[roscoe]: That's why I worry that they're playing a bunch of bad
teams before they go to the playoffs Here.

[steph]: Yeah, and you know, after all star break kind of predicted,
leaves lose a couple. So gather all the points before heading

[steph]: into break. and by week, but hey, we got the two points
against Columbus, lost to An in the second half of the home at

[steph]: home. Tonight got the two points. I was more worried,
you know, finding out that Morazic is, you know, Nino nine, thirteen

[steph]: against Toronto Two O, eight goals against average, even
though he's a two and eight. It, just Like you said Johnny. It

[steph]: gives you those P. t, s. D moments. and um, yeah, obviously,
there's a couple of leaf killers on the team. some guys who've

[steph]: been traded in such, but tonight wasn't I don't know
the desert. The deserve O are the deserved to winnow meter. Oh

[steph]: my God,

[roscoe]: Mouthful,

[steph]: nine point seven percent for Chicago.

[roscoe]: O. I know Marty was tweeting out before. Like what does
a twenty dollar bet get me on Chicago winning eight. Nothing,

[roscoe]: and I think the best that you found was seven. Nothing.
And what did that return? Like thirty, nine hundred and eighty

[roscoe]: dollars or something?

[steph]: It was three grand, So yeah, you put down twenty books
and you get twenty nine eighty

[roscoe]: Oh

[steph]: back.

[roscoe]: twenty nine. It? Yeah, that's who. I mean, it's a bad
bet. But

[steph]: Yeah,

[biehner]: I decided to try the odds boost tonight for Matthews
and didn't quite get it.

[roscoe]: What did you miss by one shot? Oh

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: buddy, that sucks

[biehner]: Yeah, odds, Bush was two points and four shots.

[roscoe]: You like

[steph]: No.

[roscoe]: three. That's crazy. He's known for like six. That's
that stocks man. I'm sorry.

[biehner]: That's all good. I'm still too chicken chip to place
any big bet, so I didn't place too much

[roscoe]: M.

[biehner]: on it,

[roscoe]: hm,

[steph]: Another thing to note to was that you know Chicago played
last night and they got shut out for nothing against Montreal,

[steph]: so obviously facing Toronto, they're going to be hyped
up. Everyone loves to play the leaves, and it was only I found

[steph]: when leaves made those silly mistakes that Chicago was
able to capitalize. I mean yarncrogyou know, letting that Laferte

[steph]: goal go ahead, but the rest like even in the second period,
the cure of goal like it just happened so quick, And the leaf

[steph]: is pretty much dominated for the rest of the game. Um,
big difference is tonight, cur foot and yarn croak, swapping

[steph]: positions between the or the second and third line, Justin
Hall, being a healthy scratch for the first time this season

[steph]: being is so happy.

[roscoe]: Uh, uh,

[steph]: Yeah, Go is the only other guy on the team that has played
in all leaf games this season. Hall was the other

[roscoe]: Defense

[steph]: guy.

[roscoe]: men wise,

[steph]: Es.

[biehner]: Defense man. I was going to say Marner has,

[steph]: Yes, defender wise, and yeah, it's just I don't know.
Do we see his hall going by by or what? It's just been on my

[steph]: mind because I have this mental battle of He's going
to be a leaf forever. The management loves him, but Uh

[biehner]: Look at

[steph]: scratched.

[biehner]: the six defense men that were on the ice tonight and
look at the pairs they were in any one of those pairs I am comfortable

[biehner]: with. in any situation, Riley, Brodie, defensive and
sure, offensive and sure go Lily anywhere on the ice. At any

[biehner]: point in time, Sandman and Timmons, they got experience
in junior together and they've showed that they can play together

[biehner]: at this level too, And Timmons has been incredible
since he came in.

[roscoe]: Yeah, the only thing that I keep going back through
as much as we've talked about Justin Hall is the contract when

[roscoe]: he's playing well, looks good. It's when he plays bad
that it doesn't matter if we're paying him league men or eight

[roscoe]: million a year. It's just you can't have that happen
on the ice. So it's it's tough, because for I want to say, seventy

[roscoe]: five percent of the time for two million dollars. it's
a really good deal and I think I struggle between. Do you keep

[roscoe]: it For that and just bent him every now and then to
get into his head, because last season, those few games that

[roscoe]: they scratched him, he came back and was great, and
I'm hoping that the same thing happens here. The other side of

[roscoe]: it is, they could be protecting him to make sure he
doesn't get injured before trading him. So he has the upside,

[roscoe]: Because how, because of how great his contract is and
he's a right hand of defense man, he can play second pair. I

[roscoe]: want to say, I would now put him on the first bar anywhere.
He's second third pair defense man for two million marks.

[biehner]: I thought you were going to say he can play seconds
instead of he can play minutes.

[steph]: No.

[roscoe]: No, but

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's I think at two million bucks you could get value
for him. Still, I think people like there's still enough of an

[roscoe]: argument out there like people will still defend him,
And I think that means that there's enough g Ms that still see

[roscoe]: interest in him to like. I think that's enough to extrapolate.
I know it's silly to say that because people on twit or still

[roscoe]: defend him that teams are still interested, but I don't
know if anybody has an argument for it. It's not crazy to think

[roscoe]: that there is still an argument for him being good and
useful, so I think at two million bucks if somebody wants them,

[roscoe]: Because I agree with being all

[biehner]: Absolutely,

[roscoe]: those. All those pairs. Make sense. I know Chris early
and I got into this a little bit about. you know, Moving Hall

[roscoe]: in a deal for chicken, but you lose the depth, but I,
I don't see how like even the depth. After that you've got Um,

[roscoe]: Ben, and met whatever the hell is going on with him.
I think he might still be hurt, but we have'treally heard much

[roscoe]: about him And who else is down there Strum like. I mean,
Yeah, it

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: falls off pretty quick, but at least like Georgie Bend
is a good seventh defense men I have going into the playoffs.

[steph]: Speaking

[biehner]: Absolutely.

[steph]: of San Den, I saw Chris Hurley tweet today I shout out,

[biehner]: Yeah.

[steph]: I really appreciate your tweet. By the way they

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: sent me

[roscoe]: and by the way,

[steph]: to

[roscoe]: no

[steph]: day.

[roscoe]: hate

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: at all,

[steph]: my

[roscoe]: Chris

[steph]: god,

[roscoe]: all love.

[steph]: yeah, no, he said, If the opportunity pretty much was
there for chickering for Sanden, one for one, he would personally

[steph]: upgrade his plane ticket to first class. If that was
on the table, What do you guys think, one for one, Sanden chicken?

[roscoe]: Oh my

[steph]: You

[roscoe]: God,

[steph]: take that you take that all day long. This Sanden bias.
I don't know.

[roscoe]: I don't really even want to answer it, because I don't
think it's a plausible offer,

[biehner]: It's not like that wouldn't even get accepted in super
easy mode and then L. twenty three. Um, but it's

[steph]: Oh man,

[biehner]: for the leaf side. Yeah, you'd be stupid not to take
it as much as I love sand man. you would be. Um.

[steph]: Yeah,

[biehner]: I really don't want to see him move, because I do think
there's a lot of upside to him. But if you had to pick one of

[biehner]: Sandman or Lily to move, it would hundred percent be
sand man.

[roscoe]: So I think the conversation that I had with Chris started
on Packaging Hall for chicken, though, so I mean, like in the

[roscoe]: event that you're bringing chicken in, that's bumping
somebody like Timmons or whoever, like out as the seventh and

[roscoe]: then Ben becomes your eighth. So like? Really the depth
like I don't hate that at all.

[biehner]: Not if you're packaging hall. they're basically swapping
spots. one for one.

[roscoe]: Fair.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Yeah, you're right. Actually,

[steph]: But Sanine is proving a good case to stays up being his
offensive side. Especially tonight. I just want to see how many

[roscoe]: Well, sorry, no

[steph]: four.

[roscoe]: being, because Hall was scratched tonight and if you're
sending him out for checker and chick would chicken wouldn't

[roscoe]: be the scratch. it would be Timmons. So you're bumping
Timmons out of the line up. So then Timmans

[biehner]: You have

[roscoe]: becomes

[biehner]: a time.

[roscoe]: your seventh and Ben becomes your eighth.

[biehner]: Timmons was coming in and out all season anyways. Right
since we've got him.

[roscoe]: But that's what I mean is

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: you don't lose like right now. Like the If you are just
sending Hall out. Yes, I don't love that. If you're bringing

[roscoe]: a defense man in, then like your depth gets better like
there's no way that keeping hole makes your depth better. Sorry

[roscoe]: stuff. that's just I had to

[steph]: No worries, nor

[roscoe]: defend

[steph]: is

[roscoe]: my point.

[steph]: Sand and I love when a defender scores

[roscoe]: Hell, yeah,

[steph]: sanding tonight, fourth of the year, man, this face like
tonight, the first three goals for the leaves, even though one

[steph]: got called back was right off the face off. They weren't
fucking around, you know like it happened on that first shift.

[steph]: J. T wins the face off. Sanden steps up on the flank
and just takes the shot. He doesn't school around. It's right

[steph]: off Murphy. Stick everyone who's advocating for Conermerfry
to become a live here you go. Here's an apple for you. But because

[steph]: that helped us out

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: tonight right through the five hole for Sanden, Beauty
from Tavarsare, Sorry Sanden, I'm getting it all mixed up. now

[steph]: there's so much going on tonight. Oh man, but Marazic
completely fooled looking the opposite way. Nice,

[roscoe]: Well, I mean it's okay. it was great. This is the thing
that I struggled with against Chicago. Is any team that's trying

[roscoe]: this hard to lose Like I just come back to the fact
that we couldn't keep Maras as a back up goal on the contract

[roscoe]: that he was on. And they're like great. We'll have him
as our starter. Thanks. I'm like it's so hard to take any of

[roscoe]: this like great. You should score five goals against
this ship team they're trying to lose. But yeah, anyway,

[biehner]: The

[roscoe]: I'm trying not to be negative. It's just it's if this
wasn't the outcome, I'd be frustrated.

[biehner]: I know this isn't a ship on the Black Ox episode. But
like, even if you're if you're looking at the team and thinking

[biehner]: about doing a rebuild, why would you get rid of the
Brinketan dock?

[roscoe]: It doesn't make sense, other than they couldn't get
cane and tapes to leave, so they just got rid of their toys and

[roscoe]: said, Will you leave now? And that seems like a really,
really, really short sighted way to rebuild, But that's the only

[roscoe]: logic I can pull from it is these guys would not wave
and they're still not. They could have held on to those guys

[roscoe]: and would still be in the same spot where they're like.
We'll wait it out to the deadline.

[biehner]: But the thing I don't get is why, Why worry about it
like they're done after this year? Anyways? their contracts are

[biehner]: up after this year. Play it out for another year.

[roscoe]: I think they want to try to get like. I mean they're
rebuilding. They want to get something for it Is,

[steph]: Patrick Kane spoke to the media about it Today Actually
was mentioned. He was asked about First Kirby dog, And because

[steph]: they played Montreal last night and he straight up said
I'm not surprised he's doing so well. What is he? twenty? one,

[steph]: twenty, two. He was probably rushed into some things,
take time. He was rushed into the league and it's not the best

[steph]: for your development. Then he goes on to insinuate Dillenstrome.
Brandon Hegel, Alex. To bring it, it didn't make sense to not

[steph]: hold on to young talent in the state that the black Ox
are in. Like it just sounded like he's completely done. But like

[steph]: even the commentators were saying on the broadcast, Even
we knew before tonight the ball is in Patrick Kane's court. He

[steph]: kind of missed his shot with the Rangers. At his asking
price was too high. He has the hip injury, M thing that they're

[steph]: worried about. But is he really being super picky Like?
What is his price? I wonder, because it's all on him. He has

[steph]: the No move contract. They literally can't do anything
without his approval

[roscoe]: I think for him it's going to be about where he wants
to go, and if he wants to help the Black Hawks out at all right

[roscoe]: like he can try to choose something that gives them
a bit of a chance in the future to get some sort of return for

[roscoe]: him, or he can just say Fuck you guys. You've mistreated
all of us for too long. You are watching this rebuild. and like

[roscoe]: you said, trading away all these guys that could be
part of that, he can just say, Look, I'm gonna wait this out

[roscoe]: and sign wherever I want to, or you're going to trade
me here for what Ever they offer you. I don't care. They can

[roscoe]: give you a fifth for me. I'm going to. you know whatever.
L. A.

[steph]: Here.

[steph]: But tonight I got to say I was super impressed with Alex
Kerfoot playing on the second line. Um, his goal unfortunately

[steph]: gets called off by a coaches challenge offside, but this
pass by Marner, Oh my god, Kirfoot had no idea it was coming

[steph]: his way. He was completely stunned and Marner is just
putting on a gipsy doodle show and Irfoot's ready on the side.

[steph]: And he, just like Ohshitthi, scored like fit, Ten seconds
apart from the latest goal, so lives are hyped up. not even ten

[steph]: minutes into the first period. Fortunately gets called

[roscoe]: Yeah, So

[steph]: but down.

[roscoe]: that was one that? I mean, we noticed it was three one
and we're like Oh ship, like, Let's see this goal and then immediately

[roscoe]: it goes to the coaches challenge. So how offside was
this? Because it was again, you know, hard to tell.

[biehner]: The screen shot that they showed Cur Foot's blade was
just leaving the offensive zone edge of the blue line, as the

[biehner]: puck was starting to cross the neutral zone edge of
the blue line. So real time it looked close enough. but once

[biehner]: you saw that that still shot, there was no way,

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: Okay

[steph]: Yeah, it looked like a mile once you saw the pick and
you're like okay there. but

[roscoe]: And that's fine. I'm all for Like. If it's if it's obvious
in the Re play that's fine. I just I don't like when it's you

[roscoe]: know coming down to, we're looking at frame by frame,
Because then it's what are we doing here. So then Austin Matthews,

[roscoe]: Oh my God, dude didn't miss a beat at all, right back
to his disgusting self, throwing this one one time or back to

[roscoe]: three one again,

[biehner]: But he missed the net a couple of times.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Sorry bear,

[biehner]: Yeah,

[steph]: Yeah, way to go for Timmons to keep the puck alive along
the boards, And you know Sanden and Matthew is a little given

[steph]: go and knee lander, if nee lander, wasn't circling this
top point looking for Matthews, Matthews, literally wide open

[steph]: and Ov spot

[roscoe]: I was going to say

[steph]: the

[roscoe]: it's

[steph]: number

[roscoe]: an Ov

[steph]: one

[roscoe]: goal.

[steph]: spot, a sling shots that ship in man less than two minutes
in four goals. One called back no penalties. All of these goals

[steph]: happened at even Trent, So we were just pumping. We were
going wild at this point Like this is like beginner mill on n.

[steph]: h. L. it seemed for the leaf, in a sense for poor marazik.
Oh my God,

[roscoe]: Yeah, I said early on like, even though that go goal
got called back, it was going to be a rough night for him because

[roscoe]: I mean offside or not, doesn't change that he let the
goal in.

[steph]: Shots, eighteen, fourteen for coronal to Nd the first
period. Damn

[roscoe]: Holy shit, did not get to see that. That's an awful
lot of shots for Peter Mazeric over there.

[steph]: Pete

[biehner]: There

[steph]: Mazoric,

[biehner]: was just a lot of everything going on in the first.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Okay and then a whole lot of nothing. in the third,
I felt because I mean well, we were trying to tune in while we're

[roscoe]: you know, eating and drinking away. It felt like the
first two periods went really fast and the third period was like

[roscoe]: dragging forever. such as

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: me,

[steph]: yeah, and I unfortunately missed that first goal. I didn't
realize the period came back on so quickly about watching the

[steph]: Re. play there. Um leaves just little mess up, But they
had momentum going into the Chicago zone And then you know, Ne

[steph]: Lander gets trapped in the neutral zone Along the boards
the puck get gets loose. Mckabechips it to do my waves for Courshop,

[steph]: for the perfect one time, Er, T up straight in forty
seconds, Six seconds into the period.

[roscoe]: Assisted

[steph]: Oh my God,

[roscoe]: assisted by future Leafs Dome and Mccabe.

[steph]: Exactly what I was thinking Like this is the show these
people wanted to see. Here you go. bekaveuntil Me at work in

[steph]: Lafordi, In the first period. Nothing from Patrick Kane,
though I heard just from seeing a little bit of Black Hawk's

[steph]: twitter that tonight was one of the worst games he played
this season to a lot of Black Hawks fans

[roscoe]: Well, that's a shame,

[biehner]: He had a little break away that I think

[steph]: At

[biehner]: he

[steph]: the

[biehner]: ended

[steph]: end,

[biehner]: up getting a end up getting a back hand off. but he
didn't really have much else. other than that,

[roscoe]: So I hate to rush the game, but we have a lot to talk
about before we get out of here. So to Vera's and Timmans, both

[roscoe]: scoring to Vera's first twenty fourth Timmons, with
a second of the season, Timbitts, baby, I love this guy

[steph]: No,

[biehner]: What a shot to Matthew's dropping it back in. Nice,
one timer, going just just over the pad of mazeric.

[roscoe]: Petar Mazeric,

[steph]: Yeah, J. T. five hundred career points on home ice,

[roscoe]: Hell,

[steph]: Uh,

[roscoe]: yeah, buddy,

[steph]: Wow, and also William Neelander hitting thirty goals
First leave to hit thirty goals on the season

[roscoe]: At a bar

[steph]: known. Yeah, no one expected that Austin Matthews close
twenty six. Now J. T at twenty four,

[roscoe]: Man, they're all doing and this is what's great though
is like. Yes, it's nice when Matthews runs away with it, but

[roscoe]: the fact that they're all contributing and it doesn't
have to be him on the ice, especially this bit of time that he's

[roscoe]: been out, so it's gonna be a fun play

[biehner]: Oh,

[roscoe]: off.

[biehner]: but the leaves have no depth. It's all Matthews and

[roscoe]: Well,

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: we'll get to that because honestly,

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: the bottom six is hit and miss. We'll say

[steph]: Yeah, and Timmons takes an interference call and says
I'm so sorry, everyone. I really shouldn't have done that and

[steph]: big blast from the point scores, baby. this is what we
want to see. I love that all day long, Timmons, Who else with

[steph]: a big shot like trusted on power play to, why not take
that shot at even strength when you have the opportunity, especially

[steph]: fed by Matthews. Yes,

[roscoe]: Hell yeah, and this is worth pointing out. I think it
was Katie on last Twitter who found this and somehow nobody noticed

[roscoe]: this up until now, but with one more tonight, Mark,
er Dano, is seven blocks away from the all time n chel record

[roscoe]: that somehow stuck under everyone's noses until today.

[steph]: Right

[biehner]: With an ostrich, Because then they haven't always tracked

[roscoe]: When did they start tracking that?

[biehner]: That's actually a very good question. I'm going to
hazard a guess. it would be late nineties. I'm just trying to

[biehner]: actually pull it up here now.

[steph]: Being, Do you know who is leading the N. h, L blocks

[biehner]: Like active R all the time.

[steph]: All time? I guess since they started counting,

[biehner]: Um, Well, the first ones that would come into my head
would be what was his name for the stars? Was it Ludwig?

[steph]: Nope,

[biehner]: Well, that's that's the first one that comes into my
head. But he had a lot of games before they started tracking

[biehner]: it.

[steph]: Chris Russell, two thousand

[biehner]: Oh yeah,

[steph]: and forty four blocks and nine hundred and twelve games.
played our gos

[biehner]: So they

[steph]: at two thousand and thirty six and a thousand and seventy
eight, So not too many ahead.

[roscoe]: Um, they haven't.

[biehner]: That?

[roscoe]: They didn't start tracking them until two thousand,
five, two thousand and six.

[biehner]: I was

[steph]: Okay,

[biehner]: just going to say. They don't even list it as an official
stat on N h, l. dot com.

[roscoe]: Yeah, So it was after the lock. Are they started tracking
it? It was because it wasn't really a thing before, because the

[roscoe]: obstruction of shots was so much easier, so people started
blocking like it wasn't really. I don't think anybody would have

[roscoe]: come close to these numbers in the old days anyway.

[biehner]: Go watch some old Stars games with Ludwig. His shin
pads looked like one of his shin pads would probably pass as

[biehner]: a gole pad for today

[roscoe]: Oh my god,

[biehner]: because they were so wide.

[steph]: Wow, Wow,

[roscoe]: Yeah, I noticed that like three of the top eight people
are active players, so that kind of tells you they haven't been

[roscoe]: tracking it that long. I think the other ones were Mark
Edward Vilassic and Brent S Brook.

[biehner]: I,

[steph]: M.

[biehner]: I could see that,

[roscoe]: I think they were like

[steph]: I'd have to

[roscoe]: they were like four and seven or something like that.
I remember anyway. So some things to talk about. Lots of things

[roscoe]: have been going on. Where should we even start here?

[steph]: Questions.

[roscoe]: questions? Let's start with questions. That's a great

[roscoe]: So

[steph]: So yes, leaves win five. Two. Maybe

[roscoe]: Okay, So this,

[steph]: we only have a couple questions.

[roscoe]: this one from Chris Hurley, Hurley sports bottom six
of teams ahead of Toronto based on point percentage. Do we compete?

[roscoe]: So this was what I was alluding to before we've got
the bottom six of Was this Tampa, New Jersey, Carolina, and Boston,

[roscoe]: So we're goin to

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: compare these to the leaves and see how we Got you guys

[steph]: Yep,

[roscoe]: Okay, so first up, we got Tampa, third line of Nick
Paul, with Pat Maroon and Ross Colton, and then a fourth line

[roscoe]: of Pierre Edward Bell, Mar, Cory Perry and Ladislav
Mesnakov, What do we think there? What do we? What do? we rate

[roscoe]: them out of ten as a bottom six.

[biehner]: Are we going like history and reputation, or are we
going on how they're actually performing

[roscoe]: How

[biehner]: this

[roscoe]: they

[biehner]: year?

[roscoe]: will perform this year in the playoffs? What are you?
What are you expecting? Tenant of ten? Obviously being like your

[roscoe]: expectations of a third and fourth line, not like they're
going to be super stars, But you know, performing as a fantastic,

[roscoe]: shut down and secondary or tertiary scoring.

[biehner]: Um, tamp. I'd probably put that about. I'd probably
say seven or eight almost exclusively because of Brandon Haggle.

[biehner]: I really like that kid. I was really disappointed when
the Leafs couldn't get him.

[roscoe]: Well, Hegel's on the second line In this. Imagine

[biehner]: Oh,

[roscoe]: it,

[biehner]: he wasn't

[steph]: In the

[biehner]: down

[steph]: scenario

[biehner]: on the third story.

[roscoe]: Yeah, but I still would agree that I would give them
an eight just because Nick Paul has been a leaf killer. Russ

[roscoe]: Colton has proven himself to be a great depth scoring
option. You've got Cory Perry down there with the still effective

[roscoe]: and pain in the ass veteran presence. You know, Bell
Mar, kind of the same, and domesticov's dangerous down there.

[roscoe]: I think it's It's a pretty good bottom six.

[steph]: Their top six is Hegel, Point, Kuchrov, sorely stamcoskilorn.

[roscoe]: Yeah, they only want like Australia and color are good.
I'm just I think that's where it's They've kind of got their

[roscoe]: mids

[steph]: Who's

[roscoe]: there.

[steph]: injured, Sir Nack. Oh no forwards. So

[roscoe]: They've been petty

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: lucky

[biehner]: Sarelli

[roscoe]: this year.

[biehner]: just came back.

[roscoe]: Stuff. what do you think

[steph]: I,

[roscoe]: of ten?

[steph]: I honestly give them eight point five. I like this bottom
six. They have a touch of everything,

[roscoe]: Right?

[steph]: Nemesticov, you know, coming from even Detroit, and being
trusted as a top six winger. It didn't like it did work, but

[steph]: I'm surprised that he went back to Tampa and then be
Mar, and like Cory Perry, he's once Pon a time ago was very Great

[steph]: player in this league, Right and Nick Paul, leaf killer
Ross Colton, potential leaf killer, Pat Maroon already has a

[steph]: handful of rings.

[roscoe]: Yeah, No kidding.

[steph]: I don't know. It clicks for me. It's a good balance at
it. It lets the boomer shut up and there's a little skill as

[steph]: well. I think it works for this team.

[roscoe]: Next one up, New Jersey Devil's third line. Yes, per
Bod quis, Mercer, Thomas Tar, fourth line of Michael Mc Loud,

[roscoe]: Nathan Bastion and Miles Wood. So before we get into
this H. Thomas Tar has thirty points. Dawson Mercer has Wentynine

[roscoe]: points. Michael Mc Cloud has nineteen, and Miles Woods
seventeen, So their bottom six has been quite effective this

[roscoe]: year. Obviously, Thomas De Tar Wood, You know, he's
been a name in the league for a while, so that's kind of a cheat

[roscoe]: down there in their third line, but I mean Bokweston
Mercer. That line's been been pretty good to their fourth lines

[roscoe]: where it falls off. That's why I would probably knock
them down to like six and a half seven, but I think their third

[roscoe]: line is really good compared to most other teams.

[steph]: Yeah, Thomas Tatar, right, like this guy used to be on
P. P. One. If he's not still and playing in the top six. Oh,

[steph]: he is on P. P One. Right and I'm sure he's Yeah. He definitely
was traded to be in a Toxitopsix role and didn't work out that

[steph]: well, and sharing Govich kind of broke out with the team
last year, Umboquist, Mercer. I like this bottom six. Even Bastian,

[steph]: just a law, Rookies who have a lot of potential. Um,
and it's been working with this young team. Um. I agree with

[steph]: your statement, Though on the fourth line Mc Cloud, even
Miles Wood, this is the type of roster where they get juggled

[steph]: around a lot, so I think they're used to playing with
each other. That makes sense.

[roscoe]: Yeah, it's

[biehner]: They,

[roscoe]: not bad. It's just you know. it's not like Tampas

[biehner]: They have. Yeah, they have played a lot of games all
over the place and you're also missing the big point here is

[biehner]: they don't have their best player on that line up

[roscoe]: Fair

[steph]: Yeah, Jack hus

[biehner]: Because

[steph]: injured.

[biehner]: yeah, because

[steph]: so

[biehner]: hues is out right now,

[roscoe]: Starts playing

[steph]: Yeah,

[biehner]: So

[roscoe]: up the

[biehner]: I,

[roscoe]: next one here.

[biehner]: yeah, I would give them.

[biehner]: I don't know. Excuse me, five and a half or six. I
really like Mercer. Um, I really like Wood and the cloud, Boakfist

[biehner]: and Bastion. They can do their job yet again. There's
going to be some juggling around when Hues gets back and then

[biehner]: Tatar. Can he can find himself in a ice box real quick
for long stretches like Yes, he's a veteran. He's played a lot

[biehner]: of games, but he can go. He can go in the cool are
pretty good,

[roscoe]: That's a good point.

[steph]: Yeah, I would rate it lower than Tampa, of course, maybe
Six point five just because there's so much young talent and

[steph]: they're not proven. Um, you just don't know if they're
going to fumble, even though they've had a solid solid year.

[roscoe]: Okay, Fair enough, next up, we've got the Carolina Hurricanes
with Jordan Stallyesper, fast, Jordan Martin and Paul Stottsney,

[roscoe]: Derrick, step on and Stephan Nosin, So just because
I listed this point on the last one between Nosin, Martin and

[roscoe]: stall, twenty seven, twenty six and twenty six points,
and then Yesperfost with nineteen, Stephanos, Paul Stattsney

[roscoe]: with seventeen, and then step on Scott like eight bight.
I mean some crazy point production from. I mean Stephan Nosin,

[roscoe]: being their fourth line, left winger is the one, two,
three, four, fifth highest scoring person on the team.

[steph]: P. P. one. Yeah, they trust him on the first power play
unit and he stuck since October. Jordan's stall, always being

[steph]: that second or third line center. Honestly, this is probably
close to Tampa. For me, I think this bottom six works like Paul

[steph]: Stasney, Come on, this guy played top six minutes with
Winnipeg and now he's playing fourth line with Carolina on the

[steph]: stack team Like

[roscoe]: Stephan Nelson

[steph]: I

[roscoe]: has

[steph]: give

[roscoe]: the most

[steph]: them

[roscoe]: power play goals on the team.

[steph]: Yes, and he's a sneaky fantasy at anyone out there

[biehner]: Former

[steph]: and needing

[biehner]: Maple

[steph]: some games.

[biehner]: Leaf Stephan nose.

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: oh yeah.

[steph]: I give them a nine

[roscoe]: Really. what do you think, Ben?

[biehner]: I'm probably going eight and a half, but that's with
a little bit of an astric that they've got two, probably two

[biehner]: three cent centers on their third and fourth line,
and then they've got an a l r as their second line center.

[steph]: Cooking

[biehner]: Sorry,

[steph]: yam.

[biehner]: Yeah,

[steph]: I think he's been flipped a lot between the third and
second line, but they really want to keep him in the top six.

[steph]: Um, but Shesnikshevnikov hasn't had a super great. I
don't know. I feel like he's hasn't been living up to his potential

[steph]: like he's been hyped up to be, but I haven't been

[biehner]: He's

[steph]: following

[biehner]: a.

[steph]: the kins closely.

[biehner]: He's a great young power forward. But and I don't want
to rip on the whole time. But when you have when you're when

[biehner]: you have to do that much more because your center is
not carrying their weight. right. Um,

[steph]: Hm,

[biehner]: The thing about the cans is, and it's been this way
forever. Is you have a team that's coached by Rod Brantamore,

[biehner]: So everyone's going to be playing. Probably much better
than they should be. or they're supposed to be.

[roscoe]: Stephan Nose is on a league men contract this year and
next year. Fuck,

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: Uh, yeah, you know what.

[steph]: Hm,

[roscoe]: Now that I've heard your arguments and I mean between
your two, your third and fourth line centers are Jordan Stall

[roscoe]: and Paul Stane, Are you joking cheat codes man?

[steph]: Turbo also has been slacking this year. I think he's

[roscoe]: Oh yeah,

[steph]: at six coals so far or something like that. He's been
a little bit of a fantasy bust, but previous years he's been

[steph]: solid.

[roscoe]: It's got twenty

[steph]: He was

[roscoe]: assist.

[steph]: definitely

[roscoe]: though,

[steph]: one to look out for. Yeah, I just I don't know putting
up a lot of doughnuts across the step board in fantasy, so he

[steph]: hasn't been attractive for a categories league, but

[roscoe]: I mean, Brent

[steph]: he

[roscoe]: Burns

[steph]: once

[roscoe]: has eleven

[steph]: had.

[roscoe]: goals and he's only got six. That hurts.

[steph]: Yeah, he's been scoring more lately, but hey, Brent Burns,
on that first powerful unit, Bless the Sharks for Eric Carlson

[steph]: to have the year that he is having right now,

[roscoe]: Yeah, so honestly, I'm going to agree with you guys
somewhere between like eight and a half nine. I'm goin to say

[roscoe]: nine. You know what I agree with you. Stuff, the mental
leadership they've got there, the veteran presence plus the young

[roscoe]: stars plus just funk, dare step on even down there.
S like call him a veteran, Then we get into the Boston Bruins,

[roscoe]: third line. Charlie Goyle, Crag Smith, Nick Feline,
Oh my God, funny enough, Nick Falinio, who also came ove In the

[roscoe]: Stephnosan trade, will call it that the Leafs made,
And then a fourth

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: line of Trent, Frederick, Yacob, Loco and a J. Greer,
guys, Uh, this is the least impressive of the four.

[steph]: And this is the group that destroyed us last game in
Toronto. Boston Game. There, It wasn't any of the core players

[steph]: who scored. It was the bottom six. Oh, that was a tough
game to be at.

[roscoe]: The ones that you got to worry about. I mean, Dangle
says that all the time, Trent Frederick, as a Boston Bruin like

[roscoe]: from the womb, This guy was bred to be on this team.
He's a pain in the ass and is just a physical presence and a

[roscoe]: huge, huge center. That's annoying. Nick fully knew
being on the third line. That's annoying. Other than that, I

[roscoe]: mean, like Coil is good, but like Smith, loco and Greer,
like I know, A J. Greer had a good game against the leaps, but

[roscoe]: he also got rocked in his By Wayne Simmons, and I don't
know if he's going to be seeing straight for the rest of his

[roscoe]: life. After that. That was scary man. So honestly like
I don't. I'm less worried about Boston's bottom six than any

[roscoe]: of the other three. I give him like a. like a five.

[steph]: You know

[biehner]: That's

[steph]: Crags,

[biehner]: fair.

[steph]: sorry, Ben. go ahead,

[biehner]: No, no, it's all good.

[steph]: Uh, Crake Smith, you know, before they got Pavel Zack,
even Taylor Hall, he was trusted in a top top six position, rotated

[steph]: out of power, the first power play unit, and actually,
at one point was a sneaky fantasy pick. Before they acquired

[steph]: more depth on this team, It's nice to see him in the
bottom six. Kind of like how we hope maybe cur foot or even yarn

[steph]: Croke would work out in this scoring position. The Fourth
line. I don't even know enough to kind of judge them. Just not

[steph]: reputable. Um, I don't really have an opinion on those
guys, but even Nick Polina, leaving leaving Columbus, Was that

[steph]: the worst thing that's ever happened to him or the best
thing I don't know? right, Um, definitely lower end. I would

[steph]: give them Five. six. Okay, I'm being nice with a six.

[roscoe]: Yeah, I think I'm being a little harsh. giving them
a five just because of the play that they show it against the

[roscoe]: leaves like I know they're capable and H l players.
I just think as far as the ceiling goes, I don't think it's as

[roscoe]: high if they are all on their game as all the other
bottom sexes we've looked at.

[steph]: Yeah,

[biehner]: I would. I would put the Bruins bottom sex at power.
If not worse than the least bottom sex.

[roscoe]: Yeah, I'd say it's about par.

[steph]: I would argue that the leaves bottom six is better because
having David confess that fourth line center, a sorry third line

[steph]: center in Pontus Homburg, Like I don't know. I really
love Homburg guys, Um, even Joe Anderson. A couple two on ones

[steph]: today, Amburgh Anderson. they look like twins like I
can't tell them a part a part half of the time for some reason,

[steph]: but I love the energy that they bring. Obviously they're
not Ven in this type of sense of the Tampa Bay Lightnings bottom

[steph]: six right, We don't have a core Perry on our bottom six,
but it's working.

[roscoe]: Okay, so let's

[steph]: Is

[roscoe]: go

[steph]: it?

[roscoe]: to

[steph]: not?

[roscoe]: the. Let's go to the leaves. So our third line is some
combination of Camp Val and either yarn, Croker, Kerfoot, And

[roscoe]: then your fourth line is some combination of Homburg
Astonresimmons, Anderson, whoever, Um, I don't love it. Angvallhas

[roscoe]: been picking up finally, like you did last year. In
the back half of the season Camp is solid, but I mean like it's

[roscoe]: just hard to put David camp up against. like Jordan's
stall and Paul Statsney, You know, it's like he's not them. He's

[roscoe]: not a super star center That has all this experience
like he's good, and he's a great penalty killer and he's you

[roscoe]: know, he's the camp fire, but I just I don't think the
ceiling and the potential and the experience is as high as some

[roscoe]: of these other guys have had Zach Aston rise is kind
of a plug in my mind, Still And Homburg and Anderson. I don't

[roscoe]: like. I just I'm not sold on this bottom six. This is
where I think I really want dubs to spend money Like this is

[roscoe]: what I keep coming back, though, in my mind is I'll
go through like Yeah, like Tam o Mir would be great, but I don't

[roscoe]: think the top six needs as much help as the bottom six
does when it comes to these other teams like you. You're not

[roscoe]: playing you your top six against all four lines right,
like at some point these guys are going to be out there and if

[roscoe]: they're gonna be useless like I don't know, Matthew
Marner, Don't need help as much as you know. Anderson and Homburg

[roscoe]: need help against Feline or Statsney or Perry, Like
you know, this is what it's going to come down to. That's what

[roscoe]: is going a be winner. losing the playoffs.

[biehner]: What they need to do is they need to play their game
because the three names that you just listed can't skate anymore.

[biehner]: Like no offense to them, but they're well passed their
prime and none of them were great skaters to begin with, So I

[biehner]: know you, you were just picking names, but like Homburg
Anderson, they're young and they can move their feet. They need

[biehner]: to. If this is going to be our bottom sex the way it
is, they need to just move their feet and play their game. And

[biehner]: If you, If if Dubs did go out and get Meyer, well,
then he takes curfootspot on the second line. So then your third

[biehner]: line can be camp and kurfoot.

[roscoe]: But all these bottom sixes I was talking about, there
were guys that had like there were multiple teams where there

[roscoe]: were players in the twenty six, twenty seven point range
can re in Crocus, Twenty six curforas, twenty four, Angvall has

[roscoe]: nineteen, Camp seventeen, Homeburg, Thirteen, Aston,
rise through fifty one games has seven points and S minus five.

[roscoe]: Uh, I'm not sold on this bottom six like they haven't
been producing Like I get it. they're all solid players, but

[roscoe]: they're not Producing the same points like there's like
we don't have a step an nosin. we don't have a Dawson Mercer

[roscoe]: like there's no star that we're hiding down there, and
Pierre Angell is not that like the the depth guys, but there's

[roscoe]: no person that is going to be the future of the team
that we're able to throw down on the bottom because they're on

[roscoe]: a l. C. Like we don't have that in Nick Roberts, and
he's hurt. Maybe would pull up Matthew and I later. Maybe he

[roscoe]: gets shipped out of the deadline. I don't know, but
it's still a question.

[biehner]: Uh,

[steph]: What we do know is that Wain Simmons cleared wavers today,

[roscoe]: Hello man,

[steph]: So yea, we still have them. Dubs has that flexibility
through deadline to move him up and down through the line up

[steph]: to the marls Without you know having that cap hit and
yeah, just more flexibility. Who knows. I'm literally. My pop

[steph]: corn is expiring like we've been ready to hear it, and
the speculate And just gets to your mind after a while. And yeah,

[steph]: Justin whole scratch tonight does. Is that symbolizing
something? Is it just a penalty for playing like ship on Saturday

[steph]: or who knows

[roscoe]: Either one I'm happy with because I think he performs
well after he's healthy scratched. and if they're trading him,

[roscoe]: they're trading him because there is value in him. Still,
I think so, I think I know there is value in his contract being

[roscoe]: two million and right hand of defensement, and all that.
So either outcome, I'm kind of okay with That was a twenty something

[roscoe]: minute question. So there are a couple other things
I do want to touch on before we get out of here. Announced today,

[roscoe]: Diamond Sports Group, the subsidiary of Sinclair Broadcast
Group, which

[biehner]: Oh,

[roscoe]: You are unfamiliar, to sum it up real quick, if you
ave ever seen one of those montages of a bunch of local news

[roscoe]: casters saying the exact same thing because it sounds
like they're all reading a script Because they are. That is Sinclair

[roscoe]: Broadcast Group. They bought up a bunch of W, K, P,
X or W. X, r, C. Buffalo and Seattle, and all these local stations

[roscoe]: to push a bunch of their crazy narratives. They are
like, like if you Not to get political, but they are like a mile

[roscoe]: and a half further right than foxes, and they have been
disguising themselves as local news and just spewing their ship

[roscoe]: everywhere they.

[steph]: How?

[roscoe]: When Disney bought Fox, because Disney owns S. p. N.
they can't also own Fox Sports, so that was dissolved into a

[roscoe]: whole separate entity that Sinclair Broadcast Group
bought, and, in partnership with Bally Sports, Bolly Casinos,

[roscoe]: turned into the Bally Sports channels. What was formerly
Fox Sports in the States is now Bally Sports, So they have been

[roscoe]: broadcasting all the majors, whether it's M, l, b, n
b, a n h, L. And today they were do a hundred and forty or hundred

[roscoe]: and thirty hundred, forty million dollar interest payment
on their loan and they missed it, which is the first sign that

[roscoe]: a company is about to file for bankruptcy. So what that
means for the major sports world is that all of these games mid

[roscoe]: season are just going to be essentially up for grabs,
like they might have a have Auction between like n B C and an

[roscoe]: Amazon and everybody to see who's going to pick these
up Because this is mid season. They're all of a sudden going

[roscoe]: to have no broadcast or so. if anyone caught on Twitter,
there was an emergency Board of Governors meeting with the N.

[roscoe]: h L. today to try to figure out what to do about this.
Like these guys have stakes in in stadiums, they have stakes

[roscoe]: in in broadcasting Like it's It's huge. This is like.
If I know, it's tough to think about here because we only have

[roscoe]: sports net in t. s. n. but it's like if there was another
one All of a sudden, like it just disappeared one day, and Tsan

[roscoe]: sports and had to pick up all the slack for them, So
that's kind of what's what's going on there in a nutshell. It's

[roscoe]: crazy.

[biehner]: It definitely is, And you say T, s N sports, and picking
up slack for someone else, they can't even pick up their own

[biehner]: slack.

[roscoe]: I know it's It's impossible to make a comparison Because
like there are regional broadcasters there like depending on

[roscoe]: where you are you, you know eastern West Coast. You
might have a different broadcaster and you know Amazon and Apple

[roscoe]: and all these guys have broadcasting now, and I think
in Canada were just still so stuck in the you know late nineties

[roscoe]: are only two thousands where it's like you know there's
the sports networks and they hold all the rights. So that's it.

[roscoe]: And because Rogers spent, did you guys? do you Know
that Roger spent more money for ten years of the N h. L than

[roscoe]: Disney spent to buy all of Lucas Arts?

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: I think it was like nine or ten billion dollars Rogers
spent to get ten years of Hell broadcasting, and to buy all of

[roscoe]: Star Wars, all of Indiana Jones, Everything, Disney
spent seven billion.

[steph]: Wow,

[roscoe]: I think that's a really bad deal If you ask me for Rogers,
like I know, you get the broadcasting rights and it's like a

[roscoe]: thing that you can then sell off to C, B, C and n, t,
s. N. But like, I'm pretty sure, one Disney movie of Star Wars

[roscoe]: made more than that money back. Like, like just owning
the rights to all the like to sell the toys and ship like they

[roscoe]: made their money back tenfold. It's crazy step.

[steph]: That's crazy.

[roscoe]: You want to Switch gears over to Socker?

[steph]: Yeah, sorry, I don't know much about the Broad Road casting
world and T V writes and stuff. All I know is that I'm pitching

[steph]: and complaining when we can't get what we want to watch

[roscoe]: I was. actually, when we went to Boston pizza, we sat
down for a second. I was like, Wait, is the game even going to

[roscoe]: be on here? Like? Is it blacked out An auto? Can we
not watch it like? And that actually hit me for a second? Then

[roscoe]: what was crazy Was it was. The pre game was on the t,
s n t Vs. But then the game came on on the sports and that one

[roscoe]: and I was like. What's going on?

[steph]: Well, Yeah, so big things in the news that may be isn't
covered as you know, microscopically as you want. In this sense,

[steph]: because Canada Socker just announce that they made significant
cuts to the national team programs that includes men, women,

[steph]: youth, Um, all of the programs for twenty twenty three
M. This has led Two significant cuts towards the training camps.

[steph]: All the preparation that the women's team is preparing
for. They qualified last year to go to the World Cup, pretty

[steph]: much the biggest tournament of their lives thus far.
With less than six months notice that they will not get a training

[steph]: camp. They will not get a home game. They will have to
count how many staff members participate in all of these, And

[steph]: just crazy craziness. So pretty much Christine Saint
Clair and team, If anyone forgets who Christine Saint Clair is,

[steph]: she is the world's old time leader for international
goal scored for men, in or women, with a hundred and ninety goals

[steph]: so far, so every time you see those little mems and such
a Rinaldo, and all these male players, people forget Christine

[steph]: Saint Clair holds these records. but since she's a woman,
it doesn't Publicized as much. But anyways, the team has stood

[steph]: together to take a stand and declared that they were
striking. Um. They're like this is very unfair. Um. Pretty much

[steph]: Um. citing that if they want to be treated as world class
athletes with all of these high expectations, but the platform

[steph]: isn't given to them. The equity that they promote isn't
being up to Par hasn't been met. And then they put on the stand

[steph]: right and thought it's going to be this big thing. Kind
of felt like this was their last resort. Important to note, they

[steph]: have not been paid for their twenty twenty two work at
all. So far, Canada, Socker actually just released a statement

[steph]: saying that they've paid one point seven mill. Who knows
if it's the transaction has happened yet, But even that, one

[steph]: point seven million dollars for all of the team and the
staff Has to be split up anyways.

[roscoe]: What I find?

[steph]: Canada sucker,

[roscoe]: what I find

[steph]: go ahead,

[roscoe]: crazy is that it seems like just my uneducated guest
that they blew a ton of money to get the guys to the World Cup,

[roscoe]: and then when we did not budget properly, when that
is crazy, Because the men have been to the World Cup, Who, twice

[roscoe]: and the women have been. They have only not qualified
the first time in nineteen, ninety one. They have been ninety

[roscoe]: five, ninety nine, o, three, o, seven, And uh, two thousand,
eleven, fifteen and nineteen, and now twenty three. So it seems

[roscoe]: like, And this is just me. They should be getting more
of the money because they have a shot.

[biehner]: They won the Olympic gold.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[biehner]: They,

[roscoe]: I'm just

[biehner]: they

[roscoe]: looking

[biehner]: have. Actually,

[roscoe]: at World Cup appearances

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: here. but like Yeah, Olympics

[biehner]: but like

[roscoe]: aside,

[biehner]: they have actually accomplished something. No offense
to the men, but the women have actually accomplished something

[biehner]: and they're getting treated like dirt like the Canadian
Soo Federation blew a ton of money trying to get friendlies with

[biehner]: I ran in Panama last year, which didn't even end up
getting played And they're making all these cuts now and there's

[biehner]: not a current deal in place to talk about compensate,
And the women haven't been paid for last year yet Like it's It's

[biehner]: absolutely ridiculous.

[roscoe]: So I want

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: go ahead stuff.

[steph]: um, Just to speak of the men last year, the men like
you said being also went on strike ahead of the friendly match

[steph]: with Panama. over a dispute, players compensation, the
men's national team relaced this statement, saying that Canada

[steph]: succor has consistently refused, or blaney ignored our
players associations requests for access to his financial records,

[steph]: and they have demanded Explanation to what has happened
to the millions of dollars that they should be receiving each

[steph]: year from sponsors and other sources alone. So that was
already a thing in June. So what? the women? Now, they qualified

[steph]: for the World Cup, But men obviously didn't qualify last
year. Right? The women has this high high expectation. They strike.

[steph]: Canada, Sucker comes right back at them and says your
strike is completely unlawful. If you continue to do this and

[steph]: no Play the game against the U. S. on Thursday, we will
start a law suit and pretty much threatened if they do not return

[steph]: to work, Um, they would take legal action that will equal
millions of dollars and damages from their players association

[steph]: and from each player in the camp. So as a risk, like
these girls, they haven't been paid yet. they obviously are forced

[steph]: back into work. They have to say, Okay, You're literally
track. Ping us into this like there's no option. Do you give

[steph]: up your career Because you're pissed and there's obviously
inequality right now. There's no equity which this federation

[steph]: preaches Or do you do what they say and just hope for
the best?

[biehner]: Well, the federation has been so incredibly mismanaged
like in twenty eighteen they signed a deal with Canada or Canadian

[biehner]: socker business, And that's the group of owners who
own all the teams in the Canadian Premier League, which is like,

[biehner]: basically a step down from the M L. S. still very good
socker. But the twenty year deal that they signed signed away

[biehner]: all broadcast unit sponsorship money, in exchange for
a flat payment of three to four mil In a year,

[biehner]: All

[steph]: Wow,

[biehner]: broadcasting and sponsorship money. So now that there
is a women's team that is a gold medal winner at the Olympics

[biehner]: and potential World Cup winner, and you have the men's
team going to the World Cup. You have all the sponsorship money

[biehner]: coming in and they get none of it.

[steph]: Just bizarre.

[roscoe]: So I know I brought up Bill C Leven with regards to
Canada making broadcasting for sports accessible. You guys both

[roscoe]: take a drink as soon as I say Sal, I love that it's
like All right. I'm getting into a political rant Here. you guys

[roscoe]: are like, Oh God, I need a drink,

[steph]: Oh God, where's my babe?

[roscoe]: so I brought this up in regards to Canada, protecting
accessibility to viewing our national sport of Hawke, by not

[roscoe]: letting sports net in Bell block out games for different
regions. This is bigger than that. Some of the most unpopular

[roscoe]: branches of the Canadian government are Hawke, Canada,
Skate, Canada, Canadian sucker. Whatever there, the Canadian

[roscoe]: Soccer Federation and our basketball program. they are
some of as far as government branches that interact with civilians.

[roscoe]: The closest they are, so Of the least popular and least
trusted and worst managed government arms we have. our basketball

[roscoe]: team is borderline like, non competitive, like the amount
of people that we've contributed to, even the N B A over the

[roscoe]: last you know, thirty years is kind of embarrassing
for how much the U S has done right below us here. H, and the

[roscoe]: fact that we've let the States catch up to us so quickly
and hock, and just the scandals and everything that Come out

[roscoe]: around Hawke, Canada and I know some figure skaters
that are like Skate Canada is literally a joke. Like it's in

[roscoe]: the same vein of like the amount of controversy and
mismanagement. and and like it's it's just crazy that now it's

[roscoe]: it's into socker to that like, instead of trying to
okay, I don't know if you guys know and this goes to our listeners.

[roscoe]: Like how long it takes something to go through the Senate
and House of Commons in Canada, But the amount of discussion

[roscoe]: they've had around Bill C. eleven is unprecedented and
shout out to, There's a tuber who's covered a ton of this and

[roscoe]: has been called into Parliament, actually ran into him
here. not a whit when he was talking about J. J. Michel, out

[roscoe]: of Vancouver. This has been tabled off the top of my
head. I want to say, like thirty something times they've talked

[roscoe]: about this bill and they've brought in people. Both
sides have brought in people to argue it, And they're spending

[roscoe]: so much time and so much effort to try to figure out
how to regulate how videos show Up on line from Canadian creators.

[roscoe]: Meanwhile, all around this is all managed and I know
this sounds like a stretch to compare these things. but this

[roscoe]: is all managed by the same Heritage Canada branch. Like
the way that our government is structure is very strange, so

[roscoe]: the Canadian Heritage Committee handles everything from
sports to music to culture. Anything that is identified as Canadian

[roscoe]: culture they are in charge of, So this all falls under
them, and they are spending so much time worrying about the Internet

[roscoe]: And letting every single sport just go to ship around
them. And this is insane that it's we're supposed to be going

[roscoe]: to the world's stage with all these sports And it's
like we can have a couple of good teams here and there, but it's

[roscoe]: almost like luck at this point that these people are
are good because the programs aren't doing the many favors.

[steph]: Yeah, literally, the women are simply asking for this
federation to live up to their public commitment to gender equity,

[steph]: and for this national governing body to advance the sport,
not drag it down. so essentially we want to grow this in the

[steph]: sport in this country. Obviously having the men's team
participate in the World Cup. Look how much exposure that brought

[steph]: right, Like if the women were high lighted on the same,
Treated like world class as they deserve to be treated. I mean,

[steph]: we are so lucky to have a Canadian who is decorated world
class for as many goals, Christine Saint Clair, you know, countless

[steph]: medals, like I'd be here all day if I read her accomplishments
right. It's just bizarre to me and bizarre to them. And what

[steph]: else do they do? Right? Like striking is kind of like
your final straw,

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: Like just blow it up. Just have to. I don't know. Like
where are these records? Where where are all these? The sponsorship

[steph]: money going?

[roscoe]: All

[steph]: like,

[roscoe]: of these organizations need a leadership change and
on that

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: the last. the thing that I want to end with here is
it's kind of older news, but the n. h, l, p. A is set to announce

[roscoe]: their new director finally, after what seems like because
it has been a year search. So did you guys hear who they have

[roscoe]: selected?

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: This is kind of crazy beer. Do you see this one? So
the U S Secretary of Labor, Marti Walsh, So literally, somebody

[roscoe]: from Bidon's Cabinet, who is currently the sitting U
S Secretary of Labor, is leaving his post to come and be the

[roscoe]: director, executive director of the N. H. L. Players
Association. So this is

[steph]: What.

[roscoe]: kind of. it seems like a somebody over qualified, But
what's worth Is this person is not a lawyer and this is the first

[roscoe]: time that the director of the N. P. A is not somebody
with a legal background. This is somebody that is a politician

[roscoe]: who fights for labor rights. So this is from non legal
and more policy standpoint. This is going to be interesting because

[roscoe]: this is the person that has to negotiate with Garry
Bettman on a regular basis. This is someone whose life is law

[roscoe]: against someone Whose life is politics, and it's going
to be kind of a. I don't know how this is going A go, Because

[roscoe]: he's not going to be a lawyer. That's going to try to
outlawyer him, and Betman just gets to say I'm the better one,

[roscoe]: like they're going to play a completely different hand
against each other, and I'm interested to see where this goes

[roscoe]: for the next major negotiations.

[steph]: They probably already made a deal. That's why he got
in like scratching each other's back somehow. And and now he's

[steph]: in.

[roscoe]: Well, Betman can't have anything to do with it, And
he like all he said was you know. I'm all I can say is you know

[roscoe]: I work with whoever the players decide to pick, because
it's it's the person that's representing all the players right.

[roscoe]: So he, he has to stay out

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: of it, And it's supposed to be the person that's speaking
on their behalf when it comes to all these you know, labor, like

[roscoe]: when it came to negotiations about Scro for the covidpayments
and everything, and how the players are still sitting here with

[roscoe]: a frozen cap and still paying money back while the owners
are making exactly as Mac Money, not more actually more than

[roscoe]: they were before. So you know it's those kind of negotiations
that might go differently now that somebody else is in charge,

[roscoe]: and somebody that has been doing this from the White
House essentially is standing up to these different kinds of

[roscoe]: lawyers and union leaders, whatever it may be, to make
sure that workers are getting the best, so I think it's good,

[roscoe]: but again, he's not a lawyer, so I think that's even
strange to be the secretary of labor Without being a lawyer.

[roscoe]: But we'll see.

[steph]: Yeah, uh, weird thing that. I'm just crossing my mind.
I'm gonna think loud. I'm on the left n h site looking

[roscoe]: Hm.

[steph]: at the leader board and Jack Campbell appears with a
nine, twenty one safe percentage and seventeen wins. But the

[steph]: other starts are accurate right now. So or no, No, maybe
they're not.

[roscoe]: What are

[steph]: I

[roscoe]: you

[steph]: don't

[roscoe]: doing?

[steph]: know they are. Yeah, it's a current stots. I don't know.
it's weird current starts, but Jack Campbell's included

[roscoe]: Strange?

[steph]: baby. It's a sign

[roscoe]: Okay,

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: Well, since we're out of here, I'm going to take two
seconds to just tell everybody to yell at your M. P's about stopping

[roscoe]: bills. Eleven, It passed though the Senate two weeks
ago. This is the dumbest thing that government has tried to push

[roscoe]: through. Basically the too long didn't read of what
this means is how do I send this up quick. Basically it would

[roscoe]: implement an algorithm on the Internet in Canada to
push what the government deems as cana And content up higher

[roscoe]: above other things, and well on the surface. That sounds
like a great idea. Um, what it does with? I know I might have

[roscoe]: talked about this already, but what it does is the effect
that it has on music in Canada already where radio stations have

[roscoe]: to play a certamout of Canadian music Is. If you go
to the States, they go. Yeah, but they have to play you, so it

[roscoe]: de values it. So you are maybe boosting somebody for
the you know small audience that is in Canada, but you are hurting

[roscoe]: them being discovered on World stage Canadian utubers
posting content that doesn't get deemed Canadian content because

[roscoe]: they're not talking about something that's Canadian
enough for them. We'll get buried. So

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: you know the fact that we're talking about the leaves.
Yeah, that will get pushed. but say there's say we were podcast

[roscoe]: here that we're penguins fans that would get buried.
So it's It's not fair. It's not conducive to how the Internet

[roscoe]: works and nobody needs this. The government does not
need to step in and effect how People find things on the Internet.

[roscoe]: In Canada. they should have no effect on how things
show up and in search feeds. Nobody should I know there are things

[roscoe]: that affect that, but you know the government definitely
shouldn't be one of those things, So if you didn't know about

[roscoe]: this, it's something they're sneaking through a pass
through the Senate. It's now to the House of Commons, they've

[roscoe]: should tend of amendments on it, and today the Kabec
government unanimously voted against it, saying that this is

[roscoe]: stupid. They just basically not voted against it, but
saying like, Put something forward, saying that we are not okay

[roscoe]: with this, So It's been extremely controversial. Both
sides are are not really okay. I watched a bit of an argument

[roscoe]: on it where they brought different people in. Like I
said, There was a Canadian outuber, J. J, who was arguing for

[roscoe]: the conservative side the Liberals had in basically
just the c, b C, and some other broadcasters who obviously are

[roscoe]: biased and have no interest in what happens online.
They just want to have their stuff. Their shows presence on the

[roscoe]: Internet be pushed up. so yeah, Kind of not in any individual
person's interest. Yeah,

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: anyway, I'm just thrown down there because people in
Canada need to know that this is going on. So if you have any

[roscoe]: interest in how things like entertainment in culture
and politics work in Canada, speak out about this because it's

[roscoe]: stupid right and call your M. P and saying no, No, No

[steph]: Do that

[roscoe]: thanks.

[steph]: and support women's sports.

[roscoe]: Yeah, that too. always. When are we starting our women's
with a P. h. F. fantasy league?

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: I don't even know what their season time line is, so
I don't. Did they launch that

[steph]: I don't

[roscoe]: apple

[steph]: know.

[roscoe]: in the middle of the season?

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Yeah, that's tough. Okay, so maybe we'll

[steph]: I

[roscoe]: get

[steph]: don't

[roscoe]: into

[steph]: know.

[roscoe]: it for next year.

[steph]: Yeah, Yeah, next next season,

[roscoe]: Okay,

[steph]: that'd

[roscoe]: Well,

[steph]: be really fun.

[roscoe]: any hawke history or anything we wanted to touch on?

[biehner]: Nothing crazy unless you were, Unless you weren't watching
the broadcast They talked about it on on this state back in nineteen

[biehner]: twenty seven, Con Smith bought the maple leaves.

[roscoe]: Oh, wow, The one thing that I just kind of wanted to
briefly talk about. If we guys don't mind five minutes or less.

[roscoe]: Why, in a year where the Montreal Canadians have no
business winning, did they put all of their young stars in for

[roscoe]: them all to get hurt, Because now they are down off
field Slavkovsky, Jack and Guly. I know two of those guys are

[roscoe]: like twenty two, and you can't just keep them out. But
why A is this happening to them right now? Like the fact

[steph]: They're

[roscoe]: that Slevkosky,

[steph]: just getting crushed.

[roscoe]: The fact that Lefkofsky and gooliis there silly are
there is silly. But Jack, breaking his hand in a fight is doing

[roscoe]: nobody any good. Um, and Kofffield getting hurt like
funk man. This is not what they need when they're trying to get

[roscoe]: ready for the next couple of years.

[steph]: I think Jack. I caught a lot of attention. Started being
a banger in this league. I'm sure he came in hard, heavy hitter,

[steph]: just like his brother, who's in junior. Still. Um, but
he learned the hard way right. Think you can't punch your way

[steph]: out of every single problem Because this happens and
unfortunately, this game today is way too fast for that to be

[steph]: happening all the time, or else you just don't get to
play like the guy, don't You're wrong, love wife, I, for what

[steph]: I've seen so far, but it's going to be like you can get
more situation or something like. You don't want him hurt all

[steph]: of the time.

[roscoe]: I totally thought that they drafted. Pardon me, They
just drafted Jack, But they did not.

[roscoe]: He's

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: twenty two year old, who did not go in the twenty

[steph]: He

[roscoe]: or

[steph]: was

[roscoe]: twenty

[steph]: undrafted.

[roscoe]: one? Yeah, nineteen or twenty and twenty or twenty one
draft. He hadn't go ahead because they showed that thing. Wasn't

[roscoe]: it like when they picked Lavkofsky, He was like excited
because they played together. Wasn't it them? or was it him and

[roscoe]: Goole?

[steph]: No, it was another draft pick

[roscoe]: Oh

[biehner]: Um, yeah, it was the

[steph]: From this class.

[biehner]: younger kid, another Slovakian that Montreal picked,

[roscoe]: Gotcha. See.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: that's I had it in my head that it was Jack. So I've
always like all season. I've been like. Oh, yeah, he's new this

[roscoe]: year because nobody knew about him till this year.

[steph]: Jack does have an interesting story, though, Um, his
parents came as refugees from Corsovo and got him into and his

[steph]: brother were into Hawke immediately, But just his story
of turning pro and Um, he also had a second job. Was he the kid

[steph]: who had cost co hours right and

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: his manager had? No, I didn't believe that Hawke was
more important than

[roscoe]: Then casto.

[steph]: working at Casco, Right, And I didn't believe Hell pro
like at the level he was, But yeah, just a funny story. If anyone

[steph]: has time to look that up, he came from nothing and he
turned himself to something which I really appreciate just a

[steph]: type of story where he wasn't handed everything as a
child. It seems

[roscoe]: Those stories and sports always blow my mind because
sports are so expensive to get into and so many of them become

[roscoe]: family dynasties. Like you know, generations that have
access to scouts and to trainers and things. And then I know

[roscoe]: this is over to basketball, but you hear things like
um, An, as Ontentacumpo, who, like him and his brothers were

[roscoe]: like, are the streets of Athens, selling like you know,
watches, and cologne and stuff, and then get thrown onto some

[roscoe]: like high school team and then all of a sudden there
Like intent to compose the best player you know, like wood, top

[roscoe]: five, top three in the n. B A like it's crazy

[steph]: Wow,

[roscoe]: And these guys like Up until like we did the math, I
went on a school trip in two thousand eleven to Greece, and we

[roscoe]: figured that Ontenticobo was still then on the streets
like selling ship while I was in high school, and now he is in

[roscoe]: the N. B. A, and one of the best players

[steph]: Hitting super stars. You know that don't have access
to the means. I saw the Instagram reel of a father shooting beer

[steph]: bottle caps at his son know, hitting them with a baseball
bat. He was shooting them with a sling shot From. It seemed like

[steph]: so far like a mile away, that kid was hitting every single

[roscoe]: That's crazy,

[steph]: No problem. it was very impressive. It wasn't close at
all. either. yah,

[roscoe]: Have to alert the sling shot leagues.

[biehner]: Uh,

[steph]: Right,

[biehner]: uh,

[steph]: the Caps leagues remember

[roscoe]: Yeah, man,

[steph]: that game.

[roscoe]: but honestly, it's just it blows my mind that the circumstances
can even come together for somebody to get into. you know, finding

[roscoe]: a league to play and finding the next league up to play
and finding an agent. finding you know, like all these things

[roscoe]: that have to line up that basically get handed to you
if you have money or be, have the family in it. And see, I like

[roscoe]: listening things when I'm drunk alphabetically.

[steph]: Well beaters, like Go home, Johnny. You're drunk.

[roscoe]: Yeah, man,

[steph]: Time for bed.

[roscoe]: okay, guys, thank you all.

[biehner]: Uh.

[roscoe]: Follow us everywhere. join us on this cord. All that.
thanks for sending the message, Chris. That took us. I loved

[roscoe]: it. That's that's why I wanted to get through everything
because I knew we had to set some time at aside for that, so

[roscoe]: thank you, thank you, and we'll see Ou next time.

[steph]: I'm already.

[roscoe]: Uh?

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

Father - Husband - MechanicMaple Leafs Fanatic / Hockey HistorianCo-Host and contributor w/ The Leafs Late Night Podcast
Steph the Fanalyst ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ
Steph the Fanalyst ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ
Everything Leafs, fantasy, and NHL! Co-host of @LeafsLateNight, your #1 post-game podcast for breakdowns of the game and more! #Leafsforever ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ
Where it's Never Too Late for the Leafs๐Ÿ’™๐ŸคPresented by @inside_the_rink๐ŸŽ™๏ธRoscoe @FanalystSteph @Andrew_jds @biehn25 @dartybrodeur๐ŸŽ™๏ธOpinions are our own ๐Ÿ˜Ž