The Mighty RO'R

The Mighty RO'R

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: She's trying so

[roscoe]: oh, he

[steph]: hard.

[roscoe]: scores. Let's

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: go. So what that was was the brand new Toronto may believe,
Ryan Riley, spending his very last moments minutes hour, whatever

[roscoe]: it may be, as a Saint Louis blue blue, Saint Louis blue.
Is that the singular for being on that team? I never

[steph]: Just

[roscoe]: thought about that being a

[steph]: a

[roscoe]: blue.

[steph]: blue. Yeah,

[roscoe]: I guess yeah, because I mean it's like you're a lief.
You're a blue. so

[steph]: Unless

[roscoe]: okay,

[steph]: you have the blues

[roscoe]: Not any more. not when you'regeting out of Saint Louis,

[steph]: Right,

[roscoe]: he spends his last day with a kid from the wish foundation.
O Yo have the name stuff. Shut up.

[steph]: Yeah, Hank Walker made this wish back in twenty twenty
after being diagnosed with posterior, your three year old valves,

[steph]: something that led to a kidney transplant.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: And yeah, his wish came through his his Hawke hero. That's
what he wanted to play Hawke. with. His hero happened to be Rianalriley.

[steph]: And his last day is the blue. There she goes. one day
Contract so cute

[roscoe]: That's awesome. good for Ryan, And that's what we're
going to start with. Welcome to the Tono Mapelieves, Riano, Riley

[roscoe]: and Nolakari, Is it a car?

[steph]: Tari.

[roscoe]: A char?

[steph]: It's a C. H, because I think it's an Italian last name
that Double

[roscoe]: I was

[steph]: C

[roscoe]: going to say,

[steph]: makes it an Italian.

[roscoe]: it looks a talent. and

[steph]: A. Yeah,

[roscoe]: at,

[steph]: Yeah, but you know now, just this clip essentially sums
up the kind of guy that ran all. Riley is right, like he is an

[steph]: ultimate leader goes beyond to do things for the community.
I mean, he's one, a lady being, he's a Stanley Cup winner, Con

[steph]: Mith, Silky, one of the best two way forwards in the
league On the dot as well, come on, this is exactly what we needed.

[roscoe]: Yeah, I mean, we talked about this back. We pulled the
two episodes up. It was December fifteenth and twenty eighth.

[roscoe]: I believe are two episodes. They're marked in the description
of them as Rianelriley and Rianalriley again. So

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: we, we did talk quite a bit about this. I know there
were a lot of names floating around there, but finally we find

[roscoe]: out who Dubs has been sneaking around about. So the
leavsequire Ryan Riley and Knoll at are from in a three team

[roscoe]: trade With Saint Louis and Minnesota. Saint Louis receives
Michel Brama and Adam Godet, Terno's first round pick and twenty

[roscoe]: twenty three, and Autowa's third, and Terono's second
and twenty four, Minnesota, receiving Toronal's fourth, and with

[roscoe]: that fourth they get Josh Polar, and another twenty
five per cent or half of the half of Rianalriley's contract,

[roscoe]: because to sum it up real quick, every team can only
retain fifty percent of a contract, so Involving a third team,

[roscoe]: they got another team to take on fifty percent of the
fifty percent leaps, winding up with a twenty five percent retained,

[roscoe]: one point eight, seven, five cap hit captain.

[steph]: Ten,

[roscoe]: So lots of you know what the thing that I wanted to
say about this and I know I'm going to criticize it, even though

[roscoe]: it's a leap straight. All I can say is it's a good thing
the salary cap works

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Because

[steph]: If it's

[roscoe]: honestly

[steph]: in the least flavor, Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's

[steph]: go ahead,

[roscoe]: in the least favor. but like honestly, the leaps giving
up a fourth round pick is just because the salary cap exists

[roscoe]: like they don't care if they have to pay him one point,
eight, seven, five, or I mean, it's pre rated for whatever how

[roscoe]: many games we've played up to this point, But they don't
care if that's three point six or one point eight. The money

[roscoe]: means nothing to them. It's the cap hit that they have
to make work, So really they just lost a fourth round pick Because

[roscoe]: the salary cap when real. The point of the cap of having
them not spend the money was irrelevant here. so it's just another

[roscoe]: example of why the cap is stupid not to get into it
too much. But that's

[steph]: Uh,

[roscoe]: It's really dumb that the leaves lost the fourth round
pick just because of the stupid salary cat

[steph]: And Minnesota essentially bought straight up a fourth
rounder for twenty twenty four because they're like Okay, twenty

[steph]: five percent. I'll take that deal. Maybe it'll work out.
I don't know what was

[roscoe]: Twenty

[steph]: going through

[roscoe]: five.

[steph]: their minds out. Yeah, twenty five percent, sorry,

[roscoe]: No, it's twenty twenty five.

[steph]: twenty twenty five. Oh,

[roscoe]: Yeah, the

[steph]: there's

[roscoe]: fourth

[steph]: so

[roscoe]: rounders.

[steph]: many picks involved in this trade.

[roscoe]: Yeah, let me look at what they have left because that's
actually kind of. I didn't realize it was a twenty twenty five

[roscoe]: pick. Im gonnalokat the lead cap friendly. What do they
have left for picks? So

[steph]: Well, the first is gone.

[roscoe]: First is gone. They still have they have a conditional
third. Arizona has the option to exchange the twenty twenty five

[roscoe]: second round pick for Toronto's twenty twenty three
third round pick. so Arizona might steal that pick, but potentially

[roscoe]: the least have a third fifth and sixth this year, And
that's it next year. they have a first fourth, fifth, sixth,

[roscoe]: and two seventh, and then in twenty five they have a
first third fifth Seven, So they're missing a lot of picks in

[roscoe]: the next couple of years, but they still have their
first the next two years. They just do not have a second for

[roscoe]: the next three.

[steph]: I don't know about you, but do you risk it for a few?
You know for a winning time now because this core is ready now

[steph]: like it's supposed to happen years ago. But if it isn't
now when, because also do this is up. like do you give those

[steph]: picks up or save them and they could potentially be busts
right Like, even though it's a first round pick included in the

[steph]: trade, that person is probably not going to break the
N H to like twenty twenty s. In ish, it twenty twenty six, maybe

[steph]: earliest, and like do we have the time to wait that long?

[roscoe]: I, right now, I don't care about twenty, twenty six,
twenty seven. I know

[steph]: Exactly

[roscoe]: in twenty twenty six, twenty seven, I will care and
be like. I can't believe we traded whoever. a couple o years

[roscoe]: ago. We're going to know who this first round pick was.
I don't care right now. I really don't care. We have such a huge

[roscoe]: draft pool that's going to have us set for the next
couple of years. I'm not concerned about who the leaf's first

[roscoe]: round pick a couple of years down the line is If they're
tanking like say, none of this works out, and in a couple of

[roscoe]: years they decided to blow it up there To get all of
these picks back by getting rid of these guys, so I'm really

[roscoe]: not concerned about them not picking if things go south
as long as things are on the up and up. Spend it. I'm tired of

[roscoe]: sitting on these picks. Dubs has had his time to draft.
We have a massive pool of prospects that everybody is excited

[roscoe]: about. We're able to get Rianalriley without moving.
Really. Any of them. They got rid of Adam Godet, who barely even

[roscoe]: played. Barely crack the line up, and Mcelbramof, who
I was, kind of a middle of the pack prospect. As far as most

[roscoe]: people were concerned, it wasn't at the top of the list.

[steph]: Lower tier. in my opinion,

[roscoe]: yeah, I'm okay with this like a hundred percent and
that means that they still have prospects and players to move.

[roscoe]: They have their first from next year. I know it might
be crazy to spend two first in the same season, but I mean, look

[roscoe]: what Florida did. They don't have any, and I know it
didn't work out for them, but

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's not impossible for a g M to just go out and spend
the moon Because the leaves are still. I'm looking at it right

[roscoe]: now. I know it was about four and a change yesterday,
but I think with Samson off being hurt, and the emergency loans

[roscoe]: and everything there, sitting at three point six, seven
for deadline, and I mean if you can

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: pick up Riano Riley at one point eight, seven five,
three point six is so much for dues to play with. I don't think

[roscoe]: he's done. I know that we'll get into that because it's
been a lot of people's questions is whether he's done or not.

[roscoe]: I don't think he is because he has so much more to play
with and to spend, But I really like this trade. Let's get into

[roscoe]: what Ranald Riley does for the leaves and Nolakari,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: but I mean, tonight was obviously the first time we
got to see them play. I missed the game. I made plans long ago,

[roscoe]: not realizing any of this was going to happen. Actually,
let's start there. So step, you and I both did the same thing

[roscoe]: in postponing Valentine's Day till Friday night, thinking

[steph]: Hm,

[roscoe]: all clear, you know We're approaching deadline day,
but nothing happens late on a Friday night, Lo and behold

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: got home and had but a hundred and fifty notifications
from every single platform.

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: Ryanallritley. S, a leaf

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: That was a little

[steph]: Writ.

[roscoe]: bit of a shock. I got it about forty five to an hour
late and it was like I've since starting to cover the leaves

[roscoe]: as intently as we have. I haven't missed anything that
big by that long, and it's like it was really jarring. Oh,

[steph]: Yeah, I was in shock. First. you know, you have to check
if there's any. you have to check for authenticity of the post

[steph]: rights.

[roscoe]: That was my first thought. My first thought was people
started sharing this, But it's fake. I'm like

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: I'm not going to get excited about this until I know

[steph]: Yea, and I didn't want to get pumped

[roscoe]: Marty,

[steph]: and it's so

[roscoe]: looking

[steph]: easy

[roscoe]: at

[steph]: to

[roscoe]: you.

[steph]: get pumked. rightbiht.

[roscoe]: Marty, changing his picture and named Elliot Freedman,
leaves get

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Meyer, you Dick,

[steph]: I was pleasantly surprised even though we brought him
up several times and kind of leaned on the favor that maybe he

[steph]: won't be a good fit because we don't necessarily need
him on a third line, and we were thinking for his value because

[steph]: he carries a seven and a half mile cab hit that leaves
simply couldn't afford him and we weren't expecting this double

[steph]: retention plan happening and such,

[roscoe]: And if it was going to go that way, I thought it would
be so expensive that it wasn't going o be worth it. But with

[roscoe]: what end

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: that up spending on it, I think I think what we take
for maybe not take for granted, but we, maybe what we underestimate

[roscoe]: is though the Leafs are up against the wall constantly
when they're trying to make these trades, like the Saint Louis

[roscoe]: Blues are up against the wall trying to get rid of Ryan
Riley, like it's kind of the balls in their court right, like

[roscoe]: they have

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: to either move on from him Or just burn the season and
not get anything, So I mean, I'm sure people are low balling

[roscoe]: them because you know it's It's kind of on them to take
whatever trade happens, because they have to make the trade.

[roscoe]: The leaves don't have to acquire Ranald Riley. right,
they can go somewhere else, so I think In grabbing him before

[roscoe]: to mayor comes off the market, you really get to underpay
for him. I think that's why Ducis was able to get away with not

[roscoe]: giving up some of those prospects that were coming up
like knives, and And such like, I'm not saying, he didn't spend

[roscoe]: a ton like the first and second and third and fourth
are essentially gone now, but in

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: what he got for it, I think it was a very good value
trade, and yeah, I'm just going a say. it's because he was able

[roscoe]: to pull the trigger on this before some of the bigger
names like Team of Mir and Jacob Chickeren go. Because that's

[roscoe]: going to. really. You know, Once Mayer's gone, Saint
Louis is now going to have all the teams that missed out on him

[roscoe]: looking their way and started biting war between each
other. But at this And it's still you know, on the leaves to

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: make a good offer.

[steph]: that's exactly it for what you pay for Rana, Riley, You
take that all day long. When we were talking about it previously,

[steph]: it just seemed like it wouldn't work, but tonight we
saw Tavaris on the wing, Rianellriley, on P. P. To killing penalties,

[steph]: We also had no care in the mix, which is for me, the
ultimate cherry on top. And I know Benner has mentioned him several

[steph]: times on this Paul Last year. This year. Like this, this
guy is a type of player you need In your bottom six. He enters

[steph]: the leaves you know, leading in the Hid category category
immediately, M second behind Matthews in blocks, he's not afraid

[steph]: to shoot. I mean tonight he had five shots, five hits
with seventeen, thirty, right on the fourth line. This guy was

[steph]: a beast for me tonight. Especial Le. he played on a line
with Zach, Aston, Race and kerfoot. It's like it gave them a

[steph]: whole new life Zacastonras. I really was sad for you
missing this, Johnny, Because you've been saying how disappointed

[steph]: you. You have been in him recently, Right and

[roscoe]: I mean, not

[steph]: tonight

[roscoe]: disappointed,

[steph]: he was all over

[roscoe]: but

[steph]: the

[roscoe]: just

[steph]: play.

[roscoe]: like underwhelmed. I don't know. I haven't been like.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: he's a staple. He's got to be in the line up. like,
just not sold yet, but I'm glad he was playing

[steph]: So

[roscoe]: well

[steph]: the first yeah, first period three shots on net for are
like they had

[roscoe]: On.

[steph]: multiple opportunities to the point When we were in the
third period. They're at four. One might as well start playing

[steph]: the fourth line a bunch and evening out the time on ice,
because if you look at everyone's time on ice, it's literally

[steph]: fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seven teens across the board.
It's kind of. it's all all good.

[roscoe]: Yeah, and so really, just just getting into what Ryan
Riley does for this team. Is, I mean, we saw tonight that it

[roscoe]: allows the team to spread out more. It gives them the
depth We talked about the bottom six s last episode and how the

[roscoe]: leaves just didn't stack up and we needed that. this
is like the best possible thing you can add to your depth, right

[roscoe]: like just looking at what he brings. I mean through
sixty four play off games. Ryan Riley has fifty six points, twenty

[roscoe]: two goals and thirty four assist. That is Insane like
Yes, he has six hundred ninety one points through nine hundred

[roscoe]: seventy eight, play off or nine, seventy eight regular
season games. But it's his play off numbers that are like. he's

[roscoe]: almost the point of game. That's insanity,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: and Nolichari brings in fifty four games of play off
experience. Yeah, he's only got seven points through them, but

[roscoe]: he's been in the playoffs every year since twenty fifty
sixteen, and it's been with the ruins and the Panthers, so it's

[roscoe]: teams

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: that know what they're doing, their bringing Experen,
And so I'm just glad that it's impact for people and not. you

[roscoe]: know only the bottom of the barrel. You know what we
were able to scrounge? up. what was we could afford? You know

[roscoe]: it. It seems like they really spent on something that
was gonna make an impact And that's what I'm the most happy about.

[steph]: Yeah, collecting captains once again, but this

[roscoe]: Okay.

[steph]: time around I feel like this captain is obviously proven
he has that dog in him like this guy doesn't like to lose, as

[steph]: Marty pointed out tonight on Twitter, And these two players
understand the difficulty of the Atlantic division, Especially

[steph]: Norah Chary, Right, coming from the bruns, The Panthers,
like he obviously plays a certain style for a reason and he stuck

[steph]: to his guns in. This Is what Sheldon Keith. I'm sure
Dubs is preaching to him as well, you know, Like they were saying

[steph]: it on the broadcast tonight. It's clear he knows what
his role is and he does it so well And it's just so nice to add

[steph]: that fifty four per cent on the dot, he's averaging.
Ryan Riley is around the same Um, at the same pace, but that's

[steph]: one of his lowest years in his career. Usually he averages
near fifty, eight, fifty nine per cent On the thought, So for

[steph]: a puck possession based team, Oh my God, this team is
going to be on fire like no disrespect to Homeburg, like I've

[steph]: praise him, But at this time period time is now to tighten
all up. Get everyone familiar with one each other one another

[steph]: and no, no more loose ends.

[roscoe]: I'm just looking at Rinallriley's awards voting history.
He has been nominated for the Silk and Bing, So twenty ten, twenty

[roscoe]: eleven, Selki, twenty, eleven, twenty, twelve, Selkiandbing,
These are just like votes, Uh, twenty, twelve, twenty, thirteen,

[roscoe]: Silky thirteen, fourteen, Silky bing, fourteen, fifteen,
Selkibing fifteen, sixteen, Selkibingsixteen, Seventeen, Slkibing,

[roscoe]: Ten, eighteen, Sky bing, eighteen, Nineteen

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: being heart wins, The Silky wins The Smith, nineteen,
twenty, selkibing, twenty, twenty, twenty, One, Being heart sulky

[roscoe]: last year being sulky, This dude is nominated for it
every single year. That is insane.

[steph]: And

[roscoe]: Both of them.

[steph]: yeah, yeah, it's it's nice, right. It's so nice to be
able to have this conversation and not just have like an outlier

[steph]: year, or even though he started, he was drafted by, or
Colorado goes to a pretty poor Buffalo team, and at the time

[steph]: Colorado wasn't the greatest team, either, Those where
the dark years for them

[roscoe]: There's a reason

[steph]: and

[roscoe]: they

[steph]: he's

[roscoe]: have the players they have Now

[steph]: Yeah, it's true, Remarkable how his career has been formed
and the progress he's been through, and now he's a leaf. He can

[steph]: play his thousandth game as a corona. Make Lief if he
plays the next twenty two of the final twenty seven games remaining.

[roscoe]: That's wild. Oh my God, So

[steph]: Yeah, and sorry, this is such a random, random thought,
but I noticed when looking at the pictures today he rarely smiles

[steph]: in his pick like he did one draft day he did when he,
Yeah, he got signed and whatever, but today he had the biggest

[steph]: smile on his face for his team photo and it was so nice
because every other year he just looks like a scruffy miserable

[steph]: bear In sense, but yeah, He's hometown boy. Got asked
after the game tonight. You know, Did you ever see this coming,

[steph]: and he said No, like I dreamt of it, but I never thought
it would ever happen.

[roscoe]: He was a second round pick. I didn't know that.

[steph]: Yeah, thirty third overall. I believe.

[roscoe]: Yeah, Nolichari, undrafted, Wow, and

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: an

[steph]: he started

[roscoe]: l. C

[steph]: later.

[roscoe]: at twenty three. what?

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: what?

[steph]: I noticed that looking at his stat. like What the hell?
this guy is? Thirty one and his states only start at this period

[steph]: in time and I'm like, Oh my God, he's like another bunting.
In a sense.

[roscoe]: Yeah, he signed with the Bruins out of Providence College
and C double for a couple of years.

[steph]: Yeah, yeah, but I don't know. I'm excited and I honestly
thought Adam Godet was going to be next up, But obviously

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: things happened for a reason, and I was. I was happy
with the rotational Marney Marley. like bottom six going on,

[steph]: you know, like one day Joe Anderson, one day the next
guy. But if we have solid guys like this, then there's no more

[steph]: worrying in a cent. It's like you can always put in someone
else to give them a spark once in a while, or arrest if someone's

[steph]: injured. but

[roscoe]: Yeah, I think

[steph]: ye,

[roscoe]: it's more important to give the younger guys a chance.
Like when you've got at Im got. it's almost like he's taking

[roscoe]: up a spot on the Marley's top lines because he's going
to be obviously night and night out more consistent than some

[roscoe]: of the younger guys, but it's not giving them a chance
to really take on responsibility and be in those top rolls down

[roscoe]: there, so I think it's the obvious choice to move out.
The thing that I like about Riley is like going back to the silky

[roscoe]: and being thing like, Because he's a two way player.
It's somebody that fits into the leaf system that they've been

[roscoe]: trying to call Vat, which is responsible forwards, And
you know, playing a two hundred foot game. You know, we've seen

[roscoe]: it from Matthews and Marner and New Lander, And like
they've all been really improving on that end, Tovarus was already

[roscoe]: good at it, but I'm glad they found somebody that already
fits that instead of not that team O Myer doesn't, but it's just

[roscoe]: I feel like he's just kind of like a Koi Lenard where
it's like we're just bringing in somebody who's good at the game.

[roscoe]: I get it Koilenard won the championship for the Wraptors,
It's a bad comparison, but it's more. just like this guy's Really

[roscoe]: good. We're just going to bring in the guy that's really
good. This is somebody that

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: good and gills with the team. There's a the hometown
vibe and be, I'm drunk, so I'm listening things alphabetically

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: and see he.

[steph]: m,

[roscoe]: He's just he plays that full defensive game like it's
nice that the leaps have responsible forwards, especially with

[roscoe]: how much emphasis has been put on how un responsible,
Irresponsible. Some, some forwards on other teams, Vancouver

[roscoe]: are Edmonton in a peg. It's all Canadian teams. Wow,

[steph]: Uh,

[roscoe]: going back and playing defense.

[steph]: uh,

[roscoe]: So yeah,

[steph]: Yeah, I don't know. I'm happy. and today the lines like
the bottom six, you had zare char cur foot or sorry in Val camp

[steph]: yarn croak, and then Zare char cur foot. It felt like
it didn't feel like we had a fourth line. It kind of felt like

[steph]: we, Chris Hurley's idea of having like one a B and then
a three, a B. sort of line combination of because, our first

[steph]: two lines, Or let

[roscoe]: So

[steph]: to say

[roscoe]: obviously

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: I didn't get to see the game, So Riley wasn't the third
line center. They put him on the second line and bumped Varus

[roscoe]: o the wing,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: which is the thing that we all talked about and said
like, That's kind of crazy. What? in your opinion, Do you think

[roscoe]: that's the better move than spreading him out and putting
him to third line center with like curve, foot and Egvall.

[steph]: You know they did have their chances tonight. the first
period. I mean the first shift alone, Riley looked great. Had

[steph]: two chances. The thing was, J. T. it was clear that he's
not used to playing on the wing,

[roscoe]: No killing.

[steph]: and the only time that would really happen is like what
Team Canada games where you're playing with bunch of super stars

[steph]: out of position or something like that in All Star Game
or whatever, But he was a minus one. J. T. He had two shows,

[steph]: three hits, but I don't know. I saw a lot of complaints
online. I think it's still possible they can jail. I'm not against

[steph]: putting Um. Ryan on the third line either, I mean, Keith
said before the game, He has unlimited options now with the capability.

[roscoe]: Yeah, because just looking at the daily face off here.
So first power play, J. T Marner, knee lander, Riley, Matthew's

[roscoe]: second power play, Riley Bunting, yarn, croke, sand,
an liligran. That's disgusting. Like the fact that you can spread

[roscoe]: Riley out to your second power play center is crazy
like Well, also stacking

[steph]: Yep,

[roscoe]: the first line with Ford forward.

[steph]: Yeah, seriously, it was such a big improvement tonight,
especially starting some of the power or one of the power players,

[steph]: at least with the second unit, and you didn't feel like
you're kind of waiting for the core to come out and save the

[steph]: day, sort of thing, like they were firing on all cylinders,
and Um, Oh, Riley got his first apple tonight as a leaf and that

[steph]: was off a Michael Bunting goal and yarn crocuses, So
it's war King So far, I mean, obviously so much has happened

[steph]: in the last twenty four hours, and they had to fly today
and do everything right, but I think it gets better.

[roscoe]: Well, what I really like seeing here? It doesn't match
what the line combinations were supposed to be tonight, but the

[roscoe]: most time on ice for a penalty killing four word, because
Lolegran had the most team wide Nolichari over a minute tonight

[roscoe]: of short handed time, and Rina Riley with thirty seconds
of short handed time, so I'm glad that Keith is immediately trusting

[roscoe]: that these guys know what they're doing and putting
them into high responsibility positions and leading the It there.

[roscoe]: Because

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's a game against Montreal. You can kind of throw
everybody in and say great, How does this work Without easing

[roscoe]: everyone into it? Throw them into the fire. What happens?
You've got Riley leading your second power play and your second

[roscoe]: pony Kill, and your second line.

[steph]: Yeah, true leader through and through and a cherry is
the cherry on top here, I love it. I love it. There's more to

[steph]: come, I assume, but tonight it was great and I'm really
sad you missed it.

[roscoe]: Me too.

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: but

[steph]: my god,

[roscoe]: played some fun games. Did some board game night stuff
So you know

[steph]: Nice.

[roscoe]: it was a good time there.

[steph]: Yeah, fun fact.

[roscoe]: Go ahead,

[steph]: Oh, go ahead. go ahead.

[roscoe]: do

[steph]: I was

[roscoe]: it.

[steph]: going to talk more about Ryan Riley,

[roscoe]: No, from the

[steph]: if

[roscoe]: fact

[steph]: you want

[roscoe]: of it,

[steph]: to

[roscoe]: because I can't remember,

[steph]: Rianall.

[roscoe]: I was going to

[steph]: Riley.

[roscoe]: talk about the game we played, but I can't actually
remember the name of it.

[steph]: Oh, well, Riano, Riley, number ninety, first time in
life's history, number ninety, So that he's a little piece there,

[steph]: he'll forever hold with him. Also, he's a no visor player.
If anyone did not notice tonight,

[roscoe]: Interesting.

[steph]: there's only seven left in the N. h, L, and the leaves
have two of them.

[roscoe]: Wow,

[steph]: Can you

[roscoe]: that's

[steph]: guess

[roscoe]: fun.

[steph]: the other one?

[roscoe]: is it David Camp?

[steph]: No, it's

[roscoe]: Um,

[steph]: a grandfather, didn't thing, So

[roscoe]: Oh

[steph]: they've been around a little

[roscoe]: men,

[steph]: longer. right. No, Georgie, Ben,

[roscoe]: Georgie, Ben, there it is.

[steph]: Yeah, Yeah, and then Charles, number fifty two, who last
war, fifty two, Rosco

[roscoe]: Oh, when was it

[steph]: A while ago, we talk about him often, some sometimes,
but he hasn't played with the leaves for a good while. Now

[roscoe]: What era?

[steph]: it's like he never. It's like he never leaves. Just a
always a leaf

[roscoe]: What era?

[steph]: through and through Um, early Matthews days right before
Matthews, as well,

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: Kestel days.

[roscoe]: fifty two

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Defense

[steph]: You got this.

[roscoe]: man,

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: Um,

[steph]: Everyone's screaming at home right now.

[steph]: More ten

[roscoe]: Martin

[steph]: more

[roscoe]: Verencan,

[steph]: in.

[roscoe]: No way I was like.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: It's

[steph]: Mardi Marincin,

[roscoe]: I couldn't picture it, but yeah, that's yeah. the era
when I was actively not watching the leaves

[steph]: Yeah, exactly just getting scared

[roscoe]: We're trying

[steph]: even

[roscoe]: to

[steph]: more.

[roscoe]: lose this season. Great, call me when it's the draft.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: let me know who we get. I'm not not hurting myself all
year, but yeah, I don't know if you've played this game before.

[roscoe]: It's like, kind of like a combination of a bunch of
different games. But there's like a stack of cards and you, you

[roscoe]: draw a bunch of them and you have to. It's kind of like
the pyramid game and charades and taboo, but like you have to,

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: you have to get people to guess what word is on the
card. You can say like anything as part of the description that

[roscoe]: it gives you. But then the second round you have to
do it as charades, and the third round you have to do it is just

[roscoe]: one word, so it gets harder

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: and harder.

[steph]: I've

[roscoe]: That's

[steph]: probably

[roscoe]: fun. though,

[steph]: seen that game. I don't know, but we have a huge cabinet
of games. We always bring a ton of games to every game night

[steph]: Like we actually pack a miniature suit case when bringing
the games.

[roscoe]: Oh my gosh,

[steph]: Because there's just so many, but yeah,

[roscoe]: I.

[steph]: no, I

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: love

[roscoe]: was in

[steph]: game

[roscoe]: college

[steph]: nights.

[roscoe]: during the height of Cards against Humanity, so my mom
for a couple of years

[steph]: Nice.

[roscoe]: just was getting me like the expansion packs for it.
So I have, like the Trump and Hilary pack, the weed pack, the

[roscoe]: nineties, Astlgapack, the eighties,

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: Nestalgapack. Like so many of these different ones,
they're fun Is just I have a lot of cards for that game.

[steph]: You got to buy the hard cover, um, little case thing
to pack all your cards in.

[roscoe]: I have the bigger

[steph]: Then it

[roscoe]: blacker

[steph]: divides

[roscoe]: box.

[steph]: it. We can buy a case for all the games until they're
not all over

[roscoe]: Ho,

[steph]: the place. That's what we had to do because it was just
getting out of hand. so

[roscoe]: One?

[steph]: now we just you open up the case and there's like twenty
games you can pick from with no boxes. You

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: just

[roscoe]: that's

[steph]: grab it and

[roscoe]: cool.

[steph]: go.

[roscoe]: You'll have to send me that.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Do you know? But the big box for the Cards against Humanity

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: and the secret card,

[steph]: yeah, um, we usually play disturbed friends instead

[roscoe]: M

[steph]: of cards against humanity, because it's funny and I have,
like the Ex rated version of all the games,

[roscoe]: Nice.

[steph]: But anyway,

[roscoe]: Anyways.

[steph]: Leafs

[roscoe]: So what I think?

[steph]: leaves one.

[roscoe]: Yeah, leaps one Michael Bunting out of a great night
with two goals. Anything you want to chat as far as the goals

[roscoe]: go. Because I mean, we've got more to talk about as
far as trades and stuff go,

[steph]: I only want to say is that of course, Josh Anderson,

[roscoe]: Leah killer.

[steph]: leaf killer certified, Oh my God, thirteenth goal of
his career Against the reliefs. Of course, and yeah, this all

[steph]: starts in the second period. I mean the first period.
there were some great points. It just seemed like nothing was

[steph]: going in or they missed the ned or ding off the cross
bar. Right, But something super Funny. I just before I forget

[steph]: in warm up Riano, Riley is doing his pre game ritual
and then he showers himself with his bottle, which happens to

[steph]: have vial steel in it.

[roscoe]: Oh no,

[steph]: so he's covered in pink. Sit like. what the hell? looking
down at his hand like, Am I bleeding No wrong water bottle, but

[roscoe]: That's funny.

[steph]: couldn't read the label, so he had to shower himself
with the water and get on with his way. But that didn't This

[steph]: play because like I said earlier, the first shift was
buzzing, second shift. Buzzing Leafs were on their third line

[steph]: change and Hab still had their first line out. They just

[roscoe]: Oh my

[steph]: made their

[roscoe]: lord,

[steph]: change a minute and thirty in because the leaves just
hemmed them into the zone so much going on deflection ding like,

[steph]: Oh my God, shots, sixteen, thirteen to end the first

[roscoe]: And with that, let's start the show. I'm just kidding.
It's way too late to play the intro. I just realize we haven't

[roscoe]: done that yet and it's like half an hour and

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's like Aveyuever,

[steph]: I did

[roscoe]: seen those shows

[steph]: in the beginning.

[roscoe]: where the cold open plays out, And then the intro starts
and you have to like, literally check how long into the stream.

[roscoe]: This. it's like we're twelve minutes into the episode.
It is far

[steph]: Uh,

[roscoe]: beyond where you're allowed to play the Ntro. You missed
that opportunity. going town

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: through this. Don't through this. Anything passed

[steph]: Well,

[roscoe]: like three minutes. You missed your chance. It's the
worst for. I think it was how I met your moth. I noticed that

[roscoe]: the most what it would be like beyond a cold open. It's
like an entire scene plays out. They change locations that go

[roscoe]: back to the apartment and it's like Oh, first commercial
play break. So let's play the introit like No,

[steph]: Him and

[roscoe]: Then

[steph]: him

[roscoe]: now you can't do that. Play it at the beginning. then

[steph]: Well for any new new listeners, welcome back to life's
late night

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: presented by Inside the rank. This is Step, the fanalist.
I'm with Rosco, who forgot to click the button and now we're

[steph]: back to

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: the game.

[roscoe]: now we're back. Um, yeah, you can

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: you

[steph]: man,

[roscoe]: can finish up with a game. There's more like I said.
He's more trade stuff I want to talk about, but I missed this

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: so I'll get to see the debut of these guys tomorrow

[steph]: Yah leave second period. Oh my God, three goals from
the leaves, one from Josh Anderson, which honestly, Wall had

[steph]: no chance. It was deflected in front through traffic.
A point shot from Matheson Anderson, just got the dip and of

[steph]: course he certified. Just stamp it on his forehead, Certified
leaf killer. Boom,

[roscoe]: Sort

[steph]: and it's

[roscoe]: of,

[steph]: one. Nothing.

[roscoe]: I don't get it. It's so frustrating that somebody. uh,
yeah, I don't know. Don't get it. He has such a mediocre season,

[roscoe]: and like all of his goals coming against the leaves,
like he's paid five million dollars just to be good for a couple

[roscoe]: of games against Toronto.

[steph]: Okay, I saw a tweet, but I just got to check real quick.
Where is his name? Josh Anderson only has six assists this year,

[steph]: so he's played fifty three games. He has twenty one points
for fifteen goals and six asses. like come on,

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: Dan.

[roscoe]: know I can't. He's just not a play maker, and I get
not being a play maker and not collecting assist. But like how

[roscoe]: do you not get more than six secondary assist? Like
the amount of goals to Zookiin Field for scoring like he's just

[roscoe]: so far removed from anything going on there.

[steph]: Yeah, exactly. but the good thing about this second period
to the right after to answer to Josh Anderson. the Leafs convert

[steph]: on their first power play opportunity, which is always
a good sign. We want them to sink that ship real quick. Get the

[steph]: years a flowing and it happens to come off P. P. To so
Bunting gets the goal. Sanden dumps the puck before entering

[steph]: the zone and Matthews collects it around the boards.
cross crease, pass up and over, Ellen Older, because Bunting

[steph]: is right there down on one knee seventeenth goal this
season man, good news for bunting.

[roscoe]: I just got to shout out the habzonredit account on Twitter.
Our slash halves. Guess what they said about the game Tonight.

[steph]: Do we cheat it or something?

[roscoe]: Leaves are about to get their first win in three games
versus the hubs this season, and all it took was Monahan Goole,

[roscoe]: Galigerslavkovsky, Evans, Edmonson, Jack Koffield

[steph]: No

[roscoe]: and Dog to be out with injuries or sickness. Impressive,
very nice.

[steph]: Well, hubs have also allowed at least four goals in the
last seven of eleven games that they have played. They just lost

[steph]: the Carolina six two. And what the funks going on? Mardi
looks really pissed behind the bench. He looked mad the entire

[steph]: time and I don't know, man, it's a problem when your
newest people like your. Your prospects are coming in. Your.

[steph]: Your rookies are kind of carrying the game for you because
you have Harris, who just signed a deal. Um, they also had Peseta,

[steph]: who was also a beast every single game, but he's also
rookie. There was another guy on De, who actually tried to challenge

[steph]: Matthews after he dropped sazooki, but kind of accidentally
like Zook, just fell on his ass. So

[roscoe]: O,

[steph]: covicovsevic,

[roscoe]: Et Kovisevich,

[steph]: Ovis,

[roscoe]: and

[steph]: Covisevich,

[roscoe]: Baron, And what's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: this guy's name? Shone Shunaman

[steph]: She, she.

[roscoe]: Lone in Bell Zeal. Like the amount of people in this
game that I have never heard of that is so unfortunate for the

[roscoe]: Canadians. I know you're trying to lose. but like my
god, that sucks.

[steph]: Yeah, Matthews literally smiles him off of him

[roscoe]: Uh,

[steph]: when he tries to push him like, Yeah, okay, but like
who the fuck are you right?

[roscoe]: Yeah, I mean, even at thirty

[steph]: But

[roscoe]: shots, Montreal was reduced to like eight and nine in
the second and third period, so

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: forty one to three shots

[steph]: A good thing you're here tonight Because Pierre involved
shoots the puck. Ellen saves it. It sneaks

[roscoe]: M.

[steph]: through. Oh my God, you got to watch this replying. When
you get a chance, it literally drops between his legs and it

[steph]: trickles And he does like a back flip to check And it's
in and we're all shocked

[roscoe]: Oh, man, well,

[steph]: draft

[roscoe]: I've got.

[steph]: power.

[roscoe]: I tried to watch it, but there's an add so I'll catch
it in like

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: six, five, four, three, two, a couple of seconds. M.
So how did? obviously we had? We found out that the liosamazona

[roscoe]: Okay. Actually, here, I'm just gonna ach the goal first.
Okay, So but fighting in the corner because he's big, Chad and

[roscoe]: valve.

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: Oh my god, See, that's how I should be scoring. Slam
somebody in the corner. Give me the puck bigger than you and

[roscoe]: just

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: throw it on net like, just force your way through. I
don't care if that created a rebound or went in the net. That

[roscoe]: is exactly what Pieringball should be doing. I hope
he does more of it and I hope that's what Play off an Pierre

[steph]: Yep.

[roscoe]: Loff and Go Ngvall looks like.

[steph]: So no, no on on Twitter was

[roscoe]: Oh

[steph]: like,

[roscoe]: no, no,

[steph]: What is Pierre Ingvall going to bring to the playoffs
and immediately after Pier in Val, Scores? so

[roscoe]: What's that?

[steph]: we were saying that Yeah, he summoned the beast. The
beast was unleashed from involved tonight and it was always nice

[steph]: to see, especially when you have bunting bunting, Ingvalneelander
camp. All four lines worked

[roscoe]: That's

[steph]: off

[roscoe]: awesome

[steph]: Our lines. scored pretty much right.

[roscoe]: And that's what you want

[steph]: and

[roscoe]: out of a trade is like.

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: Especially if you're trying to bolster every body right
like, it's hard to bring two guys in to effect four lions. But

[roscoe]: that's really what tubes did, because you can spread

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: out and put them in the spots they are supposed to be,
instead of filling holes where you were lacking. And I think

[roscoe]: this was the best possible. you know. move with the
least spend. I did not think you get this much for that little

[roscoe]: out.

[steph]: Carrie could have had a couple tonight. That similar
play like Ingvall there, getting in front of the net. A chare

[steph]: was all over that tonight and throwing his body around
with five hits. Um, then David camp right third period goal.

[steph]: I know Knee landers scored before him, but it's always
just this cherry on top for me when David Camp scores first and

[steph]: twenty eight, so it's nice to see these types of guys
get activated again and put on a show, The new guys and say,

[steph]: listen, Okay, this is the type of play we're used to
and this is the expectation. Goals come from everywhere and we're

[steph]: going to continue that.

[roscoe]: Yeah, just to to end off our trade, talk here, especially
the Riley one. And then I want to talk about the goals. I posted

[roscoe]: a pole on Twitter yesterday right after the deal, saying,
Is this deal enough to do us an extension? and from just under

[roscoe]: two hundred votes, have you seen what the results are?

[steph]: No, Actually,

[roscoe]: It's stayed pretty much the same From about, I would
say just under a hundred here to just under two hundred, and

[roscoe]: it's sixty nine percent. Yes, beautiful trade, thirty
one per cent. No results or bust. So I mean it's not like it's

[roscoe]: completely one sided. I would say like seventy thirty
is still enough of the audience that not everyone is convinced

[roscoe]: that I would say. It's just like you know a couple of
people that are just being negative. Like it's a fair point that

[roscoe]: You know you can make this trade. But until something
happens and they're able to actually turn this into success,

[roscoe]: it's hard for that to mean something. but as far as
Dubishis extension goes, I mean the trade is all he can do. Like

[roscoe]: the actual bringing in of players is the only thing
he can effect like everything is in motion. As far as the decisions

[roscoe]: he's made, it's all on the players after that, so I
think it's hard to say that the results are on him. I think he

[roscoe]: has done with this trade, and probably And more enough
to show like he's worth keeping around like it's We're talking

[roscoe]: about extending somebody we're not talking about. like
you know, Are they the best ever? Is he the most fantastic

[steph]: Hm,

[roscoe]: g, M on the planet? I don't know. That's not what we're
talking about. Do I want him to keep being the gem of this team?

[roscoe]: Yes, because I don't think there's anybody better out
there right now For us that's available.

[steph]: Yeah, seriously, for the price, you can't turn it down.
And even tonight Riano, Riley was twelve out of fourteen on the

[steph]: dot.

[roscoe]: Oh, my gosh. what

[steph]: Yeah, yeah, no, no, was it was a little bit less. I think
he was four out of eleven, but honestly

[roscoe]: A little.

[steph]: he always worked. but he recovered, you know, and like,
he had a presence on the ice and He was noticeable. so

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: thirty

[roscoe]: mean.

[steph]: six percent on the dot, but I think that gets better
with time.

[roscoe]: Yeah, it's hard to be impactful and noticeable in your
first game and the fact that both of them were you know in such

[roscoe]: high responsibility roles, like I said, Cary was killing
penalties the most minutes of any forward on the penalty kill

[roscoe]: tonight Like they at least trust him. So that's something.

[steph]: Yeah, M. Joseph Wall getting his first win at the Scotia
Bank arena.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: so Sammy,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: with an illness, we find that out just before the game
starts, so nothing to be concerned about. I think

[steph]: Might be a bug. I think it's maybe like like the flue
or something,

[roscoe]: The bug forcing the ebag.

[steph]: Which Sarandour Discord pointed out that the leaves are
over the maximum amount of contracts, but it's listed and read

[steph]: because emergency call up. So there is chagrin baby Gol,
backing up, Joseph Wall, and the leaves obviously had to send

[steph]: down to, so the only two who were not who are waver exempt
are Pontus Homburg and Wade Simmons.

[roscoe]: Oh boy,

[steph]: So they go down to make space. We have to call up the
two goals. We have one on emergency loan basis, and here we are

[steph]: hoping that Sammy feels better soon so we can smile with

[roscoe]: They also moved Matt Murray to long term injured reserve,
So all I can take from this is they're just going to let him

[roscoe]: rest up to be their tandem slashed, probably the back
up heading into the playoffs, but I think it, just it allows

[roscoe]: him to get back on to a hundred per cent and for them
to make some moves here like it's It's gymnastics. It's dumb

[roscoe]: cap ship, and it's an injured goal, so it's a good combo
for them right now. I mean, I don't hate it. It's just silly.

[roscoe]: I'm just going to go back to how dumb the cap is that
they have to have somebody take a rest in order to make trades.

[roscoe]: It's like

[steph]: Yeah, do you wan to go to questions? We have

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: a couple

[roscoe]: I was

[steph]: here.

[roscoe]: just saying we're getting a bunch here like late, so
I'm glad we're We're like

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: getting to this. There's been a ton

[steph]: nice,

[roscoe]: of them. Come in while we're recording. like over the

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: half hour.

[steph]: Sheldon Keith, Also a hundred and fiftieth win

[roscoe]: Wow.

[steph]: as a head coach. Yeah,

[roscoe]: Uh. okay,

[steph]: but I just want to say one more thing before we get to
the questions because

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: just based off your pole there, I had a thought in mind
that I lost my thought, but it came back thirty

[roscoe]: Good,

[steph]: percent of people. right, um, I kind of don't blame them.
They want to see the result or bust, Because we were once in

[steph]: this position where we gave up a first. in Others, Nick
Felina comes in captain of the Columbus Bluejackets, Complete

[steph]: bust or well, he was injured and it just didn't work
out right like it. Just

[roscoe]: Was he the captain? Yeah,

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: he

[steph]: he

[roscoe]: was.

[steph]: was the captain.

[roscoe]: Holy,

[steph]: So and there was the whole historic thing with his father
being a former leaf and everyone was so piped. So do people stay

[steph]: on the hype train, which is you know, mentioned in one
of our questions. You might as well, Mike. Mike, the fanatic

[steph]: says, Are

[roscoe]: Happy

[steph]: us

[roscoe]: Birthday,

[steph]: life

[roscoe]: Mice

[steph]: fans happy belated birthday? Mike. Yes, Mysa. are us
Lise fans overhyping this team after the trade or does this team

[steph]: officially feel different? Realistically How far do each
of you think they can go this year? It's a fair question, right,

[steph]: Like are people overhyping it or what like? Is this another
captain to our collection? That's just gonna collect dust On

[steph]: the I R shelf, because he just came off if I, r, or will
he be impactful along with his fellow former blue.

[roscoe]: Like half of the league has been on this season. It's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: it's either like I said a cat maneuver or it's people
have just been getting hurt a lot. It's a physical game and they're

[roscoe]: giving guys a rest because I think it's becoming more
common place to just if guys aren't a hundred per cent. Instead

[roscoe]: of putting them out there and potentially hurting the
more, just throw them on. I call somebody up. You've got so many

[roscoe]: players and you're so restricted with how many you can
have up. It's almost an opportunity. It's a blessing and disguise

[roscoe]: kind of thing. Every Somebody gets hurt.

[steph]: Yeah, yeah,

[roscoe]: Uh, yeah,

[steph]: But

[roscoe]: where was

[steph]: for

[roscoe]: it

[steph]: the

[roscoe]: going?

[steph]: question, M overhyping this team after the trade. I mean,
we got to stay positive. There's so much to look forward to,

[steph]: especially with his cabinet of trophies and enlist nominations
for the trophies. right.

[roscoe]: I think overhype is the wrong word. I think it's just
people weren't expecting him to swing for the fence Is like.

[roscoe]: I know. it's been talked about like Freedman has been
saying. You know, Leave nation, like watch out. He's going to

[roscoe]: make a big move. There's going to be a block buster
here, but you know we just we never see it. It's always been

[roscoe]: like I said before the people that you're not expecting.
It's something out of left field. It's never the top names we

[roscoe]: talked about Riley being unaffordable. you know multiple
times, so I

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: think it's fair that people are shocked and excited
about this because it's not something he typically does, and

[roscoe]: that means that he has the confidence this year to spend
something that he wouldn't normally spend like. I mean, if he

[roscoe]: had the same confidence last year, we would have gotten
who was the big name at the deadline last year. That I'm forgetting

[roscoe]: it wasn't huge. Right

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: There was

[steph]: good

[roscoe]: somebody

[steph]: question.

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: There

[roscoe]: can't

[steph]: was

[roscoe]: remember,

[steph]: a lot the well last summer anyways, the big ones where
Hubert and cadre and Chuck, and, but for deadline

[roscoe]: Right Burns.

[steph]: purposes,

[roscoe]: And yeah,

[steph]: Um,

[roscoe]: I'm trying to remember

[steph]: you

[roscoe]: who

[steph]: know

[roscoe]: the big name was

[steph]: Colorado. Yeah, and like Tampa and Colorado acquired
bottom six players That really helped them send them over the

[steph]: edge and some, D, like Josh Manson, for example, For
For the Abs, and Um. who was it for

[roscoe]: Here.

[steph]: Tampa?

[roscoe]: I'm looking at dead line last year. When was it?

[roscoe]: It was like February, wasn't it?

[steph]: Yeah, it's

[roscoe]: Oh no,

[steph]: two weeks away. No, it's March March third,

[roscoe]: But when did they do it last year? It was late as March
twenty something. Yeah, here was like March twenty first last

[roscoe]: year,

[steph]: Okay,

[roscoe]: Max Dome, Victor Bras, Tyler, Mesnikof, Brasard,

[roscoe]: Andrew

[steph]: Mark

[roscoe]: Cop,

[steph]: Gerda,

[roscoe]: Andrew

[steph]: Andrew caught.

[roscoe]: Cop was

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: a big one, Riley Nash, Artery Luck, And so

[steph]: We

[roscoe]: it

[steph]: got

[roscoe]: wasn't

[steph]: a

[roscoe]: John. Yeah,

[steph]: licking

[roscoe]: it wasn't

[steph]: in.

[roscoe]: like. Yeah, capcackand, Mark Andre flurry, Brian, little.

[steph]: Oh yeah,

[roscoe]: so it

[steph]: flurry,

[roscoe]: was like it wasn't a big first line forward though,
so I think that's why this year it was like everybody was just

[roscoe]: expecting it to go somewhere else. You know, Boston
always gets the toys

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: they want. That's why we're allowed to be excited about
this. Yes, we

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: have to wait for the results. But as I said, this is
dubusis. Job is to you know, between now and March third, make

[roscoe]: the best moves he can, and it's up to the team to do
the rest and I think he's put them in a really good position

[roscoe]: to spread everybody out. Play the spot that they are
the best with the amount of responsibility they were comfortable

[roscoe]: with, and I think it's going to lead to great results
in the play off. So as far as how far I think they can go, Eastern

[roscoe]: conference final against the Rangers is gonna be really

[steph]: Yeah, honestly, does this team feel officially different?
It's too soon. I think it was super night seeing two elite lions

[steph]: just going out and no holes. I mean, we saw J T tonight
and it's not like he was horrible. He still did his job and everything

[steph]: was as great when leaves one. But give it at least ten
games right, Like just to jell with the boys, and maybe test

[steph]: Rianallriley on the third line center, just to see

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: or play around a little. And yeah, but obviously it does
feel different. I feel like Nick Felina was like a Ranallriley

[steph]: light in a sense, and this is like the real

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: deal this time right, like Nick Falino's worst game or
best game is probably Ryan's worst game in my opinion, so

[roscoe]: And and with what we

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: saw from Saint Louis last year, where what was it? Eight
or nine guys had over twenty goals. Like the potentials

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: there this year. They just can't find it and they're
falling apart, so I'm glad that we're getting him before. it's

[roscoe]: been too long removed from his good years. It's it's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: just been this season and honestly being hurt, I'd rather
be hurt than be with this garbage team for the last fifty games

[roscoe]: and all.

[steph]: He's not going to have any any goal swinging at him.
He's not going to any

[roscoe]: No,

[steph]: hot heads or anything, but realistically. Obviously,
I think the leaves can go all the way on paper. They are solid

[steph]: and on ice as well. It depends if they want to play the
right way that night right. but Atlantic

[roscoe]: I just think

[steph]: division is the hardest.

[roscoe]: yeah, I just think it's going to be once if they can
get past Tampa. Um. it's going to probably be Boston, and then

[roscoe]: Rangers would be the route

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: if I'm not mistaken. Um, and I think

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: that's going to be really, really, really, really hard.
Like Tampa is probably the most beatabule followed by Boston

[roscoe]: and then the Rangers, but they're pretty close there.
Like with the moves the Rangers have made to bring in Terrisanco,

[roscoe]: and the fact that they've got Casteran back there like
their defense is that little bit better. I just I'm scared of

[roscoe]: playing the Rangers now, man, it's crazy they

[steph]: Yeah, we

[roscoe]: able

[steph]: have

[roscoe]: to put

[steph]: Shastirkin,

[roscoe]: together

[steph]: Vasalevski All mark great.

[roscoe]: Old Mark is having a good season. He's not. I don't
know. Don't put

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: him.

[steph]: I mean

[roscoe]: It's crazy to

[steph]: it's

[roscoe]: put

[steph]: hard.

[roscoe]: him in a conversation with those two. but yeah, this
year has been insane for him.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Okay,

[steph]: but the

[roscoe]: other questions,

[steph]: next question N. so just going off Rianalriley, Mike,
D as now that he is a leaf. If he stays, What does his next contract

[steph]: look like?

[roscoe]: This is interesting because he's thirty two, so he's
not in like end of his career mode where he's going to sign for

[roscoe]: seven hundred and fifty k, or eight hundred, whatever
it is next year, but I do think there's a world where he takes

[roscoe]: a couple mill to stick around, because I mean at thirty
two he has had quite a few years of making between six and eight

[roscoe]: million a year. That maybe he would rather stay here,
especially if they find this success in the playoffs. Make it

[roscoe]: through a few

[steph]: Yeah?

[roscoe]: rounds. I could see him sticking around if it's a first
round of exit. I don't think there's any chance. But if he has

[roscoe]: a really good second half of the year here and they
go on a deep run, he could do it because he's not going to get

[roscoe]: that. I mean, you're really starting over again. If
you do that somewhere else. He's an Ontario guy. I think it's

[roscoe]: possible that they could work out of deal. It's just
a matter of, Does that then force your hand in a year or two

[roscoe]: with your new land Deal or your Matthew's deal. So I
don't want anything at's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: gonta hurt that, so I'd say the most you can give him
is like three million and you've got to get rid of somebody like

[roscoe]: like cur foot in order

[steph]: Her

[roscoe]: to

[steph]: foot,

[roscoe]: make it work Like if, if you're bringing a Riley into
replace Alex Currfoot a thousand per cent Because he's that,

[roscoe]: but better and more consistent.

[steph]: M, hm.

[roscoe]: I just, it's going to be on Riley whether he wants to
take that hit in his pocket to to stick around with the leaves,

[roscoe]: Kari,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: I think is the the more interesting one to resign, because
if he works, you can get him on Val, like Deal, and a couple

[roscoe]: of those guys are all running out this year, so it's
going to be kind of up to dubs who he wants to keep around for

[roscoe]: the bottom six.

[steph]: Too many clowns in the clown car. We did not give up
anyone yet beside some Marley's. So got to make the decision.

[steph]: The ability you know to play center was an attractive
aspect about cur foot or utility knife. Now we have a char who

[steph]: can play center as well as Ran Riley. So you got to you
kind of got a pick, because also on the P. Q, you, the leaves

[steph]: have marner in Val, camp r, r. a char yarn Croke Are
right and it's like you got to make the decision now, the hard

[steph]: decisions of who's staying and who's going, and as we
were speculating who's going to the leaves, I think we all agreed

[steph]: on it or hoped. anyways. I remember, I said I hope it's
a hometown boy so that they can take a discount because Kyle

[steph]: Dubs said he's only goin to go after people who are interested
in staying, And Riley already said Torone was on his short list

[steph]: Of teams he was interested in when he's going to test
free agency in the summer, so

[roscoe]: Okay,

[steph]: now he's getting a sneak peak. Yep, sneak peak early
and he has the option of staying or not and it has to be a good

[steph]: friendly team friendly deal. He has to have the dog in
him like bunting, who is also going to take a team friendly deal

[steph]: to play with his boys, and yeah, live at home, the dream,
the childhood dream, play your thousand games, Trying to make

[steph]: believe, retire as a leaf,

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: But

[roscoe]: like

[steph]: to

[roscoe]: it,

[steph]: do so, you have to meet us halfway,

[roscoe]: Please. The next

[steph]: Please.

[roscoe]: one

[steph]: please.

[roscoe]: comes from our very own Ja, Ben. Just in being

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: the banner, how will the other teams in the East match
up against the face off prowess of the leaves Now? So if you

[roscoe]: didn't catch on our last episode, we matched the Rangers,
the Devils and the Hurricanes, bottom stick up against the leaves.

[roscoe]: Sorry, the Bruins. Um, I think they, with the addition,
These two guys, like I was saying, it's it would be nice to add

[roscoe]: somebody to the top of six, but they really needed as
the bottom six. This somehow covers all of those bases with sending

[roscoe]: the least out the door, so I'm fine. I think they're
going to be more on par with Boston's bottom six where it normally

[roscoe]: feels like their bottom six s is kind of taking ours
out to lunch and it's kind of on the defense of the whole time.

[roscoe]: We're just trying to clear the pack. I feel We can actually
generate some offense now and get some scoring from the bottom

[roscoe]: six, which is something that other teams have over us.

[steph]: Yeah, and especially on the dot, we are already seventh
overall in the league. fifty two point three percent, But watch

[steph]: that number just go up,

[roscoe]: Oh hundred

[steph]: especially

[roscoe]: percent

[steph]: our power play. Last game. We were sitting at fourth.
We drop down to six again, twenty five percent. Now that we have

[steph]: Rinoriley on P. P. two, it's it's lethal. It's lethal.
You have bunting, being a little snaky snake in front of the

[steph]: goal. You have yarn crow You to shoot that at any point
San dine with a blast. Now you have Rianalriley and Ingvall.

[steph]: come on, bunch of shooters. so

[roscoe]: Bunch of shooters. M.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Next one comes from. Let's go to a blue and white Sapper.
Do you think the team was stoked about the new toys Dubus got

[roscoe]: them, or what? And do you think dubs s a couple more
up his sleeve? as we've said? I think he does just because he

[roscoe]: can. pardon me.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Do I think the team is excited about them. It's hard
not to be. I think adding Somebody that's a name like that, like

[roscoe]: Ranald Riley, that's a captain and somebody that all
of them have played a ton of games against. It's

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: hard not to be excited about that.

[steph]: Yeah, I believe Go said today. when asked his, his response
was that he was worried about who left the team. Honestly like

[steph]: he wasn't worried about who's coming. They're worried
about who's going, And that's the mind set of this team right

[steph]: there. They're all friends in the locker room, so obviously
they're super static. Even Go, said like, I'm just glad we didn't

[steph]: lose anyone at the end of the day, So Today is a good
day for the buds, because they're only adding at this point in

[steph]: time. in the future, tears may shed, especially if you
know Curve foot is out the door. For example, I think it's going

[steph]: to hurt for some, but it's the business and that's exactly
what they'll say. It's it's the business.

[roscoe]: Yep, next one comes from Ryan Williams, Ut. At what
is this? At one? seven o six, Ryan. So can we forget about the

[roscoe]: Columbus game and just called this one ball's first
game of the season? Yeah, what Columbus game?

[steph]: Yeah, a hat.

[roscoe]: We didn't even talk about

[steph]: next?

[roscoe]: it. Next.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Run it back for ever at Tmlfanand Van, K. Marty Zilstra,
is Rana Riley good at and I'm going to do it, Hawke in air quotes,

[steph]: What kind of hockey actually ran? Riley is. Um, I follow
the Saint Louis Blues on Instagram as well. They always post

[steph]: clips of him practicing. you know, using a ball against
the wall with his stick just fucking around. not even Figaro,

[steph]: just just playing around with his hand, eye coordination.
And he's really good at what he does using different types of

[steph]: weighted balls and and such like, kind of like what Goles
do. But he does it with the Ick, and of course he's good at hawke.

[steph]: Come on, even has a Hawke smile.

[roscoe]: So the answer yes, Rianall Riley is good at hockey.
Thank you for the question. Good one

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: next comes from Benito the Basset hound. What's it like
to have a five on three power play? I forget. Yeah, I didn't

[roscoe]: realize this until somebody pointed this out on Twitter.
Leaps have not had one, or they've had one.

[steph]: Yeah, so they've had zero so far this year, Whereas with
the Winnepeg Jets has has had three in their last game alone,

[steph]: the leaves have not been off on a five on three advantage
and they should have been so many times. So this is our tin foil

[steph]: hat growing once again and I am totally with you. Benito,

[roscoe]: That is

[steph]: the basket down.

[roscoe]: insane. he says, I forget. I'll stop now. had some whisky
and going to bed. Catch the show in the morning. you all rock

[roscoe]: you rock To be.

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: Also, Did

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: you see

[steph]: you rock.

[roscoe]: how Matt Austin was after dragging the pack out of the
corner with two abs on his back to pass to two back door Bill

[roscoe]: for the tap in? I don't think he realized they were
going to call a penalty.

[steph]: Yeah, man, this, this was a nice cool and William Ne
Lander tonight almost did the thing he did last game nine seconds

[steph]: into the peri. The first period, you know, wrap around
the to, and in his attempt didn't work because Allan squeezed.

[steph]: but this one man, I don't know how Matthews was able
to feed with all that traffic Cross crease did not miss man lander.

[steph]: Is he's evolved? Okay, They show this that tonight he's
averaging what? one point one, seven points a game, and Um, throughout

[steph]: his career, those numbers just steadily went up last
year. It was point nine. nine, damn William

[roscoe]: Last part

[steph]: Manlander,

[roscoe]: of Benito's question, can I get some dogs treats, or
can I get some treats? Or is he only dangle That does that? So

[roscoe]: does dangle give dog treats?

[steph]: Um, isn't that victory puppy thing in the beginning?
or does he give away? I don't know. I haven't watched one of

[steph]: those in a long time.

[roscoe]: We'll send you some treats. How about that? How about

[steph]: How about that? Send us your address?

[roscoe]: Send you one.

[steph]: Um, ah,

[roscoe]: That's all the questions I have.

[steph]: Um. I just want to say Mike. D had a fun question. What's
your favorite banker from Marti Zilstra?

[roscoe]: Oh, I've shouted it up before, but there is a song that
I've always finding myself going back to

[roscoe]: everything on Boom Chick is sweet if you're trying to
get into the game. But there's one from his older ones. Oh my

[roscoe]: gosh, it's from the dragon

[steph]: Wasn't

[roscoe]: in spider.

[steph]: it called music? There

[roscoe]: Now it's

[steph]: is

[roscoe]: called

[steph]: one called

[roscoe]: Moon

[steph]: Moon, Sorry

[roscoe]: From the dragon Fly

[steph]: or

[roscoe]: and

[steph]: there's

[roscoe]: the spider.

[steph]: one called. There's one called the music. That's really
cool. I enjoy. I totally agree with you there. The whole boom

[steph]: Chica album is awesome. Of course, Rattled the glass
is elite. Um, I don't know. I like all of his music. I'm very

[steph]: fortunate enough that where Marty sometimes sends me
music clips of songs that he's

[roscoe]: He

[steph]: creating.

[roscoe]: same.

[steph]: Yeah, and I really enjoy that. So thank you, Marty. I
appreciate that and check out his music, guys, Marti Zis,

[roscoe]: I like this one because it's spacy and like,

[steph]: It s a sweet sweet voice.

[roscoe]: Yeah, it reminds me of animal Collective, but it's better
than Animal Collective.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: So

[steph]: he's cool.

[roscoe]: anything you want to close out with? because I just
have one little quick thing.

[steph]: No, tomorrow. the game is at six p M, Eastern time for
anyone who is not aware, and we will be in Chicago.

[roscoe]: So

[steph]: So

[roscoe]: Monday's

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: family day

[steph]: But no good game. I'm glad we got the points against
the freakinghabs

[roscoe]: Thank

[steph]: but

[roscoe]: you.

[steph]: yeah, freak,

[roscoe]: Um, So I got Howlcorts Legacy to talk about this in
her last episode.

[steph]: You spoke about this. I don't know if we were recording
or not.

[roscoe]: Okay, sorry if I've talked about this already, but now
that I've put like twelve hours into this game, I have an honest

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: review of it. Find for like

[steph]: Okay,

[roscoe]: I like a week that's normal right so it's visually stunning.
The the actual landscapes and the buildings and the lighting

[roscoe]: and everything. I'm playing it on P. C, with a pretty
good graphic card, to be fair, but it looks really really good.

[roscoe]: The faces of people Likenpcs aren't great, but the actual
world looks gorgeous. Flying around on a broom is like

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: so cool. It's so satisfying to hop on your broom and
fly around and cast spells. And like the amount of spells you

[roscoe]: can get, it's just a very satisfying Hogwart's experience.
Like what you'd expect from being a wizard or which the side

[roscoe]: quests are fun? There's a lot of like stuff you can
do. There's a big world to explore If you're into the part World

[roscoe]: where I don't like the game is the actual

[steph]: Hm,

[roscoe]: and this sounds crazy, but like the story itself is
not that great, even though the game is really fun. Still like

[roscoe]: I'm going a finish it and I'm going to enjoy all of
it except for the few main story quest. like there's so many

[roscoe]: other things you can do and explore. But like the actual
things that they lead you down that they've written for this

[roscoe]: game, don't make a lot of sense. It's supposed to take
place a hundred years Or Harry Potter, And you're like

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: this kid who joins as a fifth year student who can see
ancient magic or something. Sorry, there's going to be spoilers

[roscoe]: If you want to get through the game. I'm trying a trying
not to spoil it too much. but like you can see ancient magic,

[roscoe]: which the like these old magicians like, left behind
clues and you're supposed to follow them to find this thing that

[roscoe]: they hid. and it's like Why is if this is a hundred
years before Harry, Or why does none of this come up through?

[roscoe]: Like the seven books. Like, like,

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: there's some things that they took liberties with, And
I get it, But like this just seemed like it was out of left field

[roscoe]: and they make its main character syndrome where you're
like, Oh, you're special and you can see things no one else can

[roscoe]: And you have to go on as a special journey. It's like
No, I just want to be a student. I just want to go to class and

[roscoe]: kin some spells. I do this.

[steph]: How is the sound track? Does it live up to the You know,
Harry Potter has a crazy sound track. They've done obviously

[steph]: crustrated Um concerts for it Now. Does this game have
similar sound tracks?

[roscoe]: Yeah, I mean you get the Head Wags theme like the John
Williams the

[roscoe]: like all the time

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: to the point where it's like a little repetitive. but
it was kind of the fact that I took note of the fact that you

[roscoe]: can recognize an entire franchise by a short little
melody that John Williams wrote, which is really cool and do

[roscoe]: that for you know, Star Wars and Et and Drastic Park,
and all these Ere

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: home alone, like everything that he composed for you
can literally recognize the entire franchise by by a short little

[roscoe]: melody.

[steph]: Nice.

[roscoe]: but the game. Yeah, the music is good. I like how it
kind of changes based on what you're doing and I don't know the

[roscoe]: fact that they built out the world around the school
like there's a bunch of little towns around like there's not

[roscoe]: just hogs me, there's little hamlets and stuff you can
go to, And I don't know. I like exploring and like doing fun

[roscoe]: stuff, Ning treasure and things, And I just don't like
being special. That makes sense. They just

[steph]: Well,

[roscoe]: made it seem like you were just like you got to go to
school and be a student at Howard and do unship. Because like,

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: sure, like I don't know, Harry. You supposed to be like
special in the sense that he's special because his parents like

[roscoe]: saved him and this guy wants to finish off what he started.
It's not like he was born with like a gift. The fact that you're

[roscoe]: like born with this thing and you're just like inherently
good at stuff.

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: That just I don't know. that just makes me feel like
I don't. It's hard to. I don't know. I guess games are a lot

[roscoe]: of bit immersion. and when you feel like you're starting
with a leg up on everybody and you have some some special task

[roscoe]: that like nobody else is a part of that like you have
to go do on your own. You can't talk to anybody about it. It's

[roscoe]: just it's not very relatable. I know being a wizard
isn't supposed to be, but they're supposed. You have to at least

[roscoe]: draw parallels from things to be like. You know, if
this was my

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: life and I was a wizard,

[steph]: Well, what I've been doing

[roscoe]: All that said, I gave

[steph]: is

[roscoe]: it like

[steph]: not

[roscoe]: a,

[steph]: that.

[roscoe]: seven and a half at a ten.

[steph]: There's a new show on Netflix called Perfect Match, which
is literally another reality T V show that I have a guilty Pleasure

[steph]: for And it has all previous cast members from other shows.
Sorry to change the topic on you,

[roscoe]: What.

[steph]: But like all of the contestants are either from Love
is blind, the mole to halt to handle, or something related like

[steph]: that,

[roscoe]: Oh my God,

[steph]: they're

[roscoe]: send

[steph]: all

[roscoe]: me this.

[steph]: from next. Yes,

[roscoe]: Oh my God,

[steph]: four

[roscoe]: send

[steph]: episodes.

[roscoe]: me this.

[steph]: Yes, Oh my God, And it's a dating show.

[roscoe]: Of course,

[steph]: So they are all dating each other and but some of them
are from Love is blind, So if you like it's interesting, they're

[steph]: different worlds. they connect. And if you're big fan
of reality television, it's like, kind of like Rude, Paul's Drag

[steph]: Race All Stars. It's like all your favorites come come
together in one show and you're like

[roscoe]: You know what other shows like that is on the beach.
It's a British one that they started doing in North America,

[roscoe]: but everybody on it like the whole premise is that you
go on to this island on resort or whatever it is, and they bring

[roscoe]: people in one by one, Is the same as any other of these
dating resort shows, But once they have the like core, eight

[roscoe]: or ten people on everybody, that gets added to the group.
Like every episode Like a bota. come in with two more people,

[roscoe]: and it's their axes from the shows that they were on
Before, So they're all from like Big Brother U K, and like all

[roscoe]: these other M t V shows, and they'll bring on the people
that they had drama with from other shows to be like. Oh, fuck,

[roscoe]: it's my girl friend. It's like. What on? though? So
everybody going back with It's like what you guys have been together

[roscoe]: for like three weeks. Like No, it doesn't matter. But
if she gets me, I'm just week. Flora.

[steph]: Wow. This show is the exact same whereas five girls,
five boys, half of the girls and boys have already been to with

[steph]: one another, and they

[roscoe]: Always

[steph]: admit

[roscoe]: love

[steph]: that straight

[roscoe]: it.

[steph]: up to the camera,

[roscoe]: I love it already.

[steph]: And they choose to elect new people to come into the
house, and literally every single time they've had a previous

[steph]: relation with them, or they were on the

[roscoe]: Oh

[steph]: show together, or like something fucked up,

[roscoe]: A time.

[steph]: they have to vote someone in, but they have to stay in
a relationship in order to stay in the game so it gets really

[steph]: cut throat.

[roscoe]: There was a show that

[steph]: I don't

[roscoe]: we

[steph]: know.

[roscoe]: watched on You Tube last year was like it called Reality
House and it was like kind of the same thing. It was just people

[roscoe]: from you Tube bought together to do this Big Brother
type show. But one of the guys on it was Peter from season to

[roscoe]: oft to handle. I, Now, if you watched it, he was like
the guy will

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: think, the like, the

[steph]: yeah,

[roscoe]: brown hair who was like the little, like short King.

[steph]: Yeah, yeah, well,

[roscoe]: He was like the big name that they got for the season
of Reality House Was so funny.

[steph]: I haven't watched that one, but yeah, they even have
winners on the show like Joy from season One of the Circle. The

[steph]: winner is on this show like it doesn't matter if you've
won or lost in the past and

[roscoe]: If you came here for

[steph]: I

[roscoe]: hobby,

[steph]: don't know.

[roscoe]: I'm so sorry.

[steph]: Oh my God, stop paying recording. I know you didn't even
get our intro and the outtrois just non existent now. and sorry,

[steph]: guys,

[roscoe]: Yeah, well,

[steph]: Thanks for sticking with us.

[roscoe]: Yeah, thanks for all the

[steph]: Appreciate

[roscoe]: questions

[steph]: you

[roscoe]: and on that. Send

[steph]: and

[roscoe]: me

[steph]: watch

[roscoe]: this.

[steph]: the video.

[roscoe]: We got to watch this show on Netflix before I lose Netflix,
because I think in like a couple of days it's going to lock to

[roscoe]: my parents hopes, and

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: I don't want to do that.

[steph]: only four episodes are released at a time and chitty,
so now I have to wait for the new one on Tuesday or whatever,

[roscoe]: Fine. Okay,

[steph]: Like.

[roscoe]: well,

[steph]: they won't let me binge.

[roscoe]: Bullshit, Well, let's get out of here. Thanks step.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Thank you all for the questions. Appreciate it. Follow
us on Twitter and Instagram. join our discord. Watch us on you

[roscoe]: tube. If you didn't catch the last ones Because we're
gonna start doing more clips and stuff, and those are way more

[roscoe]: fun when you can see what we're doing By

[steph]: Bye,

[roscoe]: Ryan Riley is a fucking poof.

[steph]: You do.

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

Steph the Fanalyst ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ
Steph the Fanalyst ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ
Everything Leafs, fantasy, and NHL! Co-host of @LeafsLateNight, your #1 post-game podcast for breakdowns of the game and more! #Leafsforever ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ
Where it's Never Too Late for the Leafs๐Ÿ’™๐ŸคPresented by @inside_the_rink๐ŸŽ™๏ธRoscoe @FanalystSteph @Andrew_jds @biehn25 @dartybrodeur๐ŸŽ™๏ธOpinions are our own ๐Ÿ˜Ž