5 Apples Up On Top

5 Apples Up On Top

[roscoe]: You guys want to see something funny?

[roscoe]: M. hm. I mean,

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: My

[steph]: my

[roscoe]: first question

[steph]: God,

[roscoe]: is why, um, why, why do this to yourself? My second
is how many takes. Because that was pretty. That was pretty elaborate.

[roscoe]: That curve all the way around the bowl. That was that
was measured and calculated.

[biehner]: How after the first one didn't hit, would you continue
attempting It?

[suthy]: Uh,

[roscoe]: Yeah, seeing the

[suthy]: uh,

[roscoe]: force that it comes flying by you at when it misses
like I don't. I don't want to hit that. So for anybody listening,

[roscoe]: that was somebody rolling a bowling ball in a like an
in a bowl of a scape boarding park, and you see the ball go all

[roscoe]: the way around the ball and into a guy's nuts. As most
funny videos end it, Something hits a guy in the nets. You know,

[steph]: It's why women live

[roscoe]: Uh,

[suthy]: Uh,

[steph]: longer. Okay, You guys

[roscoe]: uh,

[steph]: always do stupid

[suthy]: uh,

[steph]: as ship like this like we start

[suthy]: Oh,

[steph]: the pod and I'm watching on. Like why?

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: Why

[suthy]: Walk

[roscoe]: I'm

[suthy]: into leaf. like where you get your most sophisticated

[roscoe]: Yeah. I honestly, I think jackass is to blame for a
lot of it.

[steph]: Fair?

[suthy]: Hudyoberset.

[roscoe]: Um, yeah, I mean, that was the transition from like
America's Funniest videos, You know where it's kids saying funny

[roscoe]: things or oh no, I dropped something to like. Now people
got to get like seriously hurt. Everybody's threshold for what's

[roscoe]: the funny video was just pushed up by them. And now
the bars set and everybody's got to got to live up to them And

[roscoe]: that's not a good thing to do.

[steph]: I want to know what size that ball was? Was it like a
twelve pounder

[suthy]: The weight.

[steph]: or

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: fifteen pounder?

[roscoe]: Um, I think it was. It was a pretty big one and hit
some couple of smaller ones. All right, hoke, hoke, welcome to

[roscoe]: Leaps late night. Let's hit it

[roscoe]: Already. Welcome back to Leafs late night. I'm your
host, Rosco, joined by step, the Fatalist study and beaner, We

[roscoe]: are presented by Inside the rank. It's never too late
for the leaves, so the leaves said, Quite the game tonight, coming

[roscoe]: out explosive and maybe taking a little bit of a back
seat for a bit and finish things off strong. So it was a little

[roscoe]: bit of everything to introduce Rianallriley and Nolachari
to the team. You know, they've got a taste of ever Things since

[roscoe]: they've been here

[steph]: I was thinking that coming into tonight because they
wanted to be here for the Montreal game right like,

[suthy]: They

[steph]: they

[suthy]: were

[steph]: were

[suthy]: very

[steph]: very

[suthy]: hot

[steph]: adamant

[suthy]: about

[steph]: about

[suthy]: it.

[steph]: it to the point that Ryan Riley had to break into their
old arena and

[suthy]: Yes,

[steph]: get the equipment to get

[suthy]: I

[steph]: it on the plane. And then they

[suthy]: had

[steph]: had a goole fashion leafy

[suthy]: lost

[steph]: loss against the last place team of the league against
Chicago on Sunday, and then Bam, returning

[suthy]: You. Get

[steph]: against

[suthy]: your

[steph]: your

[suthy]: old

[steph]: old

[suthy]: team.

[steph]: team. It's

[suthy]: never

[steph]: never

[suthy]: scored

[steph]: scored

[suthy]: more

[steph]: more

[suthy]: than

[steph]: than

[suthy]: two.

[steph]: two or

[suthy]: one

[steph]: one

[suthy]: goal

[steph]: goal

[suthy]: in

[steph]: In that building. After how many games he's played there
right over a hundred games and he scores

[suthy]: Three

[steph]: three

[suthy]: today,

[steph]: tonight.

[roscoe]: And his first multi

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: goal game

[steph]: so

[roscoe]: of

[steph]: nice.

[roscoe]: the season. I mean, I know Saint Louis has been bad,

[suthy]: Hm,

[roscoe]: but poor guy. I'm glad they got him the Patrick of the
empty net. That was a nice little icing on the cake there. So

[roscoe]: Southey, you have been around since we've gotten Riley.
I believe. So what? What excites you the most about this trade

[roscoe]: with him and a char?

[suthy]: Um, having him in the line up,

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[suthy]: I call this in mid December. I think we had a podcast
where we talked about this.

[roscoe]: You did.

[suthy]: Um. Just everything he brings like is pair degree. Obviously
we need Stanley cup winning the cons. His two way play is unreal,

[suthy]: but adding a char is kind of one of the most underrated
parts of this trade Like he brings something so different to

[suthy]: our fourth line. That makes it really comparable when
they play against Tampa Bay or Boston. I think that's going to

[suthy]: be a huge deciding factor going forward.

[roscoe]: I definitely agree and I felt almost like Ryan Callahan
there. I don't know if you guys caught his question to Keith,

[roscoe]: but it was pretty funny. It's like. So what do you think
is working for the Marnortavara, a Riley line and keeps like

[roscoe]: their super stars.

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: I don't. I don't know. they're all really good. How
do you want me to answer that?

[steph]: Keith did say, though, since no Acari has been in this
line up, the fourth line has never looked better. just from judging

[steph]: two

[suthy]: Game

[steph]: games alone. I mean, he scored in the last

[suthy]: Game.

[steph]: game

[suthy]: which

[steph]: which

[suthy]: we

[steph]: we missed, and tonight seven hits.

[suthy]: guys.

[roscoe]: Oof?

[steph]: guys, dam, like he's

[suthy]: He's

[steph]: already

[suthy]: already

[steph]: leading

[suthy]: leading

[steph]: the

[suthy]: the

[steph]: category

[suthy]: category And

[steph]: and he's not afraid to throw on the bot. And it's not
even just that for me

[suthy]: Me

[steph]: anyways,

[suthy]: anyway,

[steph]: I noticed he is so great at breaking out the puck from
the boards or feeding Really anyone to the point where no

[suthy]: No

[steph]: one

[suthy]: one

[steph]: sees

[suthy]: sees

[steph]: the

[suthy]: the

[steph]: puck coming.

[suthy]: coming

[steph]: All

[suthy]: or

[steph]: you

[suthy]: he

[steph]: see

[suthy]: sees

[steph]: is the

[suthy]: the.

[steph]: puck Just stroll out and no

[suthy]: No

[steph]: one's

[suthy]: one's

[steph]: there

[suthy]: there,

[steph]: or

[suthy]: or

[steph]: they're

[suthy]: they're

[steph]: just

[suthy]: just

[steph]: not

[suthy]: not

[steph]: expecting

[suthy]: expect

[steph]: it, And like an, like I Ave typed his

[suthy]: name

[steph]: name

[suthy]: so

[steph]: so

[suthy]: many

[steph]: many

[suthy]: times

[steph]: times

[suthy]: tonight.

[steph]: tonight

[suthy]: Just

[steph]: Just I'm impressed.

[roscoe]: Yeah, and I mean David Camp, seventy one percent on
the dot, Riley, fifty seven per cent on the dot. To far as got

[roscoe]: waved in for the one obviously on it, Can you imagine
the center gets waved out and you have to go against J. T. instead?

[suthy]: J. T was already like a top ten center man in the league
for his percentage to. so, it's like a whole versatality wrinkle

[suthy]: that if they wanted put R or even J. T on the certain
line, it makes their top four lines so hard to play against.

[suthy]: and in matching to it's know, he must be thrilled about
this because going forward it's a huge huge coup for him.

[biehner]: Wasn't there a question after the Hobs game about the
face off prowess?

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: One of

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: the questions actually that they asked during the intermission
today was interesting Is would you take Riley? Game one of the

[roscoe]: playoffs, O. Riley, going to be on the second line or
third line center, and I want to know what you guys think of

[roscoe]: this, so stuff will start with you.

[steph]: Well, I think it's just a great opportunity to test it
out right now and not make that final decision, because we're

[steph]: not in the play offs yet, so why not try and get J T
comfy on the wing and gather up some points like you did tonight

[steph]: and shut up the haters from Sunday night. And when the
time comes and you need a better match up, Maybe put Riley on

[steph]: the third third line and see how it works out before
you know playoffs come. and

[suthy]: You've

[steph]: we have

[suthy]: already

[steph]: already

[suthy]: discussed

[steph]: discussed

[suthy]: Tampa

[steph]: Tampasball.

[suthy]: bottom

[steph]: I'm

[suthy]: six

[steph]: six,

[suthy]: right,

[steph]: Right

[suthy]: like

[steph]: like

[suthy]: the

[steph]: there.

[suthy]: No

[steph]: No

[suthy]: jokes.

[steph]: joke. So

[roscoe]: So what do you think,

[steph]: I don't know

[suthy]: Ah, that's a tough one man. I think they're going to
start him off as they are right now. He'll be playing second

[suthy]: line center along J. T. But if things go a rye, then
you obviously put it in the third line spot right away. Like

[suthy]: I said, That's depth that they've never really had before
going into the playoffs And that's a huge. huge plus for this

[suthy]: team right now. no wrong answers.

[roscoe]: Benerisyou? Nodding your head, you agree.

[biehner]: Kind of like you know, O. Riley and J. T can both work
at center. We know that that's where they've played the majority

[biehner]: of their careers, so why not try what they're doing
right now? putting one of them on the wing to see if that can

[biehner]: work. and you always have the The Fall Back Vail safe
right that you can go

[suthy]: Yeah,

[biehner]: one, two, three, bang, bang, bang, and like they pointed
out on the podcast, if point against Matthews, stamp co Against

[biehner]: Tavares, and then you have to throw. Who are you you
doing, Paul, or who's their fourth line center, Belmaire against

[suthy]: Yeah,

[biehner]: Riley, Like, come on,

[roscoe]: No, it's a good point, especially up against Tam. But
you might want that for the third or fourth line. But what I

[roscoe]: read today was that Keith told to Vera's when he moved
him to the wing that it wasn't going to be a one time thing and

[roscoe]: to get used to it, So I mean whether that means for
the long hall like this is where you are now or he just means

[roscoe]: you know for a couple of weeks at least see how it works.
but honestly, I kind of agree with Banner that it looks good

[roscoe]: against the third and fourth lines there to move a Riley
down. But Uh, with how the third line played tonight, like kerfoot

[roscoe]: and Yarn Croke have been working really well together
and was good to. And that fourth line of what S T astinrsacari

[roscoe]: or Chary, And

[steph]: Kerfoot.

[suthy]: Cure.

[roscoe]: So who? who was on the

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: third line? Then it was anvil, yarn, Croke, and

[biehner]: Camp

[steph]: In Val

[biehner]: and yarn crook.

[steph]: Yong

[roscoe]: camp. Yeah,

[steph]: and cans.

[suthy]: Yeah.

[roscoe]: Jesus. Anyway, the third line worked really

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: well, Yarn. Crow killed a ton of time there On that
penalty Killed was fantastic like they're just. they're figuring

[roscoe]: out how to do the things that they need to do. You know,
the they're finding offense when the holes are there and they're

[roscoe]: killing time when they need to kill time. It's I don't
know. The fourth line is becoming the shutdown line That it needs

[roscoe]: to be. Kari was getting all up in doll's face. Oh my

[steph]: Yeah, and it's nice to see that the puck is being cycled.
The other team is being hemmed into their own zone, and the chances

[steph]: are coming like countless times tonight. especially in
the first period. How many times did kerfoot try and feed a chare

[roscoe]: Oh yeah.

[steph]: and vice versa?

[suthy]: M

[steph]: even zar like, I feel like there's a whole new life to
this line that's super valuable And just imagine once you know

[steph]: Poppy's line

[suthy]: In

[steph]: gets

[suthy]: going

[steph]: going, and then Ing Val gets a little

[suthy]: little.

[steph]: scoring itch. This team is deep.

[roscoe]: Yeah. so I mean just to jump into the game first period,
Ryanall, Riley, scoring back to back thirty seven seconds apart.

[roscoe]: Like I mean, obviously everybody is excited for him
to get his first one, But to my stream was a little behind and

[roscoe]: I was seeing Twitter go up like scored again like Way
away away away, wait, wait,

[suthy]: Uh,

[roscoe]: wait,

[suthy]: uh,

[roscoe]: don't don't spoil this

[steph]: Hm.

[roscoe]: for me, which is happen. and sure enough, him and Marner
were just like On another level tonight, Even the passes that

[roscoe]: went to him where he didn't score. it was like he was.
Marner was finding him through three or four people. It's no

[roscoe]: wonder he finished night with a career high five assists.
That's insane.

[steph]: I think it's really important to point out, though neither
of these goals happen if it weren't for T J. Brodie, stopping

[steph]: the momentum

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: of the sabers going the other way. He

[suthy]: I

[steph]: literally on the first goal Anyways, he was

[suthy]: There

[steph]: there at neutral Ise, breaks up the play, then chips
it to J. T, who you know feeds

[suthy]: Marner

[steph]: Marner for the Rianoriley goal, And then the

[suthy]: A

[steph]: same

[suthy]: thing

[steph]: thing happens.

[suthy]: Buffalo

[steph]: Buffalo chips it

[suthy]: own

[steph]: down into

[suthy]: the

[steph]: the leaves

[suthy]: one

[steph]: zone. Brodie retrieves the puck to go. Comes back up
thirty seconds. thirty seven seconds

[suthy]: later,

[steph]: later. they do it again, So I thought the D

[suthy]: Tony.

[steph]: tonight.

[suthy]: Will

[steph]: Well, especially Rody, and I believe who was he paired
with Timmons, Right. They were good for me

[suthy]: Mary

[steph]: majority of the night. But then it

[suthy]: really

[biehner]: Yeah,

[steph]: really

[suthy]: drop?

[steph]: dropped off. We all know the game really dropped off
in the second and third there.

[roscoe]: Yeah, the D was okay tonight. I feel like the forwards
were bailing them out a bit. There was a lot of breaking up of

[roscoe]: plays

[suthy]: Hm?

[roscoe]: in the neutral zone. You know, people were getting dropped
from behind by the forwards when they weren't expecting it. I

[roscoe]: feel like they were bailing them out a lot, and it started
to show as they stopped doing that in the second and third. At

[roscoe]: least that's what I took away. So what do you? what
do you think defensively was going on here?

[suthy]: Defensively I thought we got a little bit relaxed for
some going back of it but two steps point, like when Randall

[suthy]: Riley scared those first of goals, he was the last man
back on both of them at one point, so he was being very defensively

[suthy]: responsible, and he was hauling his ass back into the
offensive one, And that's where you kind of got lost in the mix,

[suthy]: so he was able to go kind of alone for both those goals.
But to your question, you know, going up for nothing in the leaves,

[suthy]: I think they started playing on their heels A little
bit, and defensively we were not helping them out as much, so

[suthy]: I don't really blame the defense as much as I blame the
offense not coming back and helping out as much.

[roscoe]: Yeah, I think Timmins had a rough night. He's somebody
who I think has been more good than bad since he's been on the

[roscoe]: team, but I feel like whenever he has a rough game it's
it's pretty obvious and it starts with a penalty and then from

[roscoe]: there he gets frustrated

[suthy]: Yes,

[roscoe]: and then it kind of goes downhill. I feel like when
his night starts off with some good offensive plays, he can ride

[roscoe]: that for the whole night, but I don't know. He's still
a little temperamental when it comes to, you know the mistakes.

[roscoe]: It's like with rasmistelly Ets, frustrated. Then it
just takes over the rest of his night. He, however, Turn it into

[roscoe]: cutting through four

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: guys and trying to score.

[biehner]: With,

[suthy]: Yes,

[biehner]: with regards to Timmons, though, there's something
to be said for the consistency, and now an you're goin to be

[biehner]: in the line up right like we saw this previously. when
it came to Sand Man and Lily, they would have flashes of brilliance

[biehner]: and then they to have games where they just completely
jumped in the freezer because they were worried, even if even

[biehner]: if they said they weren't in the back of their minds,
they were worried that every single little mistake is going to

[biehner]: be what's going to pull them out of the line up for
the next game. like you saw it

[suthy]: Hm,

[biehner]: against Montreal. Timmons played great. like he played.
He had two penalties. Okay, that happens, but he was also on

[biehner]: the score sheet. He got points and he was pulled out
for the Chicago game. So then now this game that's in the back

[biehner]: of his mind again is like crap. you know, one little,

[suthy]: Yeah,

[biehner]: one little oops, one little mess up. I'm going to be
pulled out so you can't be playing. Wondering about the next

[biehner]: game. You've got to stay in that game and that can
be difficult. When you're in and out of the line up.

[roscoe]: That's a good point. Actually, so scratch tonight we
had Geordie,

[suthy]: M.

[roscoe]: Ben and Rasmus Sanden, So Sandene's not been scratched
in. I think this season. so

[biehner]: He's injured.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[suthy]: Yeah,

[biehner]: Yep,

[roscoe]: Well, here I go. I missed that,

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: my bad. so

[steph]: M.

[suthy]: Ep.

[steph]: hm,

[roscoe]: I guess until he's back we'll probably see Tim on staying
in the line up, so that should give him some some better games

[roscoe]: in the next couple of weeks, but I don't. How long?

[suthy]: And

[roscoe]: Do

[suthy]: since we're talking about you right now, I'm sorry, but
I think Hall has been. Someone has been playing really good lately.

[suthy]: He hasn't been like noticed at all, which is a testament
to his game. I think he's been extremely steady. He's been negating

[suthy]: all the mistakes he has been making and I've really really
liked this game.

[roscoe]: No? I got to give it to him. A lot of the American broadcast
that Ive been watching the last few games have been praising

[roscoe]: him And you know how cheap his deal is and I'm like
Okay, fine, I get

[biehner]: Take

[roscoe]: it perspective.

[biehner]: them.

[steph]: M,

[roscoe]: It's such a hot and cold. You know,

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: you asked me week by week and I'll say fine. We can
keep him where I cannot watch another game of him. Do you want

[roscoe]: to do an Eds text? I got a good one. Speaking of defense,

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: Um,

[steph]: Let's hear it.

[roscoe]: Oh, Riley, hot, Riley sucks,

[suthy]: Okay,

[steph]: M. M

[roscoe]: Um game ecouldyeah, Because this

[steph]: Fair.

[roscoe]: game could have gone to a wall in the third are sneaky
and tough like his game. So my dad, continuing his hate of Morgan

[roscoe]: Riley. What do you guys think Because the panel again
to go back to what they talked about in the broadcast Here. The

[roscoe]: panel was talking about how he's really got to find
his game. As the leaves approach the play office Here. he's starting

[roscoe]: to get there, but it's still not at the Morgan Riley
level that we we know and love you know. So what do you I think

[roscoe]: is the answer here?

[steph]: I don't know. I mean the tough goal tonight in the third
period kind of fell on Riley a bit. He was too, or too wide could

[suthy]: Take

[steph]: take

[suthy]: this

[steph]: his man tuck head, a complete free

[suthy]: Lane,

[steph]: lane,

[suthy]: rushing

[steph]: rushing

[suthy]: to

[steph]: to Samsonov and was

[suthy]: be

[steph]: able

[suthy]: to

[steph]: to bury it. And you

[suthy]: mention

[steph]: mentioned

[suthy]: Hall.

[steph]: Hall Southey real quick. I think the Jeff Skinner goal
was a little bit on Hall. Unfortunately,

[suthy]: Yeah, that's

[steph]: he was

[suthy]: fair.

[steph]: out of position and didn't have his man, but Riley. Of
course, I have the bias for Riley. He's our. He's our boy, right,

[steph]: he's our quarterback here, but I don't know. I think
he was on the rest of the team for the second and third. I mean

[steph]: that the first period completely different. They put

[suthy]: The

[steph]: defense first. The offense came immediately

[suthy]: date

[steph]: like they were completely unstoppable,

[suthy]: to

[steph]: and then the second and third just fell off Lucy Goose,
And look at the result,

[roscoe]: Yeah, and I think part of it always comes back to my
sticking point with Riley is that he's never had a partner. I

[roscoe]: mean, went up against Iliolaboushkin tonight, who you
know hasn't scored since he was a leaf, fun fact, and he was

[roscoe]: the most solid looking partner and longest term partner.
I think Riley's had I don't know five years,

[suthy]: Hm.

[roscoe]: so that's a problem. It shouldn't be that way, and I
think this is kind of what we're starting to see as he's coming

[roscoe]: back. And it's like how do you Get back in the grove?
If you're you're switching partners all the time and there's

[roscoe]: no um, normal to come back to, I guess because it's
always changing for him. I think it's it's tough to do that night

[roscoe]: at a night out.

[biehner]: Oh, it's a big challenge when you don't know who you're
going to be playing with. Like if you're looking at him and saying

[biehner]: he struggled tonight, and this is me. I know I'm biased
in this opinion, but he was paired with Hall for fourteen minutes.

[suthy]: Yep,

[roscoe]: And this is my, but

[steph]: I

[roscoe]: this

[steph]: know you're

[roscoe]: is

[biehner]: Like

[roscoe]: my

[steph]: going

[biehner]: like,

[roscoe]: point

[steph]: to say that

[roscoe]: is like you're not doing him any favors by not finding
him the proper defensive pair. I mean, T. J. Brodie. Was that,

[roscoe]: Why did I get that Brodie works well with with Liligran
or with Timmons, or with San Den? Like you can put him with all

[roscoe]: these guys and you can solidify any of your second or
third pairs, but I just I feel like it hurts Riley to just keep

[roscoe]: switching whoever is on the first pair with him

[biehner]: But realistically so for tonight with Sand Man Hurt,
you had Riley Hall, you had Geo and Lily and you had Brody and

[biehner]: Timmons. I would rather that and take away a lot of
Riley's Ga than have Riley Brody go Lily and haul Timmons,

[roscoe]: I would

[biehner]: Because

[roscoe]: rather

[biehner]: then

[roscoe]: Lilly

[biehner]: than you're

[roscoe]: with,

[biehner]: just going to completely destroy Timmons confidence.

[roscoe]: But in that in that case, I would put

[suthy]: M.

[roscoe]: Lily with Riley

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: And Barry Holland Timmons,

[biehner]: But that's the same thing. though you're still having
Hall completely destroy Timon's confidence.

[roscoe]: Yeah, it's true. there's no.

[steph]: They're both

[suthy]: Candid.

[steph]: right

[roscoe]: Yeah.

[steph]: handed.

[roscoe]: fine. okay,

[biehner]: Uh, uh,

[suthy]: Uh

[roscoe]: Fine,

[steph]: M.

[suthy]: H,

[roscoe]: Everybody can write me moving

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: on, John Devers picking up his twenty sixth of the year
from Riley and Marner. This line continues to be on Stop Bowl.

[roscoe]: We got to come up with a name for this Now that we're
talking about it, This was the question from Mike the fanatic,

[roscoe]: So what do we call the second line? We got

[steph]: Eight points

[roscoe]: M.

[steph]: in seven minutes and fourteen seconds for the second
line in the first period. all

[suthy]: Ontario

[steph]: Ontario

[suthy]: boys

[steph]: boys, and you know what they say, good things grow in

[roscoe]: I don't think that's

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: the jingle, but it's close enough.

[suthy]: As

[steph]: yes,

[suthy]: a

[steph]: it isit.

[biehner]: That was. That was

[steph]: So

[biehner]: the

[steph]: is

[biehner]: jingo for the longest time.

[roscoe]: Yeah, but

[suthy]: And thirteen points

[steph]: What does

[suthy]: throughout

[steph]: it know?

[suthy]: the whole game is pretty

[biehner]: I don't

[suthy]: impressive.

[biehner]: know if it's still that because I don't pay for actual
T. V.

[roscoe]: No,

[biehner]: So

[roscoe]: I'm

[biehner]: I

[roscoe]: just

[biehner]: don't normally

[roscoe]: saying

[biehner]: watch

[roscoe]: your

[biehner]: commercials,

[roscoe]: your notes were yoryoyour.

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Melody

[steph]: Childhood?

[roscoe]: was wrong. The words were right.

[steph]: Oh guys, I'm a blabber,

[suthy]: Uh,

[steph]: not a singer.

[roscoe]: Okay,

[steph]: Okay,

[biehner]: Uh,

[roscoe]: Okay,

[suthy]: uh,

[roscoe]: so

[biehner]: uh,

[roscoe]: we can do Ontario, We got magic, we got the rhino, we
got the captain. We got a lot of things to work with here.

[roscoe]: What?

[suthy]: I feel put on the spot

[steph]: Home grown.

[suthy]: home grown. Exactly There you go.

[steph]: I don't know.

[roscoe]: Well, what's something?

[steph]: Um, the Green Belt.

[roscoe]: the Green Belt?

[suthy]: The green belt. That's not bad.

[roscoe]: That's actually a pretty good one. Um, I don't know
something for one.

[suthy]: The G. T.

[roscoe]: the g, t,

[roscoe]: Um,

[steph]: Well,

[roscoe]: G, T goals, tan and apples.

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: Well, what's the abbreviation? We have t? let's see M
and o,

[biehner]: Rono,

[steph]: t.

[biehner]: tor

[steph]: M. O,

[biehner]: tranto,

[suthy]: Call the Gtbs

[steph]: Two are

[suthy]: Gitranoboys,

[biehner]: And then, but then you have. Then you have marner there
too. So you mess it up. I was thinking of Arsanariley, Drona.

[steph]: Man, is the orchard of it all? He's the apple picker.

[suthy]: It's

[steph]: He's

[suthy]: kind

[steph]: the

[suthy]: of

[steph]: apple grower

[suthy]: funny how

[steph]: because

[suthy]: Mars.

[steph]: he grew in Ontario,

[suthy]: He's like the undisputed

[steph]: Not me.

[suthy]: engine of this offense now, right like, I think, Matthews
is by far the most talented and best player here. but without

[suthy]: Marner, this does not go. He is proving that game in
the game out. He is everything that drives this offense. and

[suthy]: yeah, everything is just going through him right now.
It's super impressive to watch.

[roscoe]: Yeah, I feel like we should

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Ontario showed out. Have a Big Apple award and the Big
Apple award tonight goes to Mitch Marner, And somebody can. whoever,

[roscoe]: whoever

[steph]: To

[roscoe]: has another crazy apple night can take it from him,
but I'm pretty sure it's just going to live with Marner for the

[roscoe]: rest of the season.

[steph]: T. m O.

[suthy]: The last

[steph]: too

[suthy]: time

[steph]: much Ontario.

[suthy]: the Maple Leaf had five assist on the road was boring
salmon in nineteen seventy seven.

[roscoe]: Oh wow, get one up to Ben. Uh,

[steph]: Nice,

[roscoe]: Um, okay,

[steph]: Wow,

[roscoe]: we'll come back to the name. We'll come up with something.
Send us what you think it should be, But it's something Ontario.

[roscoe]: I don't know. There's so many things to work with here,

[steph]: Home grown.

[roscoe]: home grown and I like Green Belt.

[steph]: I don't know.

[roscoe]: like the Blue Belt.

[roscoe]: I don't know

[suthy]: We'll rig up it.

[roscoe]: Michael Bunting, scoring,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Gonna break

[steph]: Scarberia,

[roscoe]: break a wish break, break away. Ish U from Riley and
New Lander. This one I did not think this was going to go in.

[roscoe]: He caught up L, little little it of Posen there.

[steph]: Actually, Samuelson, Kind O, gets caught with knee lander
at the leaf's blue line and they fall on top of each other somehow,

[steph]: and Riley just collects the random pick off that little
scramble and feeds bunting. And yeah, I can't believe he scored

[steph]: it. either. I'm up, L. I don't know what was wrong tonight.
Usually he's a nice little sneaky fantasy pick up when the time

[steph]: is right, but tonight six

[roscoe]: He's having

[steph]: hundred

[roscoe]: a.

[steph]: I know. he got pulled

[roscoe]: He's having

[steph]: afterward.

[roscoe]: a bad season. He's in sub nine hundred, and like a,
three seventy or three point seven goals against or something

[roscoe]: like. He was a lot better last year when the team was
worse, which is crazy.

[steph]: Seven forty eight left in the period and the leaves chased
him out of the net.

[roscoe]: Yeah, Maybe there's something to be said

[steph]: Right

[roscoe]: about when your team gets better, they're playing away
from their own net. more.

[biehner]: Well, not only that they're playing

[suthy]: M.

[biehner]: a completely different style like buffaloes in the
top of the league. Now for goals right,

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Yeah, well, that's what I mean Like

[suthy]: it's

[roscoe]: they're playing away from him and they just opening
up a lot more chances for up to let in goals. Sorry, say

[suthy]: After the first eleven minutes. The shots were eight
to one for Tana and those are really really high on chances to.

[suthy]: so they kind of left him out to drive. I think it wasn't
completely all on him.

[roscoe]: Oh, for sure, And that was something they talked about
is Buffalo is one of the worst teams for giving up slight chances,

[roscoe]: and the leaves are one of the best teams that scoring
them. So that's where Eveything was going to come from tonight,

[suthy]: M.

[roscoe]: and that's kind of what happened.

[steph]: What I was looking at specifically was that the sabers
are the worst in the league on the dot,

[roscoe]: Really.

[steph]: So I was wondering during this first period were they
losing every single draw and I'm just looking here. You know,

[steph]: Page Thompson, twenty two percent tonight. Then you have
Dillon Cousins, thirty three per cent. And who is the third line

[steph]: center Pozo seventy one per cent. That was the best tonight,
but I don't know. I think this is really affecting them, Even

[steph]: though they're scoring third overall goals for their
twenty fourth overall for goals against, and the only thing that's

[steph]: really keeping them afloat is their power play. their
twenty five per cent on their power play, but the penalty key

[steph]: kill is thirty per cent. It's like they can only out
score their problems and there's no other support for

[roscoe]: Speaking

[steph]: them.

[roscoe]: of their power play, leaves shut it down tonight and
go to nineteen in a row. And I think thirty

[suthy]: Yes,

[roscoe]: one of their last thirty three penalties they've killed.
That's crazy. They haven't let one in since the all star break.

[roscoe]: Now, To be fair, they did have a bye week after the
all star break on like most teams, but still it counts. Matthews

[suthy]: That's

[roscoe]: was

[suthy]: an

[roscoe]: only.

[suthy]: interest he sat,

[steph]: No,

[suthy]: especially when you

[steph]: the

[suthy]: think when you think of like Ryan Riley, too, because
he is an elite penalty killer and he's going to be on your second

[suthy]: penalty kill line up. And so that should only get better.

[roscoe]: Oh yeah, Matthews was only thirty percent tonight On
the dot. That's unfortunate.

[suthy]: He had a bit of a rough note.

[steph]: Now the leaves. Yeah, first shot on net over ten minutes
into the first for Sammy. But then the leaves just completely

[steph]: went downhill on the shot counter. I mean What? Eleven
in the second, eight in the second period, and not much after

[steph]: in the third, and completely

[suthy]: Played

[steph]: played

[suthy]: the

[steph]: their

[suthy]: game

[steph]: game.

[suthy]: at

[steph]: It seemed in the first until the end of the third, but
I remember your saying, in our group Chat Southey, it was the

[steph]: start of the third in. If somebody had like eight shots

[suthy]: Chops.

[steph]: from the end of the first, so nothing was going to the
net or hitting

[suthy]: I.

[steph]: the net anyway.

[roscoe]: There was one point. I did the math. The leaves were
on pace to outshoot the sabers, forty eight to nine, and I'm

[roscoe]: like if this stays, this is going to be a really bad
game for the sabers, and oh my god, thirty two to twenty nine,

[roscoe]: or the final shots like you would never know that at
one point it was so tilted in one direction, and I think it was

[roscoe]: seven in a row that buffalo got in the second period
there. When the leaves got one, it was almost like when you're

[roscoe]: watching a team in basketball go in a run, you're like
How have they score So many before the other teams gotten one?

[roscoe]: Like it's just flipped on its head this game.

[biehner]: Score effect

[suthy]: Yeah,

[biehner]: is

[suthy]: with

[biehner]: a real

[suthy]: ten

[biehner]: thing.

[suthy]: minutes left if there appeared sorry, they only had I
think seven shots for that thirty minutes.

[roscoe]: Oh, it's crazy.

[suthy]: Sorry. Peter.

[biehner]: No, no, it's all good. It was just like score effect
is legitimate. Right. A lot of people laugh at stuff like that,

[biehner]: but you, even if you're not meaning to in a mind set,
you legitimately change the way you're playing in the way you

[biehner]: approach every single shift, depending on the score.
If it's nothing, nothing on Ne, two to three to whatever, you're

[biehner]: going to be playing a lot tight or a lot more, Chris,
If you're up for or five. Nothing. Well, okay, whatever point

[biehner]: to night boys. let's just go out there.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[suthy]: Hm.

[roscoe]: and let's get to that. So William Neander picking up
the power play goal in the second, making it five. Nothing and

[roscoe]: that's where the leaves went. Great. good game fellas
start packing the bags.

[steph]: Ah,

[roscoe]: Oh God,

[steph]: um, man, four goals in twelve minutes and nine seconds
in the first period and then the second starts and Matthews gets

[steph]: a puck to the chest. I don't. I didn't even think

[suthy]: Thank

[steph]: he was

[suthy]: you

[steph]: going to come back for a sec. It looked really

[roscoe]: Yeah. that's

[steph]: painful

[roscoe]: done.

[steph]: and then no shots for over four minutes. Yeah, and luckily,
man, I do have to applaud the leaves for converting on their

[steph]: power play lately on the first opportunity. anyway, Um,
because this is super helpful in times like This, Especially

[steph]: or when you're down in the game. I'm not saying Times
like this. What what? I mean or five? Nothing at

[suthy]: At

[steph]: this

[suthy]: this

[steph]: point,

[suthy]: point

[steph]: but

[suthy]: at.

[steph]: I

[suthy]: I

[steph]: mean

[suthy]: mean,

[steph]: when you're in the third and teams are coming back and
you know you had that extra power play goal that you banked that

[steph]: you can rely on In case you know, it gets close in an
even game. I just

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: went crazy with that thought, But anyway,

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: do you get what I mean?

[suthy]: the Leafs are not like the late nineties Devils team,
so when they're up a couple of goals I don't like when they go

[suthy]: back on their heels. I wish they would still have their
foot a little bit on the gas. Like even just implement, like

[suthy]: their cycle game. You don't have to be taking wild chances.
But when they start playing one, two two. that's when this team

[suthy]: is not really at their best, they need to be on the attack.
They need to be pressuring them at least a little bit to take

[suthy]: you know time of attack. At least. Yeah, again, they
kind of fell into that whole thing where they're is going to

[suthy]: protect a lead, and that doesn't really work for this

[roscoe]: No, and it's again. You don't have a big name shut down
defense Been? Yeah, we got T. J. Brody. Yes, we have Giordano.

[roscoe]: Yes, Lolerganhs been great in front of the net, but
there's nobody. that's you know, Tenant of ten every time going

[roscoe]: to be able to stand up to like Tate Thompson or Jeff
Skinner or Alex, talk flying down the side if you push too far

[roscoe]: forward, so like I get it, but you're absolutely right
when they take their foot off the gas, it's when all the weaknesses

[roscoe]: show. like as soon as that first goal went in from from,
And in the third period I was like. That's not going to be the

[roscoe]: last one. As I like you. You know what this team like
as soon as it's it's they're on the board. It's like Strap in

[steph]: I don't go to say, Liligran had a huge hit in the second
period against Geargetson, off the puck behind Sam, Son of. and

[steph]: I don't know. I felt like the boys were throwing around
their weight tonight, but a chary just sticks out for me when

[steph]: it comes like that. This new fourth line is just so physical
and even more so than when we used to have Wan, Simmons and Clifford,

[steph]: because they bring some skill to the through their Am

[roscoe]: Hndop,

[steph]: well, and yeah, yeah,

[roscoe]: Um, Alex Tuck and Jeff Skinner, picking up their twenty
seven twenty second goals of the yeah, uh, Sammy. Like say, he

[roscoe]: looked bad on them. Like maybe one of these he could
have had back, but he was pretty much left alone on them Like

[roscoe]: this was when we saw Timmons making a couple fumbles
here and there was a give away from an Val. I think as well,

[roscoe]: I mean, it was like we said, You know, when they take
their food, The gas and they're playing in their own zone, trying

[roscoe]: to kill time. It doesn't work.

[steph]: Yeah, and I honestly thought the moment and was going
to switch because buffaloes coming off their power play and Um.

[steph]: Timmons took that one. Of course, So I thought you know,
and good Timmons, Tim Bits fashion was going to go next for us,

[steph]: but Ingvall tries to bank it, but it goes completely
out of the loop like Zar is nowhere to be found And I don't know.

[steph]: I'm just thinking of pickles from our discord, saying
that P. Q, soup and jinks On the intermission for e, s. P, N,

[steph]: Plus I'm like damn Sudan. You know better than to say
that those things and screwing our Sammy shut out, but this one

[steph]: was kind of on anvil. Unfortunately,

[roscoe]: Yeah, I find the thing that they have the biggest struggle
with is clearing out of their zone when they get caught without

[roscoe]: icing it. Like every time that they're stuck in their
zone, it's like the only answer they have as icing the puck and

[roscoe]: they just end up stuck there for like three minutes
like we saw it tonight Where you know, they almost let one in

[roscoe]: because the entire line was out there for I think was
a minut forty or something, and finally asked and Rice was able

[roscoe]: to get one into the middle there, But it seems to be
their biggest struggle right now is clearing out of their zone.

[steph]: It also doesn't help in the third that you know, even
after the Jack Quin goal, the Leaf still didn't have a shot on

[steph]: net for the third period. And then what happens next,
tuck scores. Riley's out of position literally skates to the

[steph]: middle through Matthew's Riley Knee, Lander, Hull, Samzonov
is the last boss to

[suthy]: To

[steph]: face,

[suthy]: face.

[steph]: and

[suthy]: And

[steph]: of

[suthy]: of

[steph]: course

[suthy]: course he

[steph]: he

[suthy]: slays

[steph]: slays

[suthy]: the

[steph]: the

[suthy]: dragon

[steph]: dragon.

[suthy]: makes

[steph]: Makes it when five to two and we're sweating. We're like,
Oh, ship. is this Being now?

[roscoe]: Yeah, it was a little shaky. those three goals in a
row, but I mean, obviously the goal. he was going to come out

[roscoe]: of the net and good on the team for trying to rally
and get Riley, his his Patrick there, so Marner manages to find

[roscoe]: him at the end and An, I don't know if this one was
going to go in, but just manages to sneak in at the last possible

[roscoe]: second and Marner picking up his fifty first assist
on the year in his seventy first point. Oh, my lord, I mean ye,

[roscoe]: Riley, Patrick, Like he's the new guy. Got to give love
to our boy Mitch for cracking seventy points already.

[suthy]: Again, Marines,

[steph]: Hell,

[suthy]: the

[steph]: yeah,

[suthy]: engine that's driving all this right. He's not going
to get the acolides at Mathews begin. No, get. he's not going

[suthy]: O get the acolies that is going to get right now because
he's the new toy, but without him none of this happens.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[biehner]: He. just, he took his game this year to an absolute,
another level that, like we all knew he was good, but I don't

[biehner]: know if we realized he was this good like he showed

[suthy]: Yeah,

[biehner]: glimpses of it when he was with London, Like I saw
a couple

[suthy]: Yeah,

[biehner]: of games when he was with the London nights and he
was absolutely incredible. And what he did, their play off run

[biehner]: when they went to the Memorial cup Like, Yes, he had
great players

[suthy]: Hm,

[biehner]: on that team with him, but he was phenomenal and it
looked like he's possibly found that gear. Now The n h, l that

[biehner]: he's got the vision and the ability that he can just
do whatever he wants out there.

[suthy]: I mean, you're hundred percent on the point like I used
to watch him when he played in London a lot too, and when we

[suthy]: drafted and I was so excited because I thought he can
actually bring that type of skill and ability to the H. L. And

[suthy]: it really does feel like this is the first time in his
career where he's just like he can do anything he wants Right.

[suthy]: No one can really stop him. Ah, I can't say enough about
how good he is this year.

[roscoe]: My favorite is watching the American broadcast for them
just gushing about Marner. It's like this guy like it's unbelievable

[roscoe]: what he's doing. These passes. This is crazy at three
asses on. Now he's at four. Riley got the empty net and they're

[roscoe]: like Hey, guess who assisted it like they're just joking
about how crazy it is that this guy is all over the ice just

[roscoe]: commanding every play.

[steph]: Yeah, he's able to get it through tellin middle state,
you know, Ranarally. scoweking this goal through his thanking

[steph]: cribs. On the end, he's the one who tapped it in, but
the confidence the shot. He's taking this shot like, I mean,

[suthy]: Hm.

[steph]: there's been games where we're screaming in the hesitation,

[suthy]: A ship

[steph]: but it's nowhere near what it used

[suthy]: Used to

[steph]: to be

[suthy]: be like,

[steph]: like Right like, especially with his line mates. Now
he's not afraid to find J. T. r. O. Riley knows like, even on

[steph]: the first or second goal by Riley, and like that feed,
finding someone like he's feeding from the goal line backed center

[steph]: in front of. Like Yes, someone is there and it connected.
Like how many times has that not connected and just drives you

[steph]: insane?

[suthy]: Obviously I'm biased, but I think he is the best pastor
in the league, and and to your point, step the way that he is

[suthy]: shooting this year. It opens up a lot of our room from
the past, because the defense man have to respect his shot now,

[suthy]: so that hat adds like a whole new wrinkle to his game.
That has been like Debuner's point, Like this year has just been

[suthy]: night and day compared to those all rest of his career.

[steph]: Yeah, when he's coming at you with speed, man, of course,
you're shaking in your boots right like you don't know which

[steph]: way he's going to go and his edges. He just magic. but
I got to ask you guys. Do you miss the booth? The booth, the

[steph]: labooshkin, here or not anymore?

[roscoe]: I'm

[biehner]: I'd take

[suthy]: Not

[biehner]: him

[suthy]: anymore.

[biehner]: overhaul.

[roscoe]: Yeah.

[suthy]: Oh,

[roscoe]: I, I would.

[steph]: Uh,

[roscoe]: They're

[steph]: uh,

[roscoe]: about the same price. What did he give him like? two
point five or two point two or something? Um, I would take labouchkin,

[roscoe]: just because of the physeical game that he brings, and
I don't know. The fact that he hasn't scored since last season

[roscoe]: with the leaves is maybe a bit of a bit. but now,

[suthy]: I don't know if

[steph]: One hit one block

[suthy]: touching on this tonight,

[steph]: one

[suthy]: but

[steph]: shot.

[suthy]: like we all think that there was going another move.
What's going to happen right on the de end?

[roscoe]: Oh, I think so. Um, with that, let's go to questions
though, because we definitely have one on on that and I asked

[roscoe]: for some input

[suthy]: Okay?

[roscoe]: on that exact point. Um, So before we do this is just
a tweet that Lucas sent us this from Jessie Pollack leaves to

[roscoe]: found their missing puzzle piece. Shit got to love that.

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: thanks. Jessie.

[steph]: Yes, feels good.

[roscoe]: Um, the other one stuff. Do you have any from discord
while I pull up the one that I asked earlier.

[steph]: Let me check

[roscoe]: Um,

[steph]: one more time.

[roscoe]: did you do? so? I asked what piece is left for Dubs
to acquire Dgoaly depth. Let us know, and

[roscoe]: Chris Hurly of Hurley Sports says third line Winger
to play with Riano, Riley Domi, Gene Laferdy, Bugestad, What

[roscoe]: do you guys think of those picks?

[steph]: Oh

[suthy]: M,

[roscoe]: I've talked about Dome just for the laws. I want them
to get Dome and I want them to get Mckabe and Luke Shen, and

[roscoe]: where all set? But in all seriousness, I think in this
group I would take Tanner to know. M. Yeah, probably Tanner now,

[roscoe]: just because he's had a down season and last year he
was really good, so I think you might be able to get him for

[roscoe]: cheaper than the other guys at Nashville Is not in a
super blow it up mode like the other guys might be.

[biehner]: I don't mind you know, especially because he's that
type of player that he plays that little htgriddyness right

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[biehner]: like he'll

[suthy]: Hm.

[biehner]: didn't. At one point last year he was leading the league
and hits and fights or something like that.

[roscoe]: Yeah, he's a fantasy

[suthy]: Yeah, he's nasty.

[roscoe]: hit pick.

[biehner]: M. Um, I've seen a couple of things out there and I
think I think Marty was one of the ones who shared it, and I

[biehner]: actually don't mind the idea of like Luke shen Brock
Besser package from Vancouver,

[roscoe]: What would you give up for it? We don't have any picks

[biehner]: Uh, cur foot hall, and next year's first,

[roscoe]: I mean,

[biehner]: That's a massive overpay, But you're also going to
be wanting them to retain some bester salary.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: I guess you're sending kerfoot home and the first. I
just find it hard to like any time there's a package of like

[roscoe]: Yeah, we'll just send her foot and hall. It just seems
like Yeah, the two that we don't want that everybody in leaves

[roscoe]: nations like we don't want these guys. Let's just ship
them out. It just seems like nobody's going to take that, but

[roscoe]: I might also be biased because of the echo chamber of
leaves. Hate.

[biehner]: You also have to remember

[suthy]: It also

[biehner]: there's

[suthy]: depends

[biehner]: multiple

[suthy]: where you're

[biehner]: teams

[suthy]: sitting.

[biehner]: who went after cod C. C after he played for the leaves,
too, so

[roscoe]: Yeah, that's fair.

[biehner]: yeah,

[roscoe]: We also off loaded into kitosidesuffso.

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: What's up? Sort?

[suthy]: It depends where he's sending kirfwood to. Right. If
you're set into a nonplayoff team, then he doesn't really push

[suthy]: the needle at all, but he is someone who can help a play
off team right now, too. So really depends on salaries and stuff,

[suthy]: but he is an interesting trade piece right now.

[roscoe]: Yeah, because I mean Vancouver could be in a position
where they take him and flip him or somebody else could take

[roscoe]: him and flip him Like rebuilding team. Also this whole
thing about Saint Louis being in on team of Mir. Now that they

[roscoe]: got the picks from the

[suthy]: Yeah, that's

[roscoe]: Riley

[suthy]: weird.

[roscoe]: trade with Toronto, it's like what if they come in and
steal the bell of the ball when they're rebuilding just to resign

[roscoe]: him? for you know, the next couple of years, I think
that'd be the biggest slap in the face to everybody going for

[roscoe]: the playoffs

[suthy]: Let me pose this to you guys. How do you feel and this
is totally dependent on what this player wants to do. But if

[suthy]: Kane tells management I'll go to Toronto or New York,
that's it. You trade. maybe future second in a third for him.

[suthy]: How do you feel about that

[roscoe]: Just because he's saying he's going to go to somebody
that we have to play against on our trip to the Cub. You just

[roscoe]: spend whatever to get him just so that New York can't
have him.

[suthy]: Because I feel like he was asking Price is going to be
low just because of the mounted teams, like he's going to want

[suthy]: to go to So there, handcuffing Chicago right there, But

[biehner]: Yep.

[suthy]: that makes it interesting if you want to put Ryan Riley
on the third line. That gives you an elite winger on each line

[biehner]: The only thing with that is yet again, you're going
to have to be probably getting another team to broker quarter

[biehner]: of the salary

[suthy]: Salary.

[biehner]: Because what's Kane's hit? ten five right now, we only
have four point four million of deadline cap space, so even at

[biehner]: fifty percent we're still over.

[roscoe]: You need two teams. Ye

[suthy]: Or if you can include someone like Kerfoot in that trade,
Even then, his salaries little low right now, but you do need

[suthy]: a third team to eat that other salary. You right?

[roscoe]: Kidding,

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Patrick can at two and a half million, Though, if it's
retained through tough teams, I'd be hilarious. I love. like

[roscoe]: this salary cap is so stupid. Like the fact that you
can do this where I just yeah, here were retained through this

[roscoe]: team. Do you guys want? What? a fourth or a fifth round
for it? Great, Here you go. and it's just all these little things

[roscoe]: are just slap in the face to the rules. It's like just
fucking revamp this. please.

[steph]: If the If the leaves got Patrick Kane for like a miller
to Garry Betman would come down and veto that trade and be like.

[steph]: No, not for you to run on their beliefs. You are not
allowed to have

[suthy]: Uh,

[steph]: all of these elite

[roscoe]: No

[steph]: players.

[roscoe]: go.

[steph]: And now I'm making up a new rule and you

[roscoe]: You

[steph]: can't

[roscoe]: can

[steph]: do

[roscoe]: only

[steph]: that right

[roscoe]: do

[steph]: now.

[roscoe]: one retention through two teams per season.

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Uh, uh,

[steph]: Yeah, some stupid ass rule that's like effective immediately,

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: Blalalablabla, and we're like

[roscoe]: No. he'll say it was always there and he'll pull up
some page and Bill Daly's scribbled handwriting. It's like in

[roscoe]: the back of the book Poets Scotia, D. I believe a defense
minded bruising player who will keep forwards away from creating

[roscoe]: Maham in front of Sammy's slash wall. In long series,
You can't have enough heavy players. I agree. I think it's going

[roscoe]: to be tough to go after somebody like Mc Cabe, but I
also think that Lilegran did a really good job of clearing the

[roscoe]: front of the net tonight. I think he's kind of growing
into that

[suthy]: Yep,

[roscoe]: role, Learning from go, but I think just

[suthy]: He's

[roscoe]: to

[suthy]: not

[roscoe]: have

[suthy]: big, but he's nasty.

[roscoe]: exactly, but I think to have another person just to
keep like. it's not a bad thing to have another one of those

[roscoe]: to keep people out from in front of the net. So

[suthy]: Is that

[roscoe]: who is that

[suthy]: someone

[roscoe]: though,

[suthy]: like Maybe Shin?

[roscoe]: I mean, Yeah, that's a good one. Actually,

[suthy]: He's low cost. Do you know what he brings? He's steady,
stay at home defense and he's not going to do anything offensively,

[suthy]: but he will be responsible defensively.

[roscoe]: That's honestly a good one. Who else was on this last
year trying to pull it

[suthy]: He's

[roscoe]: up.

[biehner]: Now,

[suthy]: on a cup.

[biehner]: yeah, like, And that's the point I was just going to
bring up there suddenly Like. part of it's me being nostalgic,

[biehner]: because I loved Shed when the leaf drafted him, and

[suthy]: Me too.

[biehner]: even when he had his down years on those bad leaf teams,
I still loved the guy and I was, really, despite the fact that

[biehner]: Tampa was winning, I was really happy to see him have
some success. Um, you have a guy who knows his role like when

[biehner]: he was on the Lightning, he wasn't stirring it up.
You know, I was a top five pick in the Nhlbalbl. I want more

[biehner]: ice time. He knew

[suthy]: No,

[biehner]: he wasn't the best defense man on that team. He knew
he probably wasn't even the seventh best defense man on that

[biehner]: team. But when he had to, he came in played did his
job and he can play that physical clear the net style that you

[biehner]: know. everybody is saying that we need not like. I
don't want

[suthy]: I.

[biehner]: to. Yeah,

[suthy]: I think it kind of goes to your point earlier when you
mentioned about Timmons, too, like he's always in my in line

[suthy]: if I'm not, but she doesn't really worry about that stuff
because if he's in, he knows this role and he's going to play

[suthy]: that game every single game that he's in, So that's someone
you don't really have to worry about that too much. So that kind

[suthy]: of entices me a little bit more.

[roscoe]: Um, going to somebody. maybe a little cheaper at the
bottom of this list. Jol Edmonson from Montreal. What do you

[roscoe]: think of that one?

[roscoe]: A lot of a lot of head scratching going on here around
the circle.

[steph]: M. M.

[suthy]: Do you think he pushes the needle enough

[steph]: It's

[suthy]: for you?

[steph]: hard to say

[roscoe]: I mean, I think

[steph]: No.

[roscoe]: not a a ton compared to Luke Shen, but I think it's
some. I think it's enough of an improvement for a low cost if

[roscoe]: you have to do a final thing, Like if they're still
bringing in a bigger piece with the four million and they've

[roscoe]: got like you know whatever, I don't even know what his
contract is. But if they can bring him in

[suthy]: If

[roscoe]: for

[suthy]: you're

[roscoe]: cheap,

[suthy]: looking at Montreal? D? do you make me consider David
Savard instead and pay a tiny bit more Because his name has been

[suthy]: thrown out there, too.

[roscoe]: Yeah, what is Edmonson's at three and a half a season?
And what's the? about? Yeah, David Sevarts, a decent defense

[roscoe]: pick there. Grab. They both make the

[steph]: I

[roscoe]: same.

[steph]: trust dupes and you know, just looking at the cat friendly
for Vancouver for one sec, two big names jumping out like Sorumlesort,

[steph]: Elia on l, T, R, and Travis Dermot on

[roscoe]: I.

[steph]: R. So bitter sweets, you

[suthy]: You

[steph]: know,

[suthy]: know

[steph]: we could be in the same situation as them. And hopefully
Dubus goes after someone who's interested in staying

[suthy]: Tang.

[steph]: right. That's a huge thing for him. not just A lot for
rental, and someone who will take a team friendly contract. Maybe

[steph]: Ontario

[roscoe]: So here's

[steph]: boy

[roscoe]: the thing

[steph]: again,

[roscoe]: with that Luke

[suthy]: M.

[roscoe]: Sens deal expires at the end of this year. Edmonson
and Savard, just for example, are both signed passed this year,

[roscoe]: So Edmonson signed next

[suthy]: Yes,

[roscoe]: year. Savard signed for the next two years, both at
three and a half millions. So it's not a crazy big deal, but

[roscoe]: it's obviously it's not insignificant. Is not a League
Men contract that you might be able to get Shan to stick around

[roscoe]: on if you bring him in, But it's also a question mark
and he could just leave and sign for more. Where else, because

[roscoe]: apparently his value has gone up, because even though
he's on an eight hundred and fifty k expiring deal, everybody

[roscoe]: all of a sudden wants Luke Shen, I have to hand it to
his agent who has done a fantastic job of getting the conversation

[roscoe]: going around somebody who really I, I didn't think we'd
be talking about right now.

[suthy]: Well, to be fair like this is not a buyers market right,
this is a seller's market. There's not too many big names or

[suthy]: even that many names out there in general. right,

[roscoe]: Well, I mean the fact that Nolichari was listed as number
ten on the Tsns list of trade bat.

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: I mean, we got to adopt End great. It just seems like
that's crazy to think about. Okay.

[suthy]: And like

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Go ahead.

[suthy]: you now, this idea of keeping people for years after
this one. I'm not a huge believer in that like this is our window

[suthy]: right now. Let's do whatever you have to do. Let's fucking
do this this year. We'll figure out stuff in the off season,

[suthy]: but let's bring in who we need to and not worry about
contract status after this year.

[biehner]: Another one who has kind of gone off the radar, probably
because of how shittyfa team has been on all season is John Lingburg,

[roscoe]: Yeah, Clingburg and Gosesbare, both on that list. To
as much talk as there is around Chickerand. I think Ghost is

[roscoe]: going to be a pretty big one that Arizona can move on

[suthy]: Agreed.

[roscoe]: well Clingburg. I don't know. I've never gotten the
hype around him like he's He moved to Anaheim and things didn't.

[roscoe]: what, From an hem to Dallas or Das to an He'm sorry

[biehner]: Dallas,

[roscoe]: and

[biehner]: Danahamia,

[roscoe]: Dales, to Anthem, and Anahymhas been shipped like they
thought that that was going to be the first piece of them putting

[roscoe]: things back Together, And now they're like we don't
know what to do so clearly that didn't work and I just I don't

[roscoe]: love the head space that he's probably in over the last
few years.

[suthy]: I don't either, because I feel like he's on the same
leave length as Riley Right now. They're both trying to figure

[suthy]: out there off in some game and you don't need two players
doing that right now.

[roscoe]: Speaking of this whole talk around Edmonton, getting
Carlson, like, Um, we tried having two Tyson berries. It doesn't

[roscoe]: work like they're going to earn that real quick. If
they spend a taunt on Carlson. they're going to have Tyson Berry

[roscoe]: going. So what do I do here and then they're gonna go

[steph]: Hm,

[roscoe]: Tyson's not that good at anything, and he goes funk.
You guys. put me back to what I was doing. I don't

[suthy]: Uh,

[roscoe]: know if you saw it tonight,

[suthy]: uh,

[roscoe]: but he scored a power play goal with three seconds left
in the period and it was their first shot like Fifteen minutes.

[steph]: Oh, Oh,

[roscoe]: Yeah, it was right off of face

[steph]: well,

[roscoe]: off.

[steph]: oh my God, we'll be interesting to see what these veterans
pick right. and if they want to go to a contending team for the

[steph]: right price, I feel like a lot of these bigger names
have so much control. but there's no movement because there's

[steph]: either the prices too high or I don't know, or they waited
too long. Kind of like Patrick Kane and the Rangers, in a sense,

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: but

[roscoe]: I think it's

[steph]: We'll

[roscoe]: interesting

[suthy]: M.

[steph]: see

[roscoe]: that we've seen Terra Sancho and Riley both go so long
before the deadline, because it's going to make deadline pretty

[roscoe]: boring for the guys that got to sit there for six hours,
and it also sets the market like pretty far in advance. You know,

[roscoe]: there's not as much speculation.

[suthy]: Yes,

[roscoe]: I think a lot of deals are going to be things that we're
sitting on the table are going O be rehashed now between

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: today and deadline. Like I think that threw everything
for a spin Because you know what Is being talked about. they

[roscoe]: can now say okay, Hold pump the breaks here. The leaves
only have to spend that we're not spending. We're not giving

[roscoe]: you our top prospect now Like

[biehner]: Only had to spend that. you must not be reading Sarah
Ellis reports

[suthy]: Oh

[roscoe]: Well,

[suthy]: old Frankie,

[roscoe]: when the conversation has been around Matthew Nis being
traded, and like all the names people were throwing around, the

[roscoe]: fact that it was like Oh, Adam Goddet, who barely cracked
the line up that we signed in the off season and a couple picks

[roscoe]: and lower prospect like a mid ter prospect. Great, That
was not what everybody was talking about the leaves having to

[roscoe]: spend for any of these things. It's not what we talked
about them having to spend even to get Ryan Riley back in December.

[roscoe]: We, though I was on a be more than that and they got
him retained seventy five percent. Like that's the thing. I think.

[roscoe]: That's going to be the sticking point for other teams
as they're going to go. and you're going to retain. What do you

[roscoe]: mean? Well,

[biehner]: I

[roscoe]: because

[biehner]: love scene.

[roscoe]: we've got.

[suthy]: But

[roscoe]: We've

[suthy]: the closer,

[roscoe]: got Seattle on the phone or Arizona on the phone and
they're willing to take twenty five.

[suthy]: The closer you get to deadline, till the stakes get a
little higher. the pressure gets a little more. So that's when

[suthy]: you start seeing deals that maybe you wouldn't see a
couple of weeks ahead. So that's why I really really appreciate

[suthy]: what do? busted and like, got the steel done two weeks
ahead of time.

[biehner]: We

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[biehner]: even hit Sorry, Johnny. Go ahead.

[roscoe]: No, no, no, go for it.

[biehner]: I was just going to say like, for the most part, Dubs
has preferred doing things a little bit at a time right, like

[biehner]: the Muzzin trade. I think that was a couple of weeks.
Actually think that one was in was

[suthy]: Same with full. you

[biehner]: maybe

[suthy]: know.

[biehner]: even a month before the dead line. Like

[suthy]: Yep,

[biehner]: the Campbell trade At everything right, I

[roscoe]: Labushkin

[biehner]: think the feline.

[roscoe]: was in December.

[biehner]: Yeah, like he does a lot of things beforehand, and
then on the deadline, he typically doesn't like to do anything

[biehner]: major, which isn't a bad thing, because it gives the
players that extra handful Games to get you know, acclimated

[biehner]: to their team to their city. Everything like that.

[roscoe]: Yeah, because deadline

[suthy]: True, and

[roscoe]: does

[suthy]: he kind

[roscoe]: cut

[suthy]: of

[roscoe]: it

[suthy]: dictates

[roscoe]: pretty close

[suthy]: the

[roscoe]: to

[suthy]: market

[roscoe]: the end of the

[suthy]: too.

[roscoe]: season. Sorry. what's at the?

[suthy]: Yeah, because like he kind of gets to dictate the market
too. And like what you said, Johnny. Like the trade down line

[suthy]: is really really close. T the end of the season. It's
I think it's probably ten and fifteen games too close. But once

[suthy]: you started going down to the wire like that, then you,
you are probably going to over pay more than you would if you

[suthy]: made a deal a couple of weeks ahead of time,

[roscoe]: Yeah, I think the name that came up that made me really
think about. like how little players got to acclimate to their

[roscoe]: teams. Who was it Who went back? Was it Sammy Blay?
No funk. Not that one who was the one that the Rangers got

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: back.

[biehner]: Sammy Blay,

[roscoe]: It wasn't him now that I'm thinking, I'm thinking of
somebody else,

[biehner]: Got

[roscoe]: somebody

[biehner]: it,

[roscoe]: that they, Tyler

[suthy]: Martin.

[biehner]: Ermotmtmot,

[steph]: Mont

[roscoe]: Mott, Tyler

[steph]: Tyler,

[roscoe]: Mot, that

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: Mont.

[roscoe]: they rented last year, and I was looking at how many
games he played and it was like nine regular Seas Games before

[roscoe]: they went into the playoffs. Like I can't imagine trying
to get a guy acclimated into your line up nine games before the

[roscoe]: playoffs. And that was like your one of your rentals.
Like that's crazy. That's like what we were looking at with Nick

[roscoe]: Folio, So I get doing it this much earlier because you
know you get an extra whatever, six to ten games with the player.

[suthy]: True Line was an interesting case because he had to do
the fourteen day quarantine, but

[roscoe]: Oh

[suthy]: yeah,

[roscoe]: yeah,

[suthy]: getting so on so late it's so crazy.

[biehner]: Fourteen day quarantine. He was still hurt.

[roscoe]: I forgot about that.

[suthy]: Yeah, yeah,

[roscoe]: Okay, so with a few minutes left here, we're going to
play a clip from Lord Batman, so everybody mewed up for a sec,

[roscoe]: Ho,

[suthy]: Desperation

[roscoe]: boy,

[suthy]: is a stinky cologne.

[roscoe]: So before we even unpack that today, friend of the N.
H, l. K, M. Alio retreated this video. Did you guys see this

[roscoe]: what you quoted it with?

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: So

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: a Kemal? Does it get any more embarrassing? Commissioner
of the N. L. begging Arizona tax payers for votes to fund new

[roscoe]: arena? Well, team has lost millions of dollars Spanish
decades. while there are multiple viable markets to move this

[roscoe]: team, All Well players cover costs for the foreseeable
future of Torched,

[roscoe]: But he's not wrong.

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Like I've

[suthy]: No,

[roscoe]: never

[suthy]: he's not.

[roscoe]: seen any of these arena votes go through. That had to
be assisted by the commissioner like putting out a campaign saying

[roscoe]: like, Hey guys, vote yes on

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: whatever for your new arena like,

[suthy]: He comes across as like a shifty politician just grifting
his way into what he wants.

[roscoe]: Yeah, it's it. just screams of this is my project. you
know, like he's personally invested. There's no way he would

[roscoe]: be on the ground doing this for any other team in this
league. Like with Auto Wha, right now when they're going through

[roscoe]: He's It's all behind doors at setting up meetings for
Ryan Reynolds and letting that all happen. This is the one where

[roscoe]: he's like. No, I personally want to and need to be involved
in what happens here. and it's becoming more and more obvious

[roscoe]: with every step of this Plan For the last, I don't know.
Two years now, that's just been falling apart. Uh

[suthy]: It's

[steph]: It's

[suthy]: a

[steph]: like

[suthy]: huge.

[steph]: he has to follow through on his side of the deal and
deliver to some sort of promise. Now he's crying for the help.

[biehner]: There is

[steph]: I don't know

[biehner]: legitimately five

[suthy]: It's a huge.

[biehner]: arenas in the O h. L. that can see more than the arena
the cayotes are in right now in the Ontario Hawke league that

[biehner]: teen agers play in

[roscoe]: Or

[suthy]: Yeah, to me, it's

[steph]: Who.

[suthy]: a big case of like term limits on commissioners because
this is just getting under control. It's like Johnny said, It's

[suthy]: a pet project for him at this point and everyone seems
to see through it but him.

[roscoe]: Yeah, just to expand this from just ripping on Arizona
inbetment. I read more into Marti Walsh, who is going to be taking

[roscoe]: over the N. l, P. A. And this is why I think things
are going to get real interesting for the next whatever labor

[roscoe]: bargaining dispute that happens between him and Batman.
So like we mentioned, Marti Walsh is leaving his post as the

[roscoe]: Secretary of Labor for President Joe Bidin, So this
is all Ready. like somebody who's in charge of how employees

[roscoe]: are treated essentially, but looking at his history,
he was the mayor of Boston, and before that joined the Laborers

[roscoe]: Union local Two Twenty three at aged twenty one, and
served as the union's president from his time and state legislature

[roscoe]: until he became mayor of Boston. So this guy, his entire

[suthy]: M.

[roscoe]: career has just been in unions and fighting for workers.
So no, he's not a lawyer, But does he know exactly what he's

[roscoe]: doing here and does he know what to take lawyers on?
Yeah, and this is going to be real fun to watch. It's going to

[roscoe]: be fun in the most sea span. as boring way.

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: It's as funny as paper

[suthy]: It's

[roscoe]: work

[suthy]: a

[roscoe]: can be. You

[suthy]: David

[roscoe]: know

[suthy]: and Goliah type of thing. right.

[biehner]: On the

[roscoe]: Which

[biehner]: bright

[roscoe]: ones

[biehner]: side.

[roscoe]: which?

[biehner]: On the bright side, I found out.

[suthy]: Wow,

[biehner]: Are we found out recently that N h, L team is temporarily
being moved from fifteen minutes away from me to being thirty

[biehner]: minutes away from me. So the Hamilton Bull Dogs are
going to be the Branford Bull Dogs for a couple of seasons, So

[suthy]: Oh

[biehner]: when there is

[roscoe]: Oh,

[biehner]: a lock out over that, then I can go to Morrow Chel

[roscoe]: Whoa,

[suthy]: Yeah.

[roscoe]: what happened? What happened

[steph]: I.

[roscoe]: there?

[steph]: S.

[biehner]: Just saying, Oh, wow, the First Ontario Center has
to go through a bunch of renovations,

[roscoe]: Oh,

[suthy]: M.

[roscoe]: So

[biehner]: So you know that the Civic Center in Brantford, that
used to be one of the off season training grounds and and training

[biehner]: camp places for like the Detroit Red Wings in the sixties,
is still open and is going to the house, The Hamilton or the

[biehner]: Branford Bull Dogs For a couple of seasons.

[suthy]: Interesting.

[steph]: Interesting.

[roscoe]: I want to hear a fun auto. A fact For thirty dollars.

[steph]: Yes,

[roscoe]: you can either buy a ticket to an auto Sixty seven wins
or spit fire game or you can get a Bo Go deal with the sins and

[roscoe]: get two games for thirty dollars.

[biehner]: That's awesome.

[suthy]: What deal is this?

[roscoe]: I got email the Bo Go leaf or sends deal. I'll send
it to you, but it's for like. some of the games aren't bad. actually,

[roscoe]: but yeah, thirty bucks and you can pick two games.

[suthy]: All Right

[biehner]: M

[suthy]: Might do that

[steph]: Wow,

[biehner]: sixty seven against spit fires. Wouldn't be too bad.
You get to see Shane, right,

[roscoe]: Yeah, I've been

[suthy]: True.

[roscoe]: kind of checking T place one as this Friday is at this
Friday At seven.

[suthy]: If you go, let me know.

[roscoe]: You want to go

[suthy]: Sure,

[roscoe]: This Friday? Let's do it. General admission is fifteen

[suthy]: There you go early of cheap year.

[roscoe]: Oh, I love it and T. T is so much easier to get to than
the Canadian Tire inner.

[suthy]: Complete sign note, you have tickets for the Leaves game
on April first, Right

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[suthy]: Here we go.

[roscoe]: Hell, yeah, yeah, for anyone who doesn't know, the Sixty
Seven arena is like literally in the core of the like middle

[roscoe]: of Adowa, It's It's in a

[suthy]: It

[roscoe]: fun

[suthy]: should

[roscoe]: place.

[suthy]: be where the Nchelarena should be.

[roscoe]: Eh, No kidding. Okay, anything, we close off with it
to night. Let's get out of here. It's light

[biehner]: Uh, couple Leafs notes for history,

[roscoe]: As

[biehner]: Um. Yesterday, twenty four years ago was opening night
at the A C, C, Now Scotia Bank Arena,

[steph]: No,

[suthy]: Fuck him old.

[roscoe]: That's pretty cool.

[biehner]: Susy, Um,

[suthy]: I remember that.

[biehner]: And then, unfortunately, on this day back in nineteen
seventy four, one of the greatest leaps ever played. the game

[biehner]: passed away suddenly in a car accident.

[roscoe]: And now they make Greek wraps and Brito bowls in his
name. right,

[biehner]: Uh, yeah, and flapredpizas

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[biehner]: Um, Tim

[roscoe]: went away

[biehner]: Horton,

[roscoe]: to honor him.

[biehner]: Tim Horton played parts of twenty different seasons
with the Maple Leaves franchise,

[roscoe]: It's wild.

[suthy]: Wow,

[biehner]: And one of the greatest defense men who ever played
the game. He was playing for the Sabers at the time, driving

[biehner]: back from Toronto to Buffalo and was in a accident.

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: Wow.

[roscoe]: tragic,

[suthy]: Well, Ben, I had that earlier start about the five or
six game, but you came back and took the crown as it

[biehner]: Yeah,

[suthy]: is yours. congratulations,

[roscoe]: M.

[steph]: Well, Tim Horton wouldn't be happy to learn that you
now need to spend thirty dollars at Tim hour tons to get a free

[steph]: coffee with a new point system. I know. complete

[roscoe]: Wait.

[steph]: change

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: of

[roscoe]: was trying

[steph]: topic

[roscoe]: to

[suthy]: Uh,

[roscoe]: figure

[steph]: here.

[roscoe]: out what you guys meant by all that, so you win points
from doing the Tims picks, but you have to spend thirty dollars

[roscoe]: to be able to use the points.

[steph]: No, so pretty much, after so many visits you would get
a free item, but now the points are per dollar instead of per

[steph]: visit,

[roscoe]: Oh,

[steph]: so you must spend

[suthy]: The

[steph]: a certain amount to get

[roscoe]: I mean, per visit

[steph]: the points

[roscoe]: is just

[steph]: too,

[roscoe]: a stupid business model in general, like I've never
heard of a place that.

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: Just besides, like I don't know subway, Like with the
sub card like, it just seems a little

[suthy]: No,

[roscoe]: like points should be based on how much you spend. This
is the thing that passes me off about optimum points when I go

[roscoe]: to La Laws, and it's like why is it not what I want
to Just get points for what I spend. What I have to spend Like

[roscoe]: ten dollars on avacatos to get three hundred bonus points.
Like stupid,

[steph]: But it's kind of like Macdonald's where

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: you

[roscoe]: like

[steph]: know

[roscoe]: their points.

[steph]: After buying seven, you get your next free. but now you

[roscoe]: That's not what

[steph]: spend.

[roscoe]: Mc Donald. this is. Mc Donald has points for all the
money you spend. You get points and you can use the points to

[roscoe]: buy ship on the app.

[suthy]: Johnny Nobles.

[steph]: Well, remember the stickers off the cups.

[roscoe]: Oh,

[suthy]: Oh,

[roscoe]: I think

[suthy]: I do.

[steph]: The.

[roscoe]: I don't know if they still do that.

[biehner]: I remember Macdonald's

[steph]: Yeah, they

[biehner]: kids,

[steph]: were doing

[biehner]: mealpizais,

[steph]: it recently.

[biehner]: Okay, Like come on,

[suthy]: Me too.

[steph]: Yeah, I remember

[biehner]: They

[steph]: that.

[biehner]: were amazing.

[roscoe]: Yeah, you guys are

[suthy]: Yeah.

[roscoe]: old.

[suthy]: hashed. bring him back.

[steph]: Yeah,

[biehner]: Apparently,

[roscoe]: I have.

[biehner]: there's one Macdonald's in the state somewhere That
still does it.

[roscoe]: Yes, there is. I had a friend who went to it.

[steph]: M.

[roscoe]: The

[suthy]: Uh,

[roscoe]: The Nasteljimcdonald's thing I have is the The Spy Kids
toys. Those were like the coolest thing when I was a kid, Because

[roscoe]: like they gave you like the glasses, that made you look
a little spy. And it was like all these gadgets that did things.

[roscoe]: That was

[suthy]: I remember that

[roscoe]: that

[suthy]: and

[roscoe]: was

[suthy]: the

[roscoe]: the height

[suthy]: arch

[roscoe]: of

[suthy]: delucts,

[steph]: Huh.

[roscoe]: That

[biehner]: My,

[roscoe]: was the height

[biehner]: my

[roscoe]: of mhabymaltoys.

[biehner]: dad. I don't know if you guys remember when Inspector
Gadget came out, there was

[roscoe]: Yep,

[biehner]: all the different happy meal

[suthy]: Oh yes,

[biehner]: toys

[roscoe]: Oh

[biehner]: that

[roscoe]: yeah,

[biehner]: you pieced together to make like a foot and a half
two foot tall. Inspector Gadget. My dad led your literally drove

[biehner]: across the country to get me all those pieces.

[roscoe]: Oh, my lord, you just

[steph]: No,

[roscoe]: unlocked a weird core memory that had been lost. I totally

[biehner]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: forgot about that thing and now it's like Oh,

[suthy]: The

[roscoe]: I can

[suthy]: nineties

[roscoe]: see

[suthy]: As a

[roscoe]: it.

[suthy]: funny thing for that, Everyone like the whole pepsy points
and they got sued over the jet because someone tried saving up

[suthy]: for all those pepsy points.

[biehner]: Oh, that's

[roscoe]: Oh

[biehner]: an

[roscoe]: yeah,

[biehner]: awesome Netflix special.

[roscoe]: That. and

[suthy]: It is

[roscoe]: well, we're on it, Mick. Millions. If you guys haven't
seen that, I think it's on H. B and crave.

[suthy]: Very good to.

[biehner]: Another Netflix one to watch Because of the humor is
just absolutely incredible, Is conk on earth.

[roscoe]: What's

[steph]: Oh, I've seen

[biehner]: It

[steph]: that.

[biehner]: is

[roscoe]: nice.

[steph]: it's

[biehner]: so

[steph]: funny

[biehner]: funny.

[steph]: as well.

[roscoe]: I think I'm as of today

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: locked out of Netflix. but we'll see.

[suthy]: Yeah.

[biehner]: Pay your bill, Johnny.

[steph]: Totally recommend Conk on Earth.

[roscoe]: Oh stuff. We checked out that the dating show The Perfect
Match. You didn't tell me,

[steph]: Do you

[roscoe]: Shine

[steph]: like it?

[roscoe]: from love, as blind as on it. He's my favorite and Chase
from from Too

[steph]: Oh

[roscoe]: hot

[steph]: my

[roscoe]: and

[steph]: God,

[roscoe]: Francesca, the auto

[steph]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: home girl. come on.

[steph]: I didn't want to ruin it.

[roscoe]: No,

[steph]: She's from

[roscoe]: she's

[steph]: Vancouver.

[roscoe]: from Manator. Can I try?

[suthy]: Oh, from

[steph]: Well,

[suthy]: the ti.

[steph]: her first show put

[roscoe]: Yeah, because

[steph]: Vancouver

[roscoe]: saying you're from Vancouver

[steph]: so

[roscoe]: sounds a lot better than saying you're from Manti,

[suthy]: M.

[biehner]: Oh.

[suthy]: Hm,

[steph]: Well, Obviously I've never googled

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: her. Clearly. what do you think

[roscoe]: No,

[steph]: of

[roscoe]: no,

[steph]: me?

[roscoe]: no, I

[suthy]: If

[roscoe]: just

[suthy]: you're for man, take your riches. Fuck though, so that's
not too bad.

[roscoe]: Yeah. I think it just she was living.

[steph]: Oh,

[roscoe]: She was living

[steph]: well,

[roscoe]: in

[steph]: look

[roscoe]: Vancouver

[steph]: at her.

[roscoe]: when she went on the show, but she's from here

[steph]: She needs a budget just to keep up with

[suthy]: Uh,

[steph]: the

[roscoe]: Regardless.

[suthy]: uh

[steph]: the features like the plastic

[roscoe]: I like

[steph]: right

[roscoe]: the addition of all these people from other shows, but
the show itself kind of the premise is a little lame.

[steph]: It is, but it gets better because you're kind of forced
to stay in the relationship so they're not actually looking for

[steph]: love. Of course, but it gets kind of cut through. Did
you watch the first four episodes?

[roscoe]: Um, Kind of they've been on. I think Malins more into
it than I am.

[steph]: Yeah, I know, I'm just I was just more excited for the
namesake, you know, And then you see the board of all the previous

[roscoe]: Anyways.

[suthy]: Anyway.

[steph]: anyway.

[roscoe]: good night, everybody,

[steph]: Friday, Minnesota

[roscoe]: Minnesota,

[suthy]: Yep,

[roscoe]: Karil, Caprice, of and flurry,

[steph]: Flurry, If he's in Gustison, played tonight,

[roscoe]: I've been

[steph]: but

[roscoe]: holding

[steph]: I need some

[roscoe]: gustus.

[steph]: starts. flurry.

[roscoe]: Gust of Sin has

[steph]: Okay,

[roscoe]: been

[suthy]: Yeah,

[roscoe]: my little fantasy stream lately, Him and Phoenix Copley

[steph]: Man

[roscoe]: and Connor Ingram. I've had the most random goles coming
up clutch for me lately.

[steph]: Thompson out, and of course you pick up fucking Gustison

[suthy]: Yeah,

[steph]: and Copley, the ones that

[roscoe]: Yeah,

[steph]: are popping

[roscoe]: I was like

[steph]: off

[roscoe]: my goles.

[steph]: off the

[roscoe]: Michel's

[steph]: freaking

[roscoe]: hard.

[steph]: wire.

[roscoe]: I grab Conner Ingram, Forty six save, shut out for Arizona.

[roscoe]: Let's go

[steph]: Yeah, I know, in that trade you pulled off today you
got Sirgachev for graves.

[roscoe]: It.

[steph]: Oh my god, Scott, I know you're listening, bad trade,
but I couldn't veto it, but I'm so sorry.

[suthy]: Bad fucking trade.

[roscoe]: Thank you. Thank you. I was sitting on the toilet and

[steph]: I'm

[roscoe]: I

[steph]: sorry,

[roscoe]: got that

[steph]: Scott.

[roscoe]: one and if I wasn't already on the toilet, I would have
shipped myself

[steph]: I was watching the life game

[suthy]: M.

[steph]: trying

[suthy]: Hm.

[steph]: not to ship myself because I had to push accept and not
get yelled at for that anyway.

[suthy]: On that note,

[roscoe]: Good bye.

[suthy]: Good bye,

[roscoe]: All right?

[suthy]: Yeah.

[steph]: I'm ready.

Episode Video

Creators and Guests

Father - Husband - MechanicMaple Leafs Fanatic / Hockey HistorianCo-Host and contributor w/ The Leafs Late Night Podcast
Steph the Fanalyst 🏒🍁
Steph the Fanalyst 🏒🍁
Everything Leafs, fantasy, and NHL! Co-host of @LeafsLateNight, your #1 post-game podcast for breakdowns of the game and more! #Leafsforever 💙🤍🏒🍁🏳️‍🌈
Maple Leafs post-game podcast available everywhere with @FanalystSteph and Roscoe leafslatenight@gmail.com
Where it's Never Too Late for the Leafs💙🤍Presented by @inside_the_rink🎙️Roscoe @FanalystSteph @Andrew_jds @biehn25 @dartybrodeur🎙️Opinions are our own 😎